“I announced that according to Konoha’s fa law and the results of discussions with the mou department, Hatake Kurone was sentenced…”

The atmosphere instantly solidified, and the villagers below, Everyone present, including Danzo and I, waited with bated breath.

But I already don’t care about the result. Anyway, as far as I’m concerned, it’s the same. I’m ready to leave the village, so I can just let go of my hands and plan to capture Rinnegan.

“Wu sin.” Mitokado Homura solemnly said the last two words, relieved.

“What! Mito…you! You guys!” Danzo’s face rose like pig liver, flustered and exasperated pointing to Mitokado Homura and said, “How can you succumb!”


“Enough Danzo! How can you question the decision to participate in the mou ministry! Besides, you know the truth of this matter in your own mind!” Mitokado Homura ignored Danzo’s accusation and walked right in front of me, “I Announce, Hatake Kurone, there is nothing to say about it.”

“Good! Good! Good!” Danzo smiled furiously, squinted at me and left, “Hatake Kurone, I won’t let you go.” Yes, you wait for me.”

The two Anbus came up and unlocked the shackles of Chakra, my within-the-body Chakra flowed again.

“Hoo~ It feels good to have power.” I was fist clenched and felt the powerful power. It is better to control life and death in my own hands. I have been in jail for a few days of experience for oneself as an ordinary person Life, I found that I have become accustomed to being a ninja.

“Congratulations, regain your freedom.” Mitokado Homura stared at me with a serious expression, “but I want to remind you, youngster, if it is too rigid, it is easy to break. , It’s good for you.”

finished-speaking, he turned and left.

“Thanks Senior for advice, I will remember.” I bowed to Mitokado Homura, the old man still has a sense of justice.

“Hatake Kurone, your weapon, give it back to you.” Another Anbu walked towards me, handed me the Azure Edge Sword, and teased, “But really good weapons, envy . But you only deserve to have black lightning.”

“It’s too good, long time no see, Tenzo.” I took the sword and said with a smile.

Tenzo was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled and said: “Yes, long time no see, senior Kurone, then I will go first.”

“Un.” I nodded, Did not speak.

Tenzo disappeared with a swish.

I pulled out my sword, and the azure sword glow flashed across my eyes, reflecting my scarlet Sharingan.

“It’s time to go.” Qing Feng got into the sheath, I thoughts move and went straight back home.

“This guy, really came and went without a trace.” Asuma laughed in embarrassment.

“Just get used to it, let’s go, too.” Kakashi shrugged.

“Well, celebrate and go to the bar.” Guy suggested.


I packed my luggage slightly, and I wondered if I should sue Kakashi and the others. Pondered, forget it, I’m afraid I will be shaken because of their retention.

Finally, I still only left a farewell letter on the table to express my gratitude and apologies.

“Konoha, goodbye.” I stood on the top of the building and finally glanced at the village where I had been in for nearly twelve years. “Next time I come back, I don’t know when it will be.”


thoughts move, I came to Izumo nook. Leaning against a tree, sat down.

“Leaving the village, where should I go next?” I gazed the sky in a daze.

Vote for other villages? Then I won’t be a panic, let alone where can I go?

Land-of-Lightning Hidden Cloud Village, I have some friendship with Darui, but in that place, Raikage is too manic to get along with.

Land-of-Earth Hidden Stone Village, forget it, the hatred between Hidden Stone and me is not shallow, I killed Hidden Stone that many people, I have to go to Land-of-Earth territory to be cautious and Solemn, go to Hidden Stone Village, Third-Tsuchikage Onoki can’t eat me alive.

Land-of-Water Hidden Mist Village is even more impossible. The Fourth-Kage Mizukage Yagura is in my hands. Even if Terumi Mei let me go, the Hidden Mist people will not give up. It’s not cracking a joke.

Land-of-Wind Hidden Sand Village is okay, but I don’t want to involve Pakura too much. Besides, if I go to Hidden Sand Village, it is easy to break the alliance between Hidden Sand and Konoha. So I can’t go to Hidden Sand Village either.

There are some small villages left, but I don’t know much about it.

“Where can I go, I can’t stay in Izumo corner forever.” Gazed Sky, I smiled bitterly, “I can’t go to Akatsuki.”

“No Thinking of the size of the world, there is no place for me.” I sighed, “Stay here and accompany Xiaoxue, maybe it’s also a good choice.”

I walked slowly to Xiaoxue’s crystal guan. Before, she looked at her frozen beautiful face, and her heart ached.

“Four years, I still have nothing to do, I can only watch you lying in it.” I punched the tree next to me, tears streaming down my face, “Sorry Xiaoxue…”


My heart is frustrated and incomprehensible, and my heart is filled with resentment, and I can feel that Sharingan has automatically emerged. An inexplicable throbbing in my body filled my heart with hatred, and I just wanted to kill Lu.

I didn’t expect the power of Sharingan to be so powerful, and I was about to be backlashed by the power of hatred. Suddenly, a refreshing sensation appeared in my eyes, slowly flowing to the whole body, suppressing the urge to kill.

It feels like Xiaoxue is holding me, and then naughty hands covering my eyes.

“Xiaoxue, is that you?” I stroked my eyes, and Sharingan had disappeared.

“I can’t sink like this, Xiaoxue is still waiting for me!” I stood up, eyes full of determination, “Since there is nowhere to go, I will wander around the world, looking for opportunities.”

After making a decision, I am no longer hesitating, thoughts move, and I just came to a marked point.

“This… seems to be within the Land of Fire.” I looked at the surrounding woods and the underfoot avenue.


The dull bell sounded from afar, echoing in my heart like a twilight drum.

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