The flying speed of shuriken is very fast, I have no time to hand seal or swing my sword. frowned, the ribs of the mustache appeared in front of me, although Chakra is not enough to summon the entire mustache, part of it is not a problem.

Dang dang! shuriken is naturally no suspense blocked.

“long time no see, Itachi.” With the Clear Sight Ability of Sharingan, I naturally saw the identity of the person who came.

“If you haven’t seen me in a few days, you can already use the beard.” Itachi dropping from the sky, fell in front of me, “worthy-of is the Kurone big brother, the innate talent is too strong. “

“If possible, I would rather not have this pair of eyes.” Mangekyo, which looked mirrored on Azure Edge Sword, slowly disappeared, and I said angrily.

“It’s been three years, can’t you let it go?” Itachi patted my shoulder, now he is almost as tall as me.

“Forget it, don’t talk about this.” I shake one’s head, it’s better not to sigh all day, I still have a long way to go. “By the way, Itachi, why are you here? Does Akatsuki do anything?”

“That’s not true, I came here alone.” Itachi looked around and made sure there was no one. Came over, and the mysterious person in my ear said to me, “I’m here to find Totsuka no Tsurugi.”

“Totsuka no Tsurugi?” I was not particularly surprised, because I knew Itachi and Sasuke battle At the end, Divine Item Yata no Kagami and Totsuka no Tsurugi will be taken out, and Orochimaru will be sealed with Totsuka no Tsurugi.

“Looking at you, I am not very surprised.” Seeing my reaction, Itachi was a little surprised. “I searched for a long time in the literature and finally found the general position. I was excited for a long time. , I didn’t expect your reaction to be so small.”

emmmmmm, I don’t know how to respond, I just pretend to know nothing.

“What is Totsuka no Tsurugi? Is it very difficult to deal with?”

“Kurone big brother, don’t you know?” Itachi was even more surprised. “Totsuka no Tsurugi but The strongest of the Kusanagi swords, do you know the Kusanagi sword?”

“Well, Orochimaru uses the Kusanagi sword. I played against him. The sharpness is no less than that of my Azure Edge Sword. It’s Divine Weapon.” I replied pretending to be a fool.

“Yes, Kusanagi sword edge is very profitable, but Totsuka no Tsurugi is a bit special. It has no entity and is in a virtual state, but the formidable power is very huge. People who are stabbed by Totsuka no Tsurugi will be inhaled Genjutsu world of drunken stupor, forever unable to reincarnate.”

“So awesome!” I then pretended to be stupid.

“Yes, along with it is Yata no Kagami, which is called the strongest shield, but unfortunately you can’t find its whereabouts in the literature. Otherwise, equip these two Divine Items to the beard. In terms of work, it is really both offensive and defensive, invincible.” After Itachi said this, his face was full of excitement.

I am nodded, indifferent expression.

“Totsuka no Tsurugi’s last Master was Land-of-Wind’s First-Kage Puppeteer, and also the ancestor of Puppet, Monzaemon. I have been investigating the whereabouts of Totsuka no Tsurugi over the years, and finally found out It is clear that Monzaemon fell here, and Totsuka no Tsurugi should have fallen near here.” Itachi became more excited as he spoke.

“Really? It’s such a coincidence.” I finally showed a surprised expression, “Then I will find it with you, there are many people and powerful.”

“It couldn’t be better. The location of Totsuka no Tsurugi must be very dangerous. With the help of the Kurone big brother, I feel more confident to get it.” Itachi smiled and teased, “I am determined to win this Totsuka no Tsurugi, because there is a step in the plan I made. Use it.”

I know what Itachi means, waved his hand, and said: “I know what you mean, gentlemen don’t take advantage of others, and I’m not interested in Totsuka no Tsurugi either.”


Itachi looked at me gratefully and said, “many thanks Kurone big brother.”

“It’s serious, let’s look for it.”

Most areas here are deserts, if buried deep underground, it is still not easy to find. However, under the clear sight of the two pairs of Sharingan, as long as Totsuka no Tsurugi is nearby, the energy emitted can be captured by Itachi and I.

“I think it should be there.” Itachi pointed to the distance.

I looked in the direction he was pointing. It was a huge rock, and there was a big hole in the rock.

Under the clear sight of Sharingan, there is a lot of energy fluctuations in the cave. Even if Totsuka no Tsurugi is not inside, I am afraid there is something else.

“Go and see.” I said.

Itachi nodded.

When I came to the cave, I discovered that the cave seemed to have a barrier, and the entrance of the cave was covered with a thick layer of Chakra.

“There is a barrier.” Itachi stared at the hole thoughtfully.

“Un.” I kicked the sand on the ground, but the sand was not blocked by the barrier and went straight in.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu.” I created a Shadow Clone, “Go and touch the barrier to see.”

Shadow Clone nodded, walked over and reached out to touch the barrier.

Boom! Shadow Clone disappeared instantly.

“This barrier should be a living creature that can’t go past.” Itachi analyzed, “It seems that I have come together with the Kurone big brother, otherwise I will have to force the barrier to tear down.”

“Un.” I looked at Itachi and smiled, then took out the Kunai of Flying Thunder God Jutsu and threw it in.

Take Itachi’s shoulders, thoughts move, and go directly into the barrier.

Walking into a section of the road, the sun can’t come in, it’s pitch black, and you can’t see your fingers.

“There is a problem with this rock. It is probably some kind of extraterrestrial meteorite. Even Sharingan can’t see it.” Itachi said helplessly.

Pap! I suddenly felt that I had stepped on something crispy.

“Wood-Style, the technique of torch! Fire-Style, fire!”


I and Itachi each took a torch in each hand , Can finally illuminate here.

I looked down and was shocked. It turned out that what I stepped on just now was someone’s thigh bone.

“My God, what happened here?” I exclaimed.

There are countless densely packed bones piled up on the ground, and their deaths are very terrible. None of them are intact. They were either decapitated or chopped in the middle, and many were even chopped in half. of.

“It seems that many years ago, in this all black, no daylight place, there was a dark battle.” Itachi said.

“jié jié.” Suddenly, a voice came.

“Someone!” Itachi and I reacted immediately.

“Lan Dun, black Madara is bad!” I immediately moved towards the direction of the sound and released a black panther.


A man walked out of the black shadow, and the sword split the panther.

“Kurone big brother, don’t use big formidable power Ninjutsu, it will collapse here.” Itachi reminded.

“Well, careless anymore.” I am nodded.

“Who are you?” I asked sharply.

“This doesn’t seem to be a human being.” Itachi wrinkled his frowned head.

“What?” I stretched the torch forward and found that the shadow in front of me was Puppet.

The style is similar to those of Sasori’s Puppet, except that there is a huge door engraved on the chest.

“This should be the Puppet of Monzaemon, I didn’t expect that Monzaemon has been dead for so many years, his Puppet can still move, truly worthy of the ancestor of Puppet.” I emotionally said.

“Don’t sigh, this thing doesn’t look good, it shouldn’t be a rank with Sasori.” Itachi’s browse tightly knit, pulling out a short blade and said.

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