“Everyday.” Iruka clicked, “Graduation test subject, Clone Jutsu.”

“Yes.” Going up every day, hand seal, “Clone of Surgery.”

Bang! Two clones with slightly lighter colors appeared beside Tiantian, their looks and appearances were the same as him, but they couldn’t move freely. After all, Clone Jutsu is used as the graduation test subject of the Academy. Naturally, it will not be a High-Rank Ninjutsu. It is definitely not comparable to the Shadow Clone Jutsu of Jonin.

“Qualified, next.” I held up the qualified sign.

In this graduation exam, as the teacher of the Academy, I am naturally one of the examiners, and I am mainly responsible for evaluating the qualification of exam candidates.

“Thank you teacher.” Every day I ran back to my seat very happily.

“Next, Noburo Miyamoto.”


“Next, Hyuga Neji.” Halfway through the exam, another me Someone I knew appeared, “Graduation test subjects…”

Iruka hadn’t finished speaking, just listened to the constant banging, and the judges stood full of Hyuga Neji’s clones.

“Qualified.” I held up the sign somewhat speechlessly, wondering why Naruto couldn’t stand Sasuke later, after all, there was a pretender around him who wanted to beat him no matter what.

“The worthy-of is from Hyuga Clan, and it is amazing.” Iruka said with a wry smile.

“wa, Neji-kun is very handsome!”

“Too great, I can create dozens of clones!”

“Neji-kun, I want Give you a monkey!”

The girls underneath showed starry-eyed appearances, screaming one after another.

“Next, Rock Lee.” Iruka turned the list one page, “Test subject, Clone Jutsu.”

“Oh!” A youngster wearing loose clothes from He jumped out from the bottom, flipped several somersaults, and came to the examination area.

“Worthy-of is Hyuga Neji! I am eternal rival! I will definitely defeat you!” Rock Lee shouted at Hyuga Neji, his eyes filled with fire.

“Idiot Lee.” Hyuga Neji glanced at Byakugan and ignored Rock Lee.

“Rock Lee! You are taking an exam now, don’t be upset!” Mizuki scolded.

“Yes, I’m sorry.” Rock Lee slowly handed the seal, shouting hesitantly, “Clone…clone…shenju…”

Bang! Everyone stared and looked at the smoke.

“What? Lee learned to Clone Jutsu?”

“How is it possible! Let alone Ninjutsu in the lowest ranking, even Chakra can’t be condensed.”

Discuss spiritedly underneath, and the judges are also very confused. I can see that Iruka’s eyes are full of expectations. After all, who doesn’t want their discipline to improve.

Of course, things backfired. The smoke cleared, and everyone saw only the clothes that fell on the floor and Lee who was naked and embarrassed.

“hahahahahahaha……” have a big laughter underneath.

“Just like this, I want to beat Hyuga Neji!”

“Yes, graduation is a problem!”

“lowest ranking is lowest ranking, It won’t change!”

“For a lifetime, stay at the Academy!”

Faced with the accusations and ridicules below, Rock Lee didn’t say anything but picked up himself silently Clothes, put on.

Just as I was hesitating whether to raise the placard, I saw Iruka nodded towards me.

“Rock Lee, what is your forbearance?” I did not rush to evaluate the test results, but stood up and asked every word.

Rock Lee, who was originally very disappointed, immediately became energetic when he heard my words. He replied excitedly: “I want to prove that even if I don’t know Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, I can become one with Taijutsu. The name is outstanding ninja, this is my forbearance!”

“Forget it, can Ninjutsu still be called ninja?”

“What’s the use of Taijutsu alone?” Can you beat the opponent?”


The suspicion of Rock Lee’s forbearance continued underneath, even Mizuki looked at him disdainfully. But Rock Lee’s eyes were filled with rays of light, with a determined expression on his face.

His forbearance is very simple and sincere, without a trace of boasting, neither servile nor overbearing. Indeed, in the eyes of others, this may be a fantasy story. However, I know that he did it later, using his thousands of times more effort than ordinary people to do it.

In the original work, Chunin Exams qualifiers, Rock Lee and Gaara in the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle, although the defeat was glorious, that battle profoundly explained that hard work can surpass genius , Gave me a great shock.

“Qualified.” With a very surprised expression underneath, I slowly raised the sign and said, “I believe you, you will definitely become an outstanding ninja.”

“Thank you. “Rock Lee bowed deeply, and when he got up again, tears filled his eyes.

“Next, Akita Tetsuno.”


After all the exams are completed, all the teachers are gathered together and discussed Group things.

“Let’s talk about it, everyone, what do you think.” The dean of teaching said first.

“In this exam candidate, the others are quite good, but Hyuga Neji and Rock Lee are a bit special.” Iruka slowly said, “Everyone knows that Hyuga Neji is very strong. It can be said that it is the strongest Genin in this class, and Rock Lee will only be Taijutsu. Strength is relatively late in this class. Moreover, it will not be Ninjutsu, and it is also very restrictive. So I think, Separating them together can effectively balance the strength.”

“Well, it makes sense, I agree with Iruka teacher.” Mizuki said, “Kurone teacher, what do you think?”


Rock Lee is weak? When you wait for Chunin Exams, you understood, he is the strongest Genin deservedly.

“I think Iruka teacher’s proposal to group Hyuga Neji and Rock Lee into a group is very good. In addition, I think that the talent should be assigned to this group and Might Guy will be the Guidance Teacher. After all, These three Genins are mainly based on Taijutsu.” I responded.

“Worthy-of is Kurone teacher, I think very thoughtfully.” Everyone agrees with me.

In this way, the third class led by Might Guy was born.

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