“It’s noon, the two guys should be almost practicing.” I finished my meal and brought a lunch box to the three little demon of Team-7.” Sasuke should be fine, but I don’t know how Naruto is.”

thoughts move, I came to the third practice ground.

“Hello!” I suddenly appeared from the tree and hung upside down on the tree.

“wa Ahhhhhhh Ahhhh!” Naruto, who was in Tree Climbing, was taken aback by me and fell.

“Kurone teacher, don’t you be scared!” Naruto stood up angrily, patted the dirt.

“Sorry.” I smiled and waved, and then jumped below.

“Be hungry, I’ll bring you a bento.” I took out three bentos from behind and handed them to the hungry three people.

“Thank you Kurone teacher!”

“Thank you teacher!”

“Un.” Sasuke was just complied, nodded towards me.

“Quickly eat, rest for ten minutes after eating, continue.” I looked at a three people in a difficult situation and asked, “Sasuke, I guess I should have climbed to the top, Naruto, what about you?”

“…” After hearing what I said, Naruto laughed awkwardly while eating, “It’s… it’s a little bit too close, I can climb to the top soon…”

” …Okay, Naruto, you go on, Sakura and Sasuke take a break and wait for Naruto to finish.”

“teacher, take us to the next item first!” Sakura said anxiously, ” Leave Naruto alone!”

“Yes, one more lowest ranking will only pull me back.” Sasuke also said blankly.

“Naruto, although his progress is slow, but you are a team, he is your companion!” I said with a calm face, “Is it because you are on the battlefield, you are going to give up him because of the drag of your companions Is it?”

“teacher we…”

“In Ninja World, people who don’t follow the rules are called losers, but those who don’t cherish their companions are not as good as losers!” I stared at them and looked at them, “If you can’t understand, there is no need to be a ninja, let alone a student of Hatake Kurone!”

After listening to my words, Sakura and Sasuke fell into contemplation. .

“Sorry teacher, I was wrong, Naruto is our companion, we should wait for him.” Sakura lowered his head and said.

“Sasuke, how about you?” I looked towards Sasuke.

Sasuke did not speak, nodded.

Naruto looked more serious after hearing what I said, and it didn’t take long before he climbed to the top of the tree.

In this way, I took three little demons from Team-7 for two weekends of basic training, and finally decided to officially teach them Ninjutsu on the third weekend.

“You have practiced Chakra Control for two weekends. Now the coordination of Chakra should be almost the same, and the foundation is quite solid. Starting today, I will officially teach you Ninjutsu.”looked the future of Ninja World Three people, I was a little excited. I didn’t expect that I would be lucky enough to teach the protagonists Ninjutsu.

“Very good! I can finally learn Ninjutsu!” Naruto jumped up first.

Sakura is also excited to make a fist.

Although Sasuke has no expression on his face, I can also see the expected rays of light in his eyes.

“You have taken my class, or the previous teacher should have told you that only with the corresponding attribute Chakra can you display the corresponding powerful Ninjutsu, otherwise you can only use some very basic Ninjutsu.” I took out three Chakra talisman papers that I had prepared long ago from my pocket and handed them to the three people. “So, before that, you need to use the Chakra talisman paper to check your main Chakra Attribute first, and then determine what you should do. What kind of Ninjutsu to learn.”

Although I know the attributes of Naruto and Sasuke, let’s follow the normal procedure, otherwise it’s hard to explain.

“I’ll come first, I’ll come first!” Naruto held the talisman, and then a confused face, “Kurone teacher, why didn’t you respond.”

Before I speak, Sakura went over and hit Naruto with a chestnut.

“Naruto, did you go to bed again in class? The teacher has taught in class, you need to inject your own Chakra into the Chakra talisman to have a reaction. Just like this…” Sakura said, Chakra was injected into the rune paper.

The talisman paper was instantly wet.

“Well, Sakura’s main attribute Chakra is water.”

“Is it water? Not too strong.” Sakura was obviously a little lost.

“It’s okay, Water-Style is also very useful as an auxiliary Ninjutsu, and Sakura, your Chakra Control is very good. In the future, you can learn Medical-Ninjutsu and become a ninja like Lady Tsunade.”

“Well, thank you teacher.” Sakura’s unhappiness was wiped out.

After that, Sasuke poured Chakra into the rune paper, and the rune paper became crumpled.

“Sasuke is Lightning Attribute.”

“was great!” Naruto looked enviously at Sasuke, “I want Lightning Attribute too!”

shua! The talisman paper in Naruto’s hand was divided into two.

“Hey, what is going on?”

“Naruto, you are Wind Attribute.”

“What, Wind Attribute…”


“Wind Attribute is a rare attribute, you should be happy.”

“Really?” After hearing my words, Naruto was radiant, “very good! Then I have to learn.” The strongest Wind-Style, I want to become Hokage!”

“That also starts from the basics. Hokage is not accomplished overnight.” I walked into a clearing, “I will teach you the most basic Ninjutsu, when you are proficient, I will teach you more in-depth.”

“Note the order of my hand seal.”

I slowed down the speed of hand seal.

“Water-Style, Wild Water Wave!”

“Lightning-Style, lightning rod!”

“Wind-Style, gale palm!”


“Okay, remember to print and start practicing.”

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