“This tumultuous harvest is not small. It not only processed Hidan, but also unexpected harvest, and packed Kakuzu together.” As soon as I got home, I opened my notebook and used red Kakuzu’s name is removed from the stroke.

Thanks to me, I recorded all the Akatsuki member’s information in advance, such as abilities and shortcomings, etc., and also deduced the process of the match, so the actual match can be so easy.

Those people in Akatsuki, although many have tragic pasts, but **** is not worthy of sympathy, pitiful persons must be hateful, after all, their despicable behavior, human and god are angry, especially Mental distortions like Deidara and Hidan, people who take pleasure in killing, art and religion are just excuses. Even more how, Obito killed my sweetheart, I will definitely not let him go, no matter how you clean up, the vengeance of killing master and wife is absolutely irreconcilable.

In the past few years, as soon as I have time, I have repeatedly perfected my plan to hunt Akatsuki. Hoshigaki Kisame, Hidan, and Kakuzu have been solved by me, but the problem is that even if these people are hunted, in order to To meet demand, Akatsuki is still recruiting new people. Hohzuki Mangetsu is a good example.

“Forget it, take a step and look around before taking the next.” I closed the Akatsuki plan. After all, this is not something I can control. Fortunately, the development of plot has not changed much. I There are also great advantages. Six years before the Fourth Shinobi World War broke out, I still have plenty of time to deploy.

“Don’t think about this for now.” I heave a long sigh and lie down. The previous battle has consumed a lot of Chakra. Let’s rest for a while.

A few days later, it was my class time again. Because of the convenience of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I naturally walked into the classroom neither slow nor hurried.

The students always showed enthusiasm in the first new class. Later, if they are not interested in the content of this class, they will gradually become indifferent.

However, the content I teach is Ninjutsu, and the lecture is quite lively, so most of the students are still very interested, listen to my explanation with enthusiasm, and present themselves from time to time Question. There are only a small number of students, nestled in the last few rows, sleeping and playing, and I don’t bother to control them.

“Lightning is very straight and difficult to turn, so Ninjutsu of the Lightning-Style series has the characteristics of strong penetration but poor flexibility.” While I explained, I placed a piece on the podium. The plank is thick, and an apple is placed behind the plank.

Teaching knowledge, you can’t just talk about theory. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Demonstrating to students will make it easier for them to understand knowledge and arouse their interest. After all, textbooks are too much. It’s boring.

“Like this, Lightning-Style, Micro Chidori Sharp Spear!” This set of miniature Ninjutsu is a C-Rank Ninjutsu I specially researched and used as a demonstration in class. The destructive power is very small and will not cause accidental injury.

Bah… a very small but dazzling lightning penetrated the board, and then penetrated the apple behind the board.

“wa! very handsome!”

“Kurone teacher is amazing!”

“I want to learn Lightning-Style, it’s so cool!”



“Water-Style is Ninjutsu, on the contrary, it has the characteristics of strong flexibility but poor formidable power, so it is generally used as auxiliary Ninjutsu or defensive Ninjutsu, such as with Lightning-Style for conducting electricity or Water Wall for defense.”

I re-placed a wooden board and placed an apple behind it.

“Let’s do a control experiment for you, the difference between Water-Style and Lightning-Style, Water-Style, the technique of micro-water dragon!”

oh la la! A snake-like water dragon flew out of my mouth, went around the board, and hit the apple. But the apple is not only undamaged, but also brightened by washing.

“Che, Water-Style is useless!”

“Yes, you can’t even break an apple.”

“It’s too spicy I must not learn Water-Style.”


Sure enough, just like I thought, the students are still young and don’t have a deep understanding of Ninjutsu. A superficial surface was observed.

“Quiet, don’t look at Water-Style formidable power, but as long as you work hard enough, Water-Style can also become a very powerful Ninjutsu. Think about our Second Hokage, he is a Water-Style Grandmaster. He is known as the person who signed the contract with the sea. The Water-Style he used is extremely powerful.”

“But, can we be as strong as Second Hokage?” A student stood up and asked .

