“Where am I?” Pakura finally woke up leisurely. As soon as he woke up, he immediately sat up with excitement, and the painful whole body trembled, “hiss…”

“Don’t worry, it’s safe.” I said calmly to her.

Pakura immediately became quiet after hearing what I said, looked at the bandage wrapped around the whole body, and then lay down slowly.

“You gave me the medicine and then bandaged it?” Although she couldn’t see her face, I could hear the shyness in her tone.

“Yes, your whole body’s skin is severely burned, and your clothes are all burned. I have to put medicine on you.” I was very calm. Although I looked at her body, something happened. Urgent, how can there be that many taboos.

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, so I joked: “To be honest, you have a really good figure, hehe.”

I was the one at the time, I wanted to beat myself. pause.

“Smelly Rogue!” Pakura snorted, scolded, and then puchi laughed. Obviously, she was not angry.

“Strongest Kazekage is really not built, even if I use the most powerful Pakura mode, I am still no match for Sandaime, which is really shameful.” Pakura said a little frustrated.

“Can’t say that, you’re already very difficult to deal with, and being able to deal with that is also considered as not insulting the name of Kazekage, but after all, people are called Strongest Kazekage, and you lose. Not ashamed.” I am comforted, “Actually, you should think so, no matter how strong Third-Kazakage is, he is dead and will not improve anymore. Unlike you, you still have room for improvement, there will come a day, You will surpass him.”

“You are right, there will come a day, and I will surpass him and become Strongest Kazekage.” Hearing my words, Pakura’s eyes were full of fighting spirit, “Thank you You.”

“It’s me who should say thank you. If it weren’t for you desperately procrastinating, I would have no time to Refining Chakra. Sasori would have killed it and made it a Puppet.” I’m a little guilty. , Sighed then said, “If I hadn’t taken you to Shenxuan Mountain, you wouldn’t have suffered such a heavy injury. I’m really ashamed and unable to show one’s face.”

“don’t Say this, it’s me who came to you to go for a walk. It’s not your problem. Encountering the expert in Akatsuki can only be regarded as our bad luck.” Pakura said optimistically, “Anyway, I’m still alive. Escaped, it’s not dead.”

“But your injury…” Seeing Pakura with a whole body wrapped in bandages, I blame myself very much. I am afraid that she will suffer such severe burns. For half of my life I have to have a whole body wrapped in bandages like Second-Tsuchikage Wu Mao. For a beautiful girl, this is a very huge blow, it can be said that it is more uncomfortable than death.

“No way, you will never see my beautiful face again.” Pakura didn’t care, said with a smile, “I’m afraid I can’t get married.”

“Yes… I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what to say, and replied faintly, “I owe you my life, what will happen to you in the future, as long as it does not harm Konoha’s interests, I climb a mountain of Swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire will be done for you.”

“Really?” Pakura’s eyes widened.

“With a word of a gentleman, a horse is hard to chase.” I replied without the slightest hesitation.

“Then I want you…” Pakura deliberately prolonged the tone, “Marry me!”

“Hmm…I didn’t ask…What?” I almost agreed, but She was shocked again, and immediately reacted, “I’m sorry, this won’t work.”

“What you said just now will do.” Pakura turned her head aside some panting with rage, “Is it because I am disfigured, so you dislike me!”

“It’s not…I…” I don’t know how to explain it, for fear of her misunderstanding.

“It’s not for this reason. Even if you are the original you, I would not agree to marry you.”

“Why? What’s wrong with me?” Pakura asked back.

“To be honest, you are very good, strength is strong, beautiful, good figure, perfect.” I replied, “But, I can’t marry you.”

” First, you are Kazekage, and I am Konoha and an ordinary Jonin. The two of us together will cause a series of diplomatic problems. My current strength cannot solve this, and the village will not allow it.” I have a reason to say To.

“But this is not the main thing. Second, I am married. I love my wife very much. This is the most important thing, so I can’t…” I categorically rejected Pakura’s confession. , Although it is cruel, but there is no way.

“But…but…your wife has passed away!” Pakura’s eyes flickered, “You should start a new life, I like you very much, I can allow you to pay There is her, as long as I have a position.”

Pakura’s words are all about this. For a girl, this is already a very difficult decision. I love her very much. However, I cannot agree.

“I’m sorry, my heart has died with Xiaoxue, I can’t be irresponsible to you.” I heave a long sigh, and said, “Your love, I have no blessings.”

“I’m not someone who is hopelessly muddled. If you say so, I won’t insist on it.” After all, it was Kazekage, Pakura did not get muddled and stopped the topic decisively, “In addition, you don’t have to Responsible, I won’t be disfigured, I’m Scorch-Style Pakula, these burns are nothing, they will heal automatically after a while.”

“Well, then I’m relieved.” I’m relieved, my burden is lighter.

“I’m fine. Send me back to Hidden Sand Village. Kazekage is missing. This will make a big deal.” Pakura said coldly.

I have no way to refute. Even if her injury is still serious, she said that it is very reasonable. Kazekage’s disappearance is not a trivial matter. If it does not happen, there will be a conflict with Konoha, and it may even start a war. .

I didn’t dare to neglect, I raised Pakura, thoughts moved back to Hidden Sand Village.

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