“despicable! I ran away!” Kakuzu saw that the front was empty and scolded angrily, “My fifty million is gone!”

“Count No, Kakuzu, let’s go, he will Flying Thunder God Jutsu, you can’t stop him.” Konan persuaded.

“Well……bad…” Kakuzu just turned around and instantly noticed a dangerous aura appearing behind him.

“Explosion-Style, **fist!”

bang! I suddenly appeared and hit Kakuzu with a heavy punch. Kakuzu was blown out. I originally wanted to use Raikiri, but later carefully pondered, Raikiri destroyed his heart at most. If he resisted the pain and counterattacked me, it would be difficult to clean up. I simply blow it up with a punch, even if it can’t be killed directly. , Can also blow up, keep your distance from me.

Sure enough, just as I thought, Kakuzu, who was blown up all split up and in pieces, slowly re-stitched the stumps together again with grievances.

“Forget, he will escape, damned guy.” Konan scolded.

“What, to escape?” Kakuzu estimated that there were tens of millions of fuck your mother rushing past, but because of Konan, it did not happen, but moved towards me and said angrily, “Hatake Kurone, you Wait for me, and destroy the hatred of my four hearts, I will remember it!”

“Oh? What do you mean? You only have one heart now?” I looked playfully. He showed a funny expression.

Seeing my expression, Kakuzu staggered, looked at Konan and Itachi behind him, and then became arrogant again: “What happened to a heart? Can you rush over to kill me!”

“Not good! Kakuzu run! He left you…” Konan saw the clue, yelled.

pu! I pierced Kakuzu’s chest with a sword, then shook a few Lightning-Style sword flowers, and shredded his whole body Chakra Pathway.

“How can… can…” Kakuzu stared wide-eyed, the horrified expression on his face before it disappeared, and his eyes lost their luster.

“Knowing that I will be Flying Thunder God Jutsu and still being so arrogant, do you have to live in the belly of a dog for a long time.” I drew out the sword, turned step by step and walked towards Konan.

“You…you…you don’t come…Nagato won’t let you go! Itachi…save me…” Konan trembled, obviously shocked by me, even I forgot to escape.

Oh, no, she can’t run.

“Kurone big brother, it’s almost done, don’t kill her, or I won’t be able to explain it, and it won’t do any good for you to have sex with Nagato now.” Itachi walked over and grabbed me.

“Don’t worry, I really want to kill her. Her grave is all over one foot tall.” I patted Itachi’s shoulder, Itachi relaxed, and let go of my hand.

I step by step and walked in front of Konan.

“What are you doing?” Konan’s expression eased a lot after hearing that I didn’t kill her.

“Help me bring a word to Nagato.” I rubbed the blood from the sword on Konan’s clothes, and then inserted it back into the scabbard.

“You said.” Konan wrinkled his frowned head when he saw my movements, but he didn’t dare to attack.

I slowly leaned to her ear and said softly: “Tell Nagato, be careful of the mask-wearing one, he is not Uchiha Madara, don’t be fooled by him.”

“What?!! You make it clear, then who is he…” Konan was obviously shocked by me.

I looked back at Itachi, and Itachi also looked at me with a shocked face. Itachi must have heard what I said just now, but I don’t care. My main purpose is to prevent it from being heard. It’s a troublesome character.

“Are you sure? If it is true, then he can play this move is not small.” Itachi asked directly.

“I can’t reveal too much.” I looked at all around, “Otherwise, Jue…you will have an accident.”

I deliberately dragged the word Jue very long.

Konan and Itachi clearly understand what I mean, nodded.

“Understood, many thanks to your reminder, goodbye.” Konan said, “Itachi, let’s go back.”

“It didn’t cause a mission, but Kakuzu was also discounted. This I must be scolded again.” Itachi said with a bitter smile and walked with Konan.

“They are gone, then I should go too.” I looked back at Kakuzu’s corpse and thought for a moment, “There is really no human warmth, Kakuzu’s corpse will not be taken away, then I’ll take the village back.”

“Someone!” I suddenly noticed a trace of Chakra fluctuations in the tree not far away, and immediately took out a kunai and threw it over.

簌! That person easily escaped Kunai, but I still have a back hand.

“Lan Dun, Raikiri!” My thoughts move, I teleported to the tree trunk by kunai, waved the black lightning, and pierced it.

“Hatake Kurone, we’ll meet again some day.” The man did not panic at all, and instantly melted into the tree.

Boom! I threw myself away, just interrupting the fork he was standing on.

“Oh! Kakuzu’s corpse!” I quickly looked back, there is no Kakuzu corpse on the ground, it was already empty.

“damned! lured the tiger away from the mountain!” I punched the tree trunk, “Absolutely, really a difficult character!”

However, After my reminder, there should be a lot of estrangement between Nagato and Obito, and Itachi will also doubt him, which will definitely cause him a lot of trouble.

“Let’s mess it up.” My eyes showed an imperceptible shadow, “This water, the more muddy the water, the better.”

thoughts move, I left Here.

Another side, slowly drilled out of the ground, looked at the corpse of Kakuzu in his hand, and wiped the cold sweat on his face.

“I didn’t expect this guy to react so quickly, he almost got the trick.” White Zetsu said with lingering fear.

“As long as I’m connected to earth, I’m invincible, what to worry about!” Black Zetsu from the other side said coldly. “Okay, go back quickly, you have to tell Tobi that something terrible has happened.”

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