I followed the sound of the bell, and a huge iron door was brought into my eyes. Two tall and ferocious door gods stood beside the door.

“Temple of Fire?” I looked up at the huge plaque on the door, and read silently.

I didn’t expect to come here unintentionally. I vaguely remember that about six or seven years ago, when I was looking for Asuma, I had a relationship with the land and land. Now when I want to come, he should already be Land of The abbot of Fire.

The so-called abbot is the highest leader of a monastery, equivalent to the top leader, and the entire monastery is under his control. The abbot, on the other hand, is a respectable person. He is generally called the abbot of the older abbot. The prestige is higher than that of the abbot. The abbot can serve as the abbot of many temples, but the abbot can only serve as a family. Besides, Elder refers to an old monk who has been an abbot and abbot before he can be called Elder after he retires. As long as he is still within the term of the abbot or abbot, he cannot be called Elder.

In the original work, Dilu is the abbot of the Temple of Fire, but because he is young, he has not yet become an abbot. Unfortunately, Hidan and Kakuzu died of death, and the Temple of Fire was also destroyed. But now, both Hidan and Kakuzu were killed by me, which indirectly saved the fire temple from the disaster of extinction.

“Alright, I’m here, let’s come and visit.” I said with a bitter smile, “I just don’t know if he remembers me.”

Slowly walking up the steps, the two sweeping Little Monk at the door saw me, bowed to me, and asked: “This Konoha donor, I don’t know what to do in our Fire Temple? Do you need a little monk to inform the place? Abbot Lu.”

“Well, Konoha Jonin, Hatake Kurone, can be regarded as an old acquaintance of the Abbot of the Land and Land. Passing by here, I am here to visit. I also hope that the Zen Master will tell the Abbot Di Lu.” I went back. A gift.

The older one of the two middle-aged monks said immediately: “It turns out to be the young, talented people of Konoha, black lightning Hatake Kurone, who is disrespectful and disrespectful. The abbot Jilu mentioned you occasionally That’s a lot of praise for his deeds. Wait a moment, and I will immediately notify the abbot of the land.”

“Trouble.” I nodded.

After a while, the older monk notified me to go in and told me that the abbot of the land was Hall Of Great Strength wait for me.

He came to Hall Of Great Strength At the door, from a distance, I saw a resolute figure sitting on the top of the praying mat in the middle. From my memory, it should be that the land is right.

“Banmu donor, I trust you have been well since we last met.” Before I started to talk to say hello, Di Lu stood up and turned around to salute me.

“I haven’t seen it in a few years, and the Dharma cultivation base of Dilu master is even more profound.” I couldn’t figure out how to reply, so I praised him.

“My heart is toward the Buddha, all beings are equal, so how come the Buddha’s profound meaning is said, the flagwood donor is overpraised.” Dilu smiled and led me to a small meditation room for meeting guests.” Donor, please sit down, Xuan Ye, and watch tea.”

A Little Monk came in and made a cup of tea for me and Dilu.

“But I haven’t seen him for many years, but the benefactor of Hagi is fame for fighting prowess spreads far and wide, good, good, good.” Di Lu laughed.

“Where and where.” I waved his hand, sighed, “What’s the use of fame for fighting prowess spreads far and wide? I’m just a homeless loser.”

“The eyebrows of the benefactor Qimu seem to be full of sadness. Although this poor monk is not talented, he hopes to hear the details to see if he can help the benefactor.” Dilu said sincerely.

“Well, it’s a long story.” My thoughts were drawn into the sea of ​​memories.

“Seven years ago, in the big melee at Konoha, Hidden Sand, Hidden Stone, and Hidden Mist, I killed Fourth-Kage Mizukage and became famous. After the war, I fell in love with me. After years of sweetheart, Uchiha melted the snow and got married.” I said slowly.

“I heard Asuma say that after the war, the benefactor of the flagwood moved the world and embraced the beauty. Although it is not as good as the Fourth Hokage, it can be said to be the peak of life. Many people envy the donor. You don’t know what happened afterwards?” Dilu asked after taking a sip of tea.

“The years I spent with Xiaoxue were probably the happiest time in my life, but the good times didn’t last long. I think you should have heard about it, that miserable night four years ago, Uchiha was exterminating the clan.” My thoughts plunged into the dark night of blood color.

“That incident shocked the entire Ninja World. No one thought that the incredible Uchiha Clan would be slaughtered overnight. Amitabha, it’s a sin. By the way, the wife of Hagi’s donor is also Uchiha Clan. Yeah, don’t tell me…” Di Lu’s expression became serious.

“Yes, my wife was also killed in that disaster, and she died in my arms.” My face was expressionless, as if my soul had been taken away.

“Amitabha, people cannot be resurrected from the dead, please be sorry for the benefactor of the flag tree.” Dilu sighed.

“Four years, I still can’t forget. Whenever I think of it, my heart is like a knife.” I touched my eyes and said coldly, “One day, I will kill my enemies. , Resurrect Xiaoxue.”

“Hakimu donor, your longing for your wife has become obsession. Although it is cruel, this poor monk advises you to let go of obsession.” Dilu said, ” People who are dead cannot come back to life, and those who are alive should cherish life. As for the resurrection, it is also against Deva Path. This poor monk does not recommend the donor heaven defying. Even if it is as powerful as Sage of Six-Paths, the ancestor of Ninja World, it is not in the end. Turned into a Kitsuchi.”

“Ai, why don’t I know, but even if I know it is obsession, I can’t let it go, I think you should understand me.” I sighed , Speaking of.

“Yes, let go of obsessions, easier said than done.” Dilu shake one’s head, “Even though I have been training for so many years, I can achieve the purity of the six roots, but I still can’t let go of obsessions.”

“The obsession of the abbot of the land is because of the guardian of the twelve scholars?” I took a sip of tea and asked tentatively.

“Yes, when we guarded the twelve guards because of different opinions, they split into the steady faction headed by Asuma and the radical faction headed by Hema, with six people on each side.” Di Lu began to tell. According to my own memories, “The radicals’ claim is to kill Daimyo. Of course we couldn’t agree. As a result, the two sides started a desperate fight. In the end, the only guardians were me and Asuma.”

“Unexpectedly, the twelve guardians who were so prosperous that year would end up so miserably, it is embarrassing.” I sighed.

“Yes, if we were to calm down a little bit and have a good talk, then maybe nothing like that would happen.” When it comes to this, Di Lu’s expression is stern and he blames himself very much, “This Things have become my obsession. Even after so many years of training, I still can’t let go.”

“Yes, obsession, how easy it is to let go. Time can smooth everything, but The obsession cannot be erased alone, it will only get deeper and deeper as time goes by. To be honest, even if obsession will make me consigned to eternal damnation, I’m afraid I can’t let it go.” I looked at what I had already drunk. The bottom of the tea, slowly put down the cup.

Dilu closed his eyes, pondered for a long time, and then slowly said: “Buddha says, let go of obsession and become a Buddha. My generation of monks has the responsibility to help the world resolve obsessions. Let’s do this, How about a bet between the donor and this poor monk.”

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