“The original members of Akatsuki are Tobi, Pain (Nagato), Konan, Jue, Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Sasori of the Red Sand, Deidara, Kakuzu, Hidan.” I Once again I sorted out the notes and analyzed Akatsuki’s situation, “Hoshigaki Kisame was killed by me and replaced by Hohzuki Mangetsu. In the last battle, I cut off an arm; the masked man Tobi, also known as Uchiha Obito , I can’t deal with it for a while; Pain was completely destroyed by me last time, it took a lot of effort to reproduce; Konan and Jue are relatively easy to deal with, and the probability of fighting is not high; Orochimaru betrayed, and Itachi is his own. ; Sasori played against him last time, very strong, I think more about the trick to deal with him; Deidara happened to be restrained by my Lightning-Style, blew myself I can also use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape, not to be afraid; Kakuzu, can you use it Five-Attributes and the land complaint, as far as I’m concerned, is not too difficult, because by coincidence, I can also use Five-Attributes. Not only that, I can also use Kekkei Genkai; as for Hidan…”

“Suck! Hidan!!!” I stared wide-eyed, and suddenly thought of a terrifying thing.

Hidan was originally the ninja of Land-of-Rivers Hidden Hot Water Village. Tang Ninja Village is a village whose fighting strength has been reduced with the disappearance of the war, but it is also a village rich in natural resources. Hidan, who was born in ninja, is very eager to fight, so he feels anxious about the pacifist soup Ninja Village. So I started to pay attention to the new religion “Jashinists”, whose purpose is to kill everyone around! This “Jashinists” doctrine is full of the will to affirm Hidan. His character is bold, long-winded, and arrogant, so he believes in Jashinists very much, and is a faithful believer of Jashinists. He and Kakuzu are collectively called “Immortal Devastators”. Hidan Taijutsu is flexible and has the ability to be immortal. It can make opponent take the same damage as himself through curses, which is very dangerous! In the original work, he teamed up with Kakuzu to defeat Yugito Nii, two of the Two-Tails Jinchuriki, and killed Jilu and Sarutobi Asuma, one of the guardians of the Twelve Ninjas, and was eventually buried alive in Shikarin’s cave by Nara Shikamaru.

I know Hidan’s abilities in advance, so Hidan is not a big threat to me. However, my eyes had fallen into Tobi’s hands before, and if he remembered, let Hidan curse me, then I would be dead for unknown reasons.

“Too terrifying, fortunately I have nothing to do with the members of Akatsuki.” When I thought of this, I have one’s hair stand on end. “I don’t know if Hidan has joined Akatsuki now.”

If Hidan has not joined Akatsuki yet, it will be easy. If he has joined Akatsuki, I have to kill him at all costs, otherwise it won’t take long. , I have to be yelled to death.

“First confirm with Itachi that Hidan is in Akatsuki.” I thought move and came to Izumo nook.

When Itachi left before, he left me a few crows and told me to contact him with crows if there was an emergency.

So I wrote a note. In order to prevent leakage, I just met with Itachi and didn’t say anything about Hidan. Then I tied the sliver to a crow’s leg and let the crow go.

After a few hours, the crows came back, and two of them came back. The extra crow, as soon as it landed, became like Itachi. It seems that the most likely to be Ninjutsu like Crow Clone Jutsu.

“Kurone big brother, are you looking for me?” Itachi asked, “It should be an urgent matter.”

“Well, I didn’t expect you to send clone directly. I I just want to ask, is there any one of your Akatsuki called Hidan? Silver big-backed head, purple eyes, holding a scythe, awesome coaxing.” I asked.

“No.” Itachi said directly.

“That’s good.” I sighed in relief. Since I haven’t joined Akatsuki yet, it’s easier for me to clean up.

“But Konan just issued a mission. She asked me and Kakuzu to find an abnormal murderer with her. The appearance seems to be similar to what you described.”

” What????!!! When did it happen?” I was a little nervous, if Hidan join Akatsuki, it would be troublesome. With my current strength, it is a fantasy story to rush into Akatsuki.

“An hour ago, I should have set off by now.”

“Oops! Itachi, do you know where that person is?” I asked anxiously.

“Konan said that he found traces of the abnormal murderer in a small village named Stone Village in Land-of-Rivers. Everyone in the village was killed. What’s wrong? Look at you. In a hurry, does that person have any problems?” Itachi asked with some confusion.

“I can’t explain it for a while, I can only say that that guy is very dangerous, I must kill him before he joins Akatsuki, or I will be killed by him.” I said To.

“Is his strength so strong? I know Kurone big brother, although your strength has dropped very much, but the average Jonin still has to work hard to beat you, even Hohzuki Mangetsu and Sasori of the Experts such as Red Sand were also in your hands last time. What is the origin of this Hidan, can make you so nervous.”

“His abilities are a bit complicated and difficult to explain. I will look back. Let me tell you more about it, Itachi, can you help me hold off for some time? It’s better to let Konan and Kakuzu pass after I kill Hidan.”

“Okay, I will try my best, Kurone big brother, be careful. “Itachi nodded.

“It is not too late, I will go first.”

Thoughts move, I came to the nearest marker point to the location mentioned by Itachi, which was about three kilometers away.

I opened Sharingan, and I moved towards Stone Village running wildly while looking for it.

After running for less than a kilometer, I saw a man wearing a very cool black jacket, carrying scythe’s silver back, and walking on the road very arrogantly.

“Found it!” I couldn’t help but pull out the Azure Edge Sword and jumped on it.

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