“Third-Hokage laughed.” I laughed in embarrassment.

“No, what I’m saying is true. It’s been a long time since I saw children attend classes that are so interested.” Third Hokage gave a gratified smile, “Lectures on fusion experiments, plus a small reward, That is to say, you can think of this method.”

“Yes, after all, I also came from a student, I know what can attract them.” I nodded and did not refute.

“Well, keep it up well, children are the future of the village.” Third Hokage long-term focus said, “Well, there are three little demons coming to you, I will go first Now.”

“En?” I looked back at the door of the classroom, there were footsteps, and when I looked back, Third Hokage was gone.

“Kurone teacher!” Three students ran into the classroom and blocked me at the door.

“Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura. Is there anything wrong with the three of you?” I bent down and asked.

“Kurone teacher! I want to learn Ninjutsu from you!” Naruto said first.

“And me and me, I want to learn that Crystal-Style!” Sakura said immediately.

“I want to learn Lightning-Style, if possible, I would like to learn Lan Dun.” Sasuke neither familiar nor distant said.

“The three of you…” I was shocked. I didn’t expect Team-7 from Kakashi, but now they all came to me to learn Ninjutsu. What a coincidence.

“Kurone teacher, please!” The three bowed very respectfully.

“Okay.” I also rejected them sorry, anyway, there is still a year before graduation, so let’s teach them some basic Ninjutsu first. That’s good, Chunin Exams will not be so difficult situation.

“Yeah!” Naruto jumped up happily, and then said to Sakura wryly, “Sakura, we will learn Ninjutsu together from now on.”

“Who wants Learn with you.” Sakura glanced at Naruto with disgust, then starry-eyed looked Sasuke, “Sasuke-san, let’s learn Ninjutsu together!”

“You two stay away from me, Don’t hold me back.” Sasuke said blankly.

“…” I looked at these three live treasures helplessly for a long while, and then said, “Every weekend at 6 o’clock in the morning, you will come to practice ground on the 3rd practice ground and train with me. Well, I will teach you some basic Ninjutsu by the way.”

“I want to learn very well!” Naruto jumped up and was pressed down by me.

“hundred zhang high rise on the ground, don’t be greedy.” I thoughts move and went straight home, leaving behind three people in the classroom.


Saturday morning, when I woke up, it was already past eight o’clock. I rubbed my sleepy eyes, washed it, and bought one. Biscuits, and then thoughts move, came to the practice ground.

“Oh, morning.” I ate the biscuits and waved at the three little demon.

“Kurone teacher! You are more than two hours late!” Naruto said angrily.

Sakura and Sasuke did not speak, but from their expressions, they were also more angry.

“Okay, okay, sorry, sorry, I helped grandma cross the street on the way.” I hurriedly used Kakashi’s lines to prevaricate.


“I don’t believe it!”

“Okay, I’ll start teaching you training.” I scratched awkwardly Scratching his head, quickly turned off the topic.

As soon as they heard that training was about to begin, the three of them immediately became excited.

“Very good! What do we learn Ninjutsu first! Kurone teacher, you say.” Naruto eager to get into action or start on a task.

“First learn to condense Chakra, and learn what Ninjutsu!”

dong! I knocked Naruto a thump.

“What’s so easy to learn about condensing Chakra, my head hurts…” Naruto said with a sad face, holding his head.

“Consolidating Chakra is the basis for the release of Ninjutsu. If you don’t lay a good foundation, you will not learn Ninjutsu.” As I said, I condensed Chakra to the soles of my feet and walked towards a tree.

“Your mission today is to try to condense Chakra to the soles of your feet, and then walk up the tree like me.” I step by step and slowly walked up a tree.

I pressed Newton’s coffin board to death.

“wa, awesome!” Naruto’s eyes lit up and ran to a tree, “I want to do this too!”

Bang! Naruto just stepped on two steps before he fell from the tree.

“Oh, it hurts…Why can’t I go up?” Naruto said with a weeping face.

“What I said just now! Condense Chakra to the soles of your feet! Naruto, you…” I was really speechless by him, why is Fourth Hokage such a smart person, his son is mentally retarded…

“Idiot.” Sasuke glanced at Naruto mockingly, then tried to condense Chakra to the soles of his feet.

Dongdong dong! Sasuke ran up to a tree, about a dozen steps, smashed the tree trunk with one foot, then made a cool backflip and returned to the ground.

“Sasuke performed well, but Chakra was unevenly cohesive and crushed the tree trunk. Try to relax, don’t stretch it too tight, just walk as normal.” I clicked. he.

“Yoshi, Sasuke has gone so far, I can’t lose to him!” Naruto also gathered Chakra and ran towards a tree.

dong dong!

I ran three to four steps and fell again.

“Why!” Naruto kicked the tree trunk angrily.

“Naruto is still making progress, take two more steps, relax, don’t be too restrained.” I don’t have much hope for Naruto’s performance, let’s see him.

“I’m here! It’s still very simple!” Sakura’s voice came from a distance.

According to the reputation, Sakura is already sitting on the fork.

“wa! That’s amazing! Sakura, teach me how you got up!” Naruto said enviously.

“It seems that Sakura has made the most progress among the three of you. Don’t keep it up anymore. When Sakura starts to learn Ninjutsu, you two are still in Tree Climbing.” I stimulated Naruto with a radical technique. And Sasuke, those two guys really got serious.

“You two continue, Sakura can rest.” I checked the time, it was still early, and I was going to train for a while.

“Climb to the tree fork today’s mission, even if I have completed it, I will check it again at noon and take one step first.”

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