“hey hey hey! Who are you? Suddenly popped out!” Hidan resisted my attack, and shouted, “Stop me if you don’t agree, what do you mean?! “

“Stop talking nonsense, you accept death!” I ignored him and kept swinging my sword to attack Hidan’s vitals.

But every one of my attacks was resolved by Hidan with scythe. I didn’t expect Hidan to have such a strong melee fighting ability. I couldn’t get the slightest discount, and there was a faint tendency to be suppressed.

No, I have to find another way.

Try remote Ninjutsu.

I stabbed a sword, took advantage of Hidan parry, jumped away suddenly, and then opened the distance.

“You guy, although a bit unfathomable mystery, but quite interesting. How about, are you interested in becoming a sacrifice to Lord Jashin, this is the honor of Supreme!” Hidan picked up scythe and pointed at him Necklace on the neck.

“Lan Dun, kill the black tiger!” I directly used a trick Ninjutsu to answer him.

The black tiger galloped out, roar moved towards Hidan.

This move is improved from the black Madara difference, but it has a larger range and stronger formidable power.

“Hey, what the hell is that?!!!” Hidan didn’t dare to neglect, picked up scythe, and hacked it up at the black tiger.

Boom! Hidan was hit and flew out, his chest was torn, and a big hole that was horrible to see was dripping with blood.

If a normal person died so early, he would be Hidan.

“Dare to disrespect Lord Jashin!” Hidan stood up foul-mouthed, “You damned heretic!”

“Damn it Jashin, you dog Cults are also worthy of being called religions, eat shit!” I scolded him deliberately to irritate him.

“I will use you to worship Lord Jashin!!!” Hidan unable to restrain one’s anger, waving scythe and rushing over, the big hole in his chest looked very scary.

I also not to be outdone, waving Qingfeng to greet him. I have to save the Chakra as much as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to handle the Akatsuki people after a while.

clang! clang! clang!

Hidan’s whole person went into a crazy state, his attack speed increased a lot, and I couldn’t resist it.

“No, I’ll be hacked to death by him sooner or later if this continues.” I quickly adjusted the attack method, “Crescent Moon Dance!”

Three virtual Shadow Clone becomes three Ran towards Hidan in both directions.

“Shadow Clone?” Hidan waved scythe indifferently.

Even cutting two is an illusory shadow.

“Crescent Moon Dance is unstoppable.” I smiled coldly.

pu! Qing Feng heavily sank into Hidan’s chest and pierced his heart.

“wu!” The intense pain made his eyes widen. But within a few seconds, Hidan spirit slowly recovers, and his eyes are full of shadows.

“Die!” Hidan waved scythe with a grin.

“Not good!” I hurriedly pulled out Qingfeng, kicked Hidan away, and retreated back by the reaction force.

But it was still a step too late, and scythe crossed my clothes.

“hehehe…” Hidan stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on the tip of the knife.

Immediately, the whole person turned into a black and white color, just like a demon from hell.

“Accept Lord Jashin’s trial!” Hei Duan dipped his foot with some blood, drew a circle on the ground, and then drew an equilateral triangle in the circle. His movements were smooth and fluid, and he was very skilled.

“The death secretary relies on blood!” I said in surprise, but he still used it.

The death division with blood is the Secret Jutsu that Hidan learned from the Jashinists. It uses the blood of the enemy as a medium for casting, so that the caster suffers from any damage suffered by the caster, and cannot avoid it, but must hurt himself The body has an effect, so only the Hidan of the Immortal Body can be used continuously. In addition, the caster must enter the formation drawn by its own blood to be effective. As long as the formation is left, the effectiveness of the technique will be lost.

“Also let you taste the pain I endured!” Hidan threw away the scythe and pulled out a black receiver from his sleeve.

“Suck!” I waved Qingfeng and charged up, trying to stop Hidan from self-harm.

“It’s over!”

puci! Hidan pierced the black receivers into his heart, and immediately trembled all over.

pu! I cut off Hidan’s head with one sword.

“Yes, it’s over.” I sneeered looked at him.

“This! How is it possible!” Even though his head was chopped off, Hidan was not dead yet, but lost his mobility, still clamoring, “Impossible! How could you still be alive! The dead division is impossible by blood? Hidden! I obviously got your blood!”

“No, it’s your blood.” I looked at him like a fool, “When I stabbed you with Azure Edge Sword, I secretly I took some blood and sprinkled your scythe while you didn’t pay attention. I didn’t expect you to be fooled.”

“What?!!!!!! You despicable villain!!! How dare… …” Hidan scolded.

“Go to hell to accompany your Lord Jashin!” I kicked Hidan’s head next to his body, “Fools are stupid, fools don’t.”

” Fire-Style, Great Fire Annihilation!”

Hidan’s body was burned by a raging flame.

“Ah!!! Lord Jashin will not let you go!!! Ahhhh!!!” Hidan screamed, being burnt to ashes alive.

“Lord Jashin? Hehe.” Go to Lord Jashin, if there is such a thing, Shikamaru would have died early in the original work, so Jashin is just a lie. “Even if you are an Immortal Body and burned to ashes, I see how you will be resurrected. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to get some Akatsuki member’s blood, otherwise one could still die.”

su su! At this moment, a few shuriken flew towards me.

pa pa! I swung my sword down and found that it was a paper shuriken.

“It’s quite time to come.” I turned my head and looked at the person, and said coldly, “Konan, I trust you have been well since we last met, I’ve been hurt.”

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