When I was a teacher for the first time, I was still a little nervous to teach in front of so many people.

I walked to the podium tremblingly, opened the handout, and then looked at the hundreds of expectant gazes under the stands. I took a deep breath and smiled.

“Hello everyone, my name is Hatake Kurone, I am a new teacher, and I am responsible for teaching you the use and expansion of Ninjutsu.”

“wa! The new teacher is so cool! “

“Hatake Kurone…I have heard of him, known as the black lightning of Konoha!”

“I also know that I also know that the last battle was killed I became the hero of the Fourth-Kage Mizukage and became the hero of the village!”

“My God, killed Fourth-Kage Mizukage, that’s a shadow, it’s amazing!”

“Yeah, such a great person is a teacher for us, it’s great!”

“Yes, if I can learn a half move from him, I might just be Chunin!”

“Knock you down! After Fourth Hokage, he is the only genius who knows Flying Thunder God Jutsu and is born with Five-Attributes. You can learn it so easily.”


“wa, look at Sasuke, stinky fart! The Kurone big brother is really our teacher!” Naruto sat in the first row like never before, and slapped Sasuke beside him excitedly.

“Idiot.” Although Sasuke looked calm, he couldn’t suppress the desire in his eyes at all.

Looked at the students who discussed spiritedly underneath, I knocked on the table helplessly.

“Be quiet, students, please be quiet.”

My voice was directly drowned out by the noisy voices in the audience, and not many people heard me. I have only now realized that a teacher is really not good to be a teacher.

“Lightning-Style, the art of exploding thunder!” My fingers quickly hand seal.

Some sharp-eyed students caught my movements and exclaimed: “Look! The teacher hand seals!”

bang! A tiny thunder flashed in front of me, And there was a deafening sound.

After the sound, the class finally fell silent, absolute silence, everyone looked stupid.

“It’s over, let me add that in my class, if you have any questions, you can just stand up and ask questions. If you want to communicate, give me a small voice. If you talk loudly in class, Just get out!” I sternly knocked on the podium, and said solemnly.

The bottom is quieter, as if you can hear even a needle falling on the ground.

“Classes will begin below.” I opened the lesson plan.

“Everyone should have taken Ninjutsu basic courses from other teachers before, so I’ll talk about it a little bit here. The so-called Ninjutsu is a kind of skill that concretizes Chakra by consuming it. Ninjutsu generally It is divided into attribute Ninjutsu and non-attribute Ninjutsu. The so-called attribute Ninjutsu usually refers to Ninjutsu, which is a representation of the Five-Attributes Chakra. I will show it to you outdoors in the next class.”

Hear me Said that the next class will show them the Five Elements Ninjutsu outdoors, all the students’ eyes lit up, and even the students in the back row who had been dozing off sat up and raised their ears.

“There are many types of Ninjutsu instead of attribute Ninjutsu, such as Body Substitution Jutsu, Transformation, Shadow Clone, etc., as well as the Secret Jutsu of the Great Clan, such as Nara Clan’s shadow control Ninjutsu, Akimichi Clan’s Multi-Size Jutsu, Aburame Clan’s Parasitic Insects, etc. Actually, these Ninjutsus are not without attributes, but belong to very special Yin-Yang attributes, but they are a little different from regular Five-Attributes, so they are called It is a non-attribute, but in fact, Yin-Yang attribute should be called seven Great Attributes together with the five regular attributes.” I wrote some concise content on the blackboard, such as the mutual restraint of the five regular attributes, and so on.

“Speaking of this, I have to mention Genjutsu. Genjutsu and Ninjutsu. Taijutsu is called the three ninja skills. As a ninja, you must master it. If you lack one, you may become one Weak board, and was defeated by the enemy. But Genjutsu, it can actually be counted as Ninjutsu in a broad sense, because it belongs to Yin Attribute.”

“teacher, I have a problem.” A student suddenly stood up.

“You said.” I waved his hand, motioning him to continue.

“Since Genjutsu belongs to Yin Attribute, why is it divided into a separate category instead of Ninjutsu?” The student raised his doubts.

“This student’s question is very good. Since Genjutsu belongs to Yin Attribute Ninjutsu, why is it created separately instead of as Ninjutsu? This is because Genjutsu generally does not directly attack each other, but uses Come to confuse the other party, make the other party illusion, which is quite different from Ninjutsu, so they are separated out separately.”

After listening to my explanation, many people in the audience showed a suddenly realized expression.

“Non-attribute Ninjutsu is not the scope of this course, let us continue to return to the five elements of Ninjutsu.”

“Five elements of Ninjutsu, it is very common Ninjutsu, general Genin Or Chunin, who can master one attribute of Ninjutsu, and Jonin, through innate talent or his own efforts, can master two to three attributes of Ninjutsu. In addition, there are also very few people who have completely grasped Five-Attributes. For example, The Ninjutsu Professor, Third Hokage; another example is the Vice-section Head of the original Anbu, Copy Ninja Hatake Kakashi; of course, and your teacher me.” Speaking of this, my proud patted chest continued, “And the five elements Ninjutsu The principle is that after Non-Attribute’s Chakra Refining, through your will, add the fixed attribute to the Chakra and convert it into the attribute Chakra, thereby concretizing the process.”

” The teacher, can we learn the Five Elements Ninjutsu now?” Another student couldn’t wait to stand up and ask, his eyes full of expectation.

“You are not even Genin now, theoretically you are not capable of learning, but I believe that there must be many genius among you who can master the five elements Ninjutsu.” I don’t talk nonsense, straight straight to the point.

“Of course, you can go to the Ninja Tool store to buy some Chakra talisman paper, you can easily detect what your attribute is, whether it is a natural survival, and if you have better conditions, you can go to the hospital to use it. The Chakra analyzer has a physical examination.”

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