Learning Ninjutsu is not done overnight, even though Team-7’s three people late stage is a big hit, and the innate talent is excellent, but now it’s still a Ninjutsu student after all, even if you need to master it well. The basic Ninjutsu that I teach also takes at least half a month of hard work.

But for them now, don’t worry at all, because there is ample time, and there are still six full years away from Fourth Shinobi World War. They can lay a good foundation and even learn the powerful Ninjutsu.

However, a sudden change disrupted my teaching plan and the original peaceful life.

“The basic principle of Fire-Style is…”

On this day, I went to class as usual when suddenly an Anbu came to the door of the classroom.

“Hatake Kurone, Lord Hokage ordered that all Elite Jonin in the village assemble at the identification department of Konoha Hospital.” The Anbu called to me.

“Third-Hokage did you say anything?” I wrinkled my frowned head, “I am in class.”

“Don’t linger, it’s a big deal, please immediately Go.” This Anbu’s tone was very impatient. Maybe it was really urgent. He disappeared immediately after speaking. It should be to inform other people.

I reluctantly shake one’s head, closed the lesson plan, and said to the audience: “Sorry, students, there is a sudden situation, I want to go out for a while, this class is changed to self-study.”


“Ah, why suddenly…”

“What happened in the village, even Kurone teacher was called.”

“Ha, no more classes !”


The voices are very noisy, but I have no time to control them. I picked up the lesson plan, thoughts move, and went straight to the Konoha Hospital.

I found the appraisal department, and I pushed in.

“Yo, Kurone, you have been called, too.” Kakashi beckoned to me.

“Yeah, what’s going on?” I looked at the house a little dazedly, and there were a lot of people crowded. Almost all the Elite Jonin in the village were called, some I knew. There are also people who don’t know, a few people get together, and they are talking about something.

“I don’t know. I heard that I was dead. I was about to take the third shift out of the mission. All of them were urgently recalled.” Guy on the side was also shrugged.

“I’m with Hong… um… I am also called to learn Genjutsu.” Asuma, who was smoking in the corner, also walked over.

I also learn Genjutsu…80% are dating, hahaha. I thought to myself, but also sorry to say it.

“Hatake Kurone is here, come here.”

When I looked up, I saw Third Hokage standing at the operating table in the center of the house and beckoning to me.

“Third-Hokage, what happened? Why suddenly…” I walked over and found a corpse lying on the operating table.

“Look at this corpse, can you see anything?” Third Hokage asked.

So, I took a closer look.

“The corpse wears a Konoha Anbu uniform and a mask. Judging from the dress code, it should be Root Anbu.” I said.

“What else, can you tell the cause of death?” Third Hokage continued.

“The corpse whole body is covered with very small incisions, which should be caused by weapons with very thin blades or Wind-Style. From the neatness of the incisions, I prefer Wind-Style, similar to Ninjutsu such as Wind Cutter Jutsu.” I continued to analyze, “Third-Hokage, where did this corpse found? It shouldn’t be Anbu who was brought back at the expense of mission execution.”

“Analysis It’s very good. Corpse was identified and indeed died of Wind-Style.” Third Hokage looked at me approvingly, “corpse was found in this Anbu’s own home.”

“Anbu’s found it at home. My look became serious. “The security work in the village is very strict, it is difficult for outsiders to get in, and it is so easy to kill Anbu, at least it is a Jonin. From this point of view, it is very likely that it is a person in the village. I did it.”

My analysis is not unreasonable. Konoha’s security work is very strict. Even Orochimaru has to pretend to be Fourth-Kazekage to get in. In the original work, it was only after the death of Third Hokage and Konoha that it was chaotic that Itachi and Kisame had a chance to get in. Even when the late stage Pain invaded, it was immediately discovered. This shows that Konoha’s security measures are very complete.

“I have surveyed the scene, and this Anbu’s house is very neatly arranged, without the slightest trace of fighting.” A Jonin said.

“The impossible place where the corpse was found was not the first scene, but was it moved?” Another Jonin asked.

“Impossible, it is almost impossible to kill Anbu in the village without being found, but after killing it outside the village, it is not found in the village, and it may be very small, unless the murderer will be very powerful Space-Time Ninjutsu, such as Flying Thunder God Jutsu like Fourth-Kage and me, is it possible to find the top secret.” I analyzed and said half-cracking a joke, “So, either I am the murderer, or I found that the scene is the first scene, I prefer the latter.”

“Hatake Kurone is quite humorous, but he is right, it should not be throwing the body after death.” Third Hokage said with a Smile, then became serious, “Then the problem is more serious. There are no signs of fighting around the deceased. There are only two possibilities. Either the murderer’s strength is strong enough to kill Anbu in seconds, or an acquaintance commits the crime.”

I heard Third What Hokage said, the faces of everyone present changed suddenly and their expressions were very serious.

Kakashi came up and said straightforwardly: “In other words, but which kind of possibility, the murderer is most likely, is in this room, among us.”

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