“Yes, yeah, is it possible?” All the following shook their heads in agreement.

“It is possible, as long as you work harder, it is possible to surpass genius.” I said categorically. Because Lee and Guy are good examples, Lee surpassed genius Neji, and Guy surpassed genius Kakashi.

“Okay, let’s not talk about it, let’s continue the lecture.” I laid out the planks and apples again, and asked, “Lightning-Style has strong penetrating power but poor flexibility, and Water-Style is flexible. Strong and poor penetration, then the question is, is there any way to make your Ninjutsu strong and flexible? Does anyone know.”

“I, teacher!” A girl with light red long hair stood up.

“Oh, Sakura, good, you said.” I smiled and looked at her.

“First use Water-Style to lay the path, and then use the conductivity of water to release Lightning-Style, which can increase the flexibility of Lightning-Style.”

“Very good , Haruno Sakura answered very well! Sit down.” I gave her a thumbs up, the original work said that Sakura is a schoolmaster, it really wasn’t built.

“Does anyone have any other answers?” I gazed down and continued to ask.

“I know.” A cool voice came from a corner.

“Well, Sasuke, you don’t have to stand up.”

“I heard…Kurone teacher, you know Kekkei Genkai, which combines Lightning-Style and Water-Style, Lan Dun has the penetrating power of Lightning-Style and the flexibility of Water-Style.” Sasuke said blankly, with envy in his eyes.

“Yes, Sasuke is right. I’ll show you Lan Dun later.” As I walked off the stage, I said, “Kekkei Genkai Ninjutsu is a very practical variant of Ninjutsu. The Chakras of the two attributes are blended together to form a new Ninjutsu. Generally speaking, Kekkei Genkai can only rely on heredity, which is wrong. When you master the two Chakras to the extreme and are very balanced, you will There is a chance to merge into a new Ninjutsu, this is the real Kekkei Genkai.”

I started to condense my Chakra: “For example, my hand condenses Lightning-Style Chakra, and the other hand condenses Water- Style Chakra and Chakra Reserves are equal. They are combined by hand seal. Lan Dun, micro-laser trick!”

sou! A very thin, shallow blue laser shot out of my hand and turned around the board. Several laps, and then pierced the apple with one strike.

“wa!” The audience was in an uproar, speechless in shock, lost in thought. Perhaps after this class, they have a new understanding of Ninjutsu.

“The reason why Kekkei Genkai has fewer people is because it has very high requirements. It must master the two Chakras very evenly, and it must be proficient to have a chance to merge into a new Ninjutsu. However, I believe that some of you will do it in the future.” I said as I walked to the podium.

Suddenly, I remembered something again and stopped.

“Well, give the two students who answered the question a little reward. Crystal-Style!” I handed the two small red flowers to Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke.

“wa! So beautiful! Thank you teacher!” Haruno Sakura said excitedly holding the flowers.

Envy looked all around.

“Hey Sakura, let me see, OK?” Ino on the side stabbed Sakura.

“Not good.” Sakura put the flower in his pocket.


“wa, Kurone teacher is eccentric! I want it too!” Naruto ran over, trying to grab Sasuke’s little red flower, but I held my head. “Let go of me, I want it too!”

“Naruto, Xiaohonghua needs to work hard to get it. Next time you can answer the question, I will give you a big one.” Rubbing Naruto’s head with a smile.

“Oh!” Naruto panting with rage’s bulging mouth.

“I’m not rare, let’s give it to you.” Sasuke took the flowers, didn’t look at them, and threw them to Naruto. “I really want to learn these Ninjutsu, can Kurone teacher teach me?”

“Yes, it’s up to you whether you can learn it or not.” I didn’t refuse.

“Okay, today’s class will end here. In the next class, we will show Fire-Style and Wind-Style and their extension Ninjutsu. Please do a preview.” I returned to the podium and organized After reading the textbooks, “get out of class is over.”

Boo! After the get out of class, the students rushed out. After all, it was time for dinner.

“The class was great, I was very interested in listening.” A familiar voice came from the door of the classroom.

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