“What? Yata no Kagami?” After hearing Itachi’s words, I was slightly startled, but I didn’t expect to find the whereabouts of Yata no Kagami so soon.

But think about it carefully. In the original work, Totsuka no Tsurugi and Yata no Kagami were originally in the hands of Itachi, and it is not surprising that Itachi can be found. It’s just that I didn’t expect to take such a big risk. In original work, Itachi came by himself. It’s really hard to imagine what he has experienced.

Perhaps, Itachi has its own trump card. It is very likely that there is a trump card that did not even leak out during the Sasuke battle. I gazed this powerful youngster, and I was a little bit fascinated.

At the beginning, when I first entered the Academy, I was a student in the same class as Itachi. At that time, he was only six or seven years old. Eleven years later, Itachi has become a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, but from his face, there is no indication that he should belong to this age, but rather mature. And I have already passed the year of standing.

“According to the message left by Monzaemon-senpai, Yata no Kagami should be…” Itachi kept looking down at the message left on the scroll, and did not notice that I was at dumbfounded, “it should be Mount Mang in Land-of-Earth.”

“Land-of-Earth, it’s not close, What do you plan to do, Itachi? Will you leave soon?” I asked.

“Well, it shouldn’t be too late, I’ll go right away.” Itachi said categorically without hesitation.

“Yata no Kagami and Totsuka no Tsurugi are indispensable for me, Kurone big brother, you may not know, this Yata no Kagami is a kind of aegis that has no entity, which can defend against all attacks, including entities. Attack, soul attack, physical attack, or all kinds of Ninjutsu, Nature Transformation, which has everything, changes its own attributes according to the attributes of the attack to invalidate them. When Susanoo uses Eight Inch Mirror in conjunction with Totsuka no Tsurugi, almost nothing It can reach the invincible state of Attack and Defense in One, which is very helpful to my future plans.” Itachi said his reason, and I couldn’t refute it.

“In this case, I won’t persuade you.” I shake one’s head and said, “I am now a teacher at the Academy and will have classes in two days, so I can’t leave the village for too long. This I’m afraid I won’t be able to accompany you to find Yata no Kagami.”

“I didn’t expect you to return to Ninja School as a teacher? This job requires no more fighting, I’m true. Envy you.” Itachi said with a bitter smile, “I can do it alone, Kurone big brother, you can rest assured to go back.”

“We took a big risk when we got Totsuka no Tsurugi. It took a lot of effort. I think the situation on Yata no Kagami may not be much different from here. If you are alone, you must pay attention to safety and be careful.” I don’t know if this is unnecessary, after all, Itachi is certain You can get Yata no Kagami smoothly. However, out of concern for Itachi, I still said it.

“Kurone big brother, put your heart in your stomach. I am no longer the Uchiha Itachi back then. Now even if I am against you, the Kurone big brother in the Peak period, I may not lose.” Itachi patted my shoulder and said quite confidently.

I laughed, indifferent expression.

“Why, Kurone big brother, don’t you believe it?”

“Believe it, you have opened Mangekyo for many years, I think you should be very proficient in Mangekyo Dojutsu, and defeat me It’s normal. Besides, after the battle with Pain, my strength has shrunk a lot. But…” At this point, I turned my head and got serious, “Even if the strength is strong enough, don’t take it lightly. Think of Menzaemon. That Puppet, there is always someone stronger. After all, be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years.”

“Well, Kurone big brother, I will remember it.” Itachi nodded. “Then I’ll leave.”

“Wait, I’m pondered, I still don’t worry about you.” I stopped Itachi, who was about to leave, “You carry my Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formula. kunai, let’s do this, I’ll put a Summoned Beast with you. If you encounter any situation, let the Summoned Beast release the summon, and then come to me, I can use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to help you immediately, how about “

“It’s so good, but the Kurone big brother thought it thoughtful.” Itachi laughed.

“Summoning Justu!” I took out a blood capsule from the Ninja Tool Pouch, crushed it under the gaze of Itachi clicking one’s tongue in wonder, and summon a little bunny.

“I didn’t expect the Kurone big brother’s Summoning Jutsu to be so interesting. The capsule, it’s the Kurone big brother. hahahaha.” Itachi laughed.

“Every time I have to bite my finger, it’s too much trouble and it hurts, so I came up with such a way, hahaha.” I picked up the rabbit and handed it to Itachi, “little bunny, trouble. You are a messenger, and if he is in danger, you should report back to Izumo Corner.”

“Chiji……” Although little bunny can’t speak, he is Summoned Beast after all, and he understands me. The meaning of it, it’s nodded.

“Okay, I will protect it.” Itachi picked up the little bunny and put it in the pocket of his coat, “Then Kurone big brother, goodbye.”

“Take care .”

Itachi turned into a sky full of crows, scattered around, and slowly disappeared. I also thought to move and returned to the village.

Itachi didn’t ask me for help. Two weeks later, the little bunny came back and told me that Itachi had successfully obtained Yata no Kagami, and asked it to convey his thanks.

My life is still going on as usual, I teach the students of the Academy, and insist on training every day.

Three months later, the Academy ushered in another student’s graduation exam. In this student, I saw several familiar figures.

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