su su su su! The Puppet moved suddenly, his mouth opened ninety degrees.

Although it’s dark here and it’s hard to see clearly, from the sound, it should be a hidden weapon of poisonous needles.

“Itachi helps me block for two seconds! I hand seal!” I yelled, but my hands were not free.

Itachi didn’t speak, jumped in front of me, and repeatedly picked off the oncoming hidden weapon.

“Crystal-Style, crystal wall!”

The next second, a solid crystal wall stood in front of us.

clang clang clang, hidden weapon is naturally impossible to pass through such a solid crystal wall, and fall to the ground one after another, only leaving traces of potholes on the crystal wall.

“This Puppet’s hidden weapon is poisonous.” Itachi carefully observed some hidden weapons that were partially inserted on the walls of the crystal array. “Even the walls of the crystal array were partially corroded. It seems very toxic. “

“Unfortunately, this place is too narrow to show what you need to do, otherwise you can shoot this Puppet in minutes.” I complained.

su su! At this moment, Puppet floated over strangely.

When it moves in front of us, I can see clearly that this Puppet has three heads and six arms. It is really called Three Heads Six Arms, and each of the six hands holds a saber and a blade. The most likely is also highly toxic.

ka ka! Puppet twisted his neck, then lunged at Itachi and me.

I used to think that Puppet is definitely not as flexible as people. Even if it is a Puppet made by a genius like Sasori, if you play one-on-one against Taijutsu, I have the confidence not to lose the end.

However, the Puppet made by Monzaemon made me surprised. Six Blades shoots forward, backward, left, and right, and the attack speed is fast and fierce. I can barely hold on to it.

Dang dang!

Fortunately, Itachi helped me share the attack with two knives, otherwise I would not be able to cope with Six Blades together.

Yu Guang glanced at Itachi. The situation on Itachi was also not very good, and he was not able to fight back.

“Kurone big brother, come up with a solution!” Itachi said while blocking, “This guy’s power is infinite, our physical strength will be dead if it runs out!”

ding! ding! ding! clang!

I swayed three knives vigorously, and then collided with the fourth knife, rubbing out a lot of sparks.

“This guy is so fast, I don’t have time to hand seal!” I said helplessly, “Try it and see if you can not use Amaterasu to burn it!”

“No, it’s very weird in this hole. Common Sharingan can’t see things clearly, and Mangekyo can’t even open it!” Itachi started to pant. It seems that the physical strength consumes a lot. “Kurone big brother, do you have anything? Taijutsu doesn’t need hand seal style, too!”

“Without hand seal…” After Itachi said that, I suddenly remembered.

“Eight-Inner Gates, Six Sect, Gate of View open!” The green sweat vapor instantly illuminates my whole body.

After opening Eight-Inner Gates, the power and speed have been greatly improved. However, because the strength has not been fully recovered now, the opened Six Sect is already at its limit.

Originally, he could barely catch the attack of the four knives, without the strength to fight back. As soon as the Eight-Inner Gates opened, the situation was immediately reversed. Puppet’s original extremely fast attack speed has now completely turned into slow motion in front of me. I easily blocked the attack of the four knives, and left no sign on Puppet. Less traces.

“Is this guy from tortoise?” Ordinary Taijutsu attacks didn’t do much harm to him. My Azure Edge Sword can only show some traces on it.

Itachi obviously noticed this problem, and said to me: “First suppress its attack, and then use the booster Ninjutsu to destroy it!”

Originally dealt with Itachi Those two knives have now turned to me. Unexpectedly, Six Blades can be combined with Eight-Inner Gates to make a draw.

“Itachi, I will hold it, you find a weak spot!” I shouted.

Itachi did not speak, nodded.


Puppet’s Six Blades suddenly slashed at me. I blocked my sword and instantly felt a huge force, and the whole person sank. I can feel that the ground has cracked.

“Kurone, dodge!”

I heard Itachi’s voice and immediately jumped aside. A fiery-red fist slammed out and punched Puppet into the wall.

“Huh~It’s finally solved.” Itachi took a breath, “It took a lot of effort to summoned the hand that I had to make.”

“Well, go on Go inside…” Before I finished speaking, I gazed Puppet’s position and froze.

“Fuck! Not dead yet!”

Puppet crawled out of the wall tremblingly, and the whole body twisted.

ka ka click!

All the joints that were crooked have returned to their original positions.

“Really an unkillable Xiaoqiang!”


Suddenly, Puppet used the three narrower knives on the left, Head and Tail Connected , Turned into a long spear, and the three wide knives on the right were combined into a shield.

“Oh shit!” I cursed.

su su 簌! Puppet rushed up again. Itachi didn’t say much, throwing a few shuriken at a very tricky angle, then swiping the knife and rushing up.

clang! clang! clang!

Puppet waved the long spear a few times at random, then knocked the oncoming shuriken, even the shield was useless. After blocking the Shuriken, he immediately pierced Itachi with his gun.

Itachi saw the situation and wanted to use the short blade to poke away the stabbing gun.

At this time, Puppet’s long spear turned into a thorn, like a short blade of Itachi stuck to it, after a few revolutions, it knocked off the short blade in Itachi’s hand.

“Not good!” I saw that Itachi was in danger, so I immediately thoughts move and used Flying Thunder God Jutsu to come to the back of Itachi, and flee to the side with Itachi.

“Lightning-Style, Chidori Sharp Spear!” As soon as I saw Puppet a distance, I immediately hand-seal the procedure.

A dazzling lightning stretched out of my hand and pierced Puppet’s face straight away.

Puppet lifted the shield by one block, and even took it down.

“This guy’s weapon is made of very strong materials, and even Chidori Sharp Spear can’t penetrate it.” I said.

“Kurone big brother, I have a solution.” Itachi suddenly said, “We are like this…”

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