“Go to Ninja School as a teacher?” After listening to Third Hokage’s words, I was shocked.

“Why, unwilling?” Third Hokage laughed and teased, “Do you think it’s too shameless?”

“No way, how can it be. It’s just too sudden. I didn’t react for a while.” I scratched my head sorry.

“Didn鈥檛 you have the intention to become a Guidance Teacher of Genin before? I was pondered. With your Ninjutsu attainments, it鈥檚 too wasteful to be a Guidance Teacher. So, go to the Academy to be the teacher of the Ninjutsu department, teachers Ninjutsu is more suitable.” Third Hokage looked at me with admiration, “But you can rest assured that you will not be allowed to teach in Ninjutsu all the time. If there is a major mission in the village, you will still be assigned. When you don鈥檛 want to teach anymore, you can come and find it anytime. I, I’ll go through the resignation procedures for you.”

“Well, Third-Hokage is thoughtful, thank you.” Carefully pondered, this job is not bad, with a lot of freedom and not too much idle.

“Well, if there is no problem, take the transfer order and go to Ninja School. I have already said hello. You can go through the handover procedures and you can go to work tomorrow.” Third Hokage handed me the transfer order.


After finishing the handover, I will start to organize things at home and prepare for the end of get out of class by the way.

With my current strength, if I want to win Rinnegan and cast the wheel of Revolving Heaven, it is basically impossible. So I can only gradually restore the original strength while teaching. Moreover, Xiaoxue鈥檚 Sharingan turned on Mangekyo, most of which was the Awakening I was swallowed by Chiki.

Although Sharingan will consume a lot of Chakra, I am different from Kakashi after all. I still have a lot of Chakra Reserves. The recovery speed is not slow, and I don鈥檛 know why, Sharingan can be free Opening and closing. Mangekyo is a great help to the improvement of strength. I must use it proficiently and continue to explore my potential.

“Kurone, I heard that you are going to the Academy to teach Ninjutsu?” Kakashi walked over and asked.

“Well, how about you, Kakashi, did you form the Genin team?” After I asked, I remembered that Naruto and Sasuke had not graduated yet.

“Not yet, the few batches of Genin have not passed my exam recently, and I returned to the Academy to study again.” Kakashi waved his hand, “I want to relax a little bit, is it harsh? It鈥檚 not so good.”

“I don鈥檛 think there is anything wrong, Kakashi, don鈥檛 care what others think of you, just follow your heart.” I smiled and patted his shoulder.” In Ninja World, people who don鈥檛 follow the rules are called losers, but people who don鈥檛 cherish their companions are not as good as losers. You taught me this sentence.”

“I see.” Kakashi’s With his eyes bent into crescent moons, he smiled and said, “I heard that the teachers of Shinobu School are not good. There are always so many thorns every year.”

“Well, I will pay attention.”

2nd day, with a completed lesson plan, I came to Shinobu school early. As a result, not long after entering the Academy, I saw two familiar figures in the training stadium.

“Fart Sasuke, what a handsome guy, dare you to fight with me!” a yellow-haired youngster yelled.

“Idiot.” Another youngster with dark blue hair said blankly.

“Oh, Naruto and Sasuke, they met these two thorns on the first day at work, and I really responded to Kakashi’s words.” I held my arms with interest and watched him from a distance. both.

I didn’t expect Naruto to be so old in the blink of an eye, he was almost eleven years old. Last time I asked him to eat ramen and promised to teach him Ninjutsu, but I didn’t make time for it, and it lasted more than three years.

“Naruto, forget it, you can’t beat Mr. Sasuke.”

“Yes, it’s genius, you are just the lowest ranking, don鈥檛 be ashamed. .”

“Naruto-san……keep it up……”


The girls onlookers are all standing on Sasuke’s side Yes, there is only one Byakugan little girl who silently kept it up to Naruto, but her mosquito-like voice was drowned in the noisy shouts of other girls.

“Wa yeah, cocky Sasuke, take the trick!”

“Idiot.” Sasuke still pretended to be as hard as ever.

Of course, it鈥檚 no suspense for two people to play against each other. Naruto was played around by Sasuke, but Kakuzu couldn’t touch it.

“What are you doing! Don’t fight!” At this moment, a teacher came over and picked up Naruto. “Naruto! You provoke Sasuke again!”

“No, Iruka teacher, we just spar.” Naruto quibbleed.

Of course, Naruto’s sophistry is useless, just a big bag on his head.

“Iruka teacher? Hello.” At this time, I walked over, which can be regarded as a relief for Naruto.

“Are you? New Ninjutsu teacher Hatake Kurone, senior, hello, hello.” Upon seeing this, Iruka put down Naruto and shook hands with me, “We will be colleagues in the future, please Take care.”

“Well, Iruka teacher is polite.”

“Well, I still have classes, senior, I will leave first.” Iruka waved to me and hurried away Up.

“wa, Kurone big brother, long time no see, do you remember me? You asked me to eat ramen three years ago!” Naruto was very excited when he saw me.

“Of course I remember, little Naruto.” I smiled and touched Naruto’s head. “It’s quite high.”

“hmph! You promised to teach me Ninjutsu. Yes, and never came to me again!” Naruto turned his face angrily.

鈥淥kay, okay, I鈥檓 wrong, you were young at that time, I thought it鈥檚 not appropriate to teach Ninjutsu.鈥?I said guiltily, 鈥淏ut now it鈥檚 fine, I have a chance to teach You are here.”

“Very good! Kurone big brother, are you our teacher too?” Naruto jumped up excitedly, “Kurone big brother, what do you teach us!”

“Well, I teach you the use and development of Ninjutsu. It is the first gate public class, and the whole school will be together.” I waved the handout and said.

Yes, I have two classes a week, Monday and Friday, and the whole school will attend it together. Although it’s the whole school, in fact, there are not too many people, because the entire Ninja School has only a few hundred students.

“Very good, very difficult to deal with!” Naruto jumped around with excitement, “I tell you, the Kurone big brother is amazing, his Ninjutsu, but Handsome!”

“Black lightning, Hatake Kurone.” There was also a ray of light flashing in Sasuke’s eyes, but his expression did not change.

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