“Lord-Kazekage!” As soon as I saw Pakura, the jonins from Hidden Sand rushed over and pushed me aside, “Lord-Kazekage, you are back, you I’ve been missing for almost a day! Anbu can’t be found everywhere!”

“Sorry, sorry, I worried everyone, there was something unexpected.” Pakura said apologetically.

“What happened? Lord-Kazekage how did you hurt like this? Is there an enemy coming?” Kazekage’s entourage asked worriedly, “You can hurt Lord-Kazekage like this, the enemy At least it’s Kage Level, which village’s expert? Or Missing-nin.”

“Yes, it’s Missing-nin of Hidden Sand, grandson of Chiyo’s mother-in-law, that genius Puppeteer, Sasori of the Red Sand.” Pakura replied.

“What! Sasori of the Red Sand? It turned out to be him!” The Jonins were astonished. “That is the original Hidden Sand brilliant and well-known character. Even the strongest Third-Kazakage has ever been. I praised him, but unfortunately he defected and Third-Kazakage mysteriously disappeared. We thought Lord-Kazekage, like Third-Kazakage, disappeared.”

“I found Third-Kazakage. “Pakura said word by word, expressionless.

“What????!!!” The Jonins’ expressions became even more shocked, their mouths opened so that they could squeeze an egg, “Third-Kazakage, who has been missing for fifteen years, is still alive? Then What about others?”

“no, he died fifteen years ago, was assassinated by Sasori of the Red Sand, and then made a Puppet, I was fighting with that Puppet, and then being serious injury.” Pakura explained, and then pointed at me, “Thanks to this, Konoha’s messenger, black lightning, Hatake Kurone saved me, or I’m afraid I will die in the hands of Sasori of the Red Sand and become One of his Puppets.”

“Lord-Kazekage passed the prize. The leader of the league is in trouble. I should do my best to help.” After listening to Pakura, I certainly knew she was looking for someone. The reason took me off to prevent the people of Hidden Sand from making trouble and affecting the negotiation of the alliance. After all, I have a great responsibility for this matter. Pakura gave the steps, so I naturally borrowed the donkey from the slope.

“It’s really many thanks Kurone Lord. If it weren’t for Kurone Lord, our Hidden Sand would have to suffer a major loss. Other villages would definitely take advantage of it. You saved our village.” Jonin listened. After Pakura’s words, she seemed very respectful to me, and collectively bowed to me.

“You are polite, we will soon be an alliance, and this is what it should be.” Because of diplomatic issues, I had to brazenly say these things, “Lord-Kazekage is not hurt, I just After preliminary treatment, you should send Lord-Kazekage to the Medic Team for treatment as soon as possible. Don’t leave any root causes. There is also alliance negotiation, so please sign it as soon as possible.”

“Well, Kurone Lord thought about it. Thoughtful, Lord-Kazekage, we will send you to the Medic Team.”

“Un.” Pakura gave me a meaningful look and followed his entourage.

Three days later, Pakura was almost restored, brought a group of Hidden Sand high level, and Nara Shikaku they discussed and signed an alliance treaty, because I did not have enough rank, I was only responsible for the security of the venue. I don’t know what the specific content of the alliance treaty is, but I am not interested.

Nara Shikaku told me about it mysteriously until the negotiation ended and went back. Hidden Sand went uncharacteristically and promised many favorable conditions for Konoha, which made him very strange. I’m not too surprised. I guess that 80% of Hidden Sand is thankful for saving their Kazekage.

On the 2nd day after the negotiation, our mission team finally left Hidden Sand and went back to Konoha. Pakura took Hidden Sand’s Jonins to see us off, and they were sent hundreds of meters outside Heaven’s Line. The place.

“Lord-Kazekage doesn’t have to send so far, it’s too polite, it really hurts us.” Nara Shikaku was a little sorry.

“Hatake Kurone, I won’t just give up like that.” Pakura ignored Nara Shikaku at all, staring straight at me, and said.

This made Nara Shikaku scratch her head awkwardly, then stepped aside.

“Why is this, girl Pakura, we don’t…” I said helplessly.

“Well, don’t rush to conclusions. The road ahead is still long. You should go. Come to Hidden Sand when you have time. Anyway, your Flying Thunder God Jutsu is also very convenient.” Pakura said with a smile, and waved Flying Thunder God Kunai.

“That’s all, let’s talk about it later, if the mountains and rivers meet, say goodbye.”

Farewell to Pakura, Konoha’s envoys are on the way, and the negotiation team is still the same as when they came. In the middle, the guards scattered around to protect the negotiating team.

“Kurone.” After a long distance from Hidden Sand Village, Nara Shikaku stopped me.

“What’s the matter?” I slowed down and walked to him, “What’s the matter?”

“No, I’m just a little curious, although it feels very troublesome, But I still want to ask clearly.” Nara Shikaku asked with a funny face, “Is Kazekage interesting to you? See how she looks and speaks to you.”

“Okay, don’t worry about these problems. Nothing.” I was a little angry, and did not answer him, “Speed ​​up, hurry up.” Seeing that I was angry, Nara Shikaku, who had a smirk on his face, put away his smile. Did not speak any more.

After returning to the village, we came to Hokage’s Office to report the mission. Third Hokage heard me and Nara Shikaku’s mission details report, especially the successful signing of the treaty. I was very happy and praised us.

“Well, other people go back and rest, Hatake Kurone stays.”


When everyone is gone, Third Hokage took out a portfolio, took out a few sheets of paper from it, and handed it to me.

“Hatake Kurone, after discussing with the staff, I decided to let you go to the Academy Ninjutsu section to become a teacher. This is your order.”

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