“Abbot, please.” I was curious about what Lu was going to make with me.

“This poor monk has been training assiduously these years. Although I dare not say it is pure and pure, but I have also used the power of Immortal Clan very skillfully. Strength things are very different now.” Speaking of tea, he slowly said, “I haven’t fought for a long time. This poor monk just took this opportunity to move his muscles and bones. It’s better to spar. If this poor monk wins, the donor will live in the Temple of Fire and accept the Dharma. Nurturing and dissolving obsessions. If the donor wins, this poor monk promises a request from the donor.”

“Okay, I bet on this bet.” I said cheerfully.

When I came to the courtyard, I stood opposite the ground.

Dilu put his hands together and bowed, saying: “Be careful of the donor, the strength things of this poor monk are very different now, I am afraid that Asuma is not my opponent now.”

“Even if the abbot takes the shot, he is not the one who has lost his reputation.” I replied, secretly funny, not that I looked down on Asuma, even if the strength was halved back then, I might not lose against Asuma, even more how Four years have passed, and my strength is not far from recovery.

“Offended.” Dilu’s left hand is still in the state of namaste, while the right hand stretches out in front of his abdomen, palm facing the ground.

Seeing his pose, I knew he was going to kill with Senju. In the original work, this move kills Kakuzu and Hidan in seconds, which is very tyrannical.

I am not dare careless, and I am ready to hand seal at any time.

A strong pressure suddenly appeared, and a yellow Guanyin phantom appeared on the top of the head.

“Lan Dun, Bad Black Madara!” I knew that fighting in close proximity was courting death, so I put a long-range Ninjutsu to try it out.

To this day, as my strength increases, the poor formidable power of Black Madara can no longer meet the needs of combat, but because of the proficient hand seal, I generally regard it as a tentative Attack Ninjutsu.

“The donor is very cautious, good and good.” Di Lu slightly smiled.

Boom! A huge fist appeared out of thin air and smashed the panther with one punch. Looking at the top of the head again, the originally kind-eyed Guanyin has become an Asura of fiends.

“I can smash the black Madara with one punch. This move formidable power is really big.” This is what I expected. The Azure Edge Sword behind my slowly draw, “It seems I have to be serious I clicked.”

“Although the benefactor let the horse come here, don’t keep your hands, but please don’t use a large area of ​​Ninjutsu, otherwise it will affect the temple.” Dilu said.

“Don’t worry, the abbot.” I stuck the Azure Edge Sword on the ground, put my hand quietly behind me, and quickly made a few seals.

“Secret Art, Crescent Moon Dance!” I suddenly picked up Qingfeng, turned into three illusory shadows and rushed over.

Since this Nintaijutsu came out, there has been no case of missing an opponent.

peng~ peng~! The huge fist struck me, but it hit my illusory shadow, and in this short moment, I had already come to Earth.

“It seems to be me…”

Boom! With another heavy punch, I was blown out and fell to the ground.

“Aiya…Is it too heavy, if I miss it, I won’t be able to explain it to Konoha.” Dilu looked at me lying on the ground, a little nervous.

“The abbot is serious.” My figure emerged from behind the ground, and the Azure Edge Sword was placed on his neck.

Of course, this is my old-fashioned picture, thunder-invisible tactics. For those who are not familiar with me, it has been tried and tested. Even if it is better than Pain, it has suffered from this move.

“If this poor monk lost, the Donor Hagmu is better.” Dilu smiled calmly, and the huge Guanyin disappeared without a trace, “I finally know why the donor is called black lightning, and I deserve it. “

“Offended.” Qing Feng was sheathed, and I bowed to Di Lu.

“This poor monk speaks for words. I don’t know what the donor wants. This poor monk will do everything he can.” Di Lu said.

“Well, let me think about it.” I thought for a moment, divine light flashed, this Senju kill is a very useful trick, even Crescent Moon Dance can crack it, I don’t know if he wants to teach Me, but judging from the original work, he even taught Asuma, it should not be an unspread secret.

“I think the style formidable power of the abbot is extraordinary, and I am quite interested. I don’t know if the abbot can teach me.” I put my polite hands together and bowed. “If this move is Secret Jutsu and it can’t be spread out, then forget it.”

“What difficulty is there, this move is called Senju to kill. I taught Asuma.” Dilu laughed, “Not to mention This move was originally created by Senju Clan of Konoha. The benefactor of the flag tree is Konoha’s Elite. It is an honor to teach you this poor monk.”

“Senju Clan?” No wonder, I Said how this move is so similar to the reduced-version Senju divine ability, “I am a little curious here, I wonder if the abbot can explain the origin of Senju’s killing.”

“No problem, let’s go in and talk.” Dilu Raised his hand and made a request.

When he came to the house, Dilu gave Little Monk a new cup of tea, slowly telling the origin of Senju’s death.

It turns out that the history of the Temple of Fire is very long. As early as the Warring States Period, the Temple of Fire was formed and was created by a predecessor of Senju Clan. Warring States Period, wars continue, there is an elder of Senju Clan who hates this chaotic world, so he ordained in the forest of Konoha. Of course, there was no Hidden Leaf Village at that time. Later, the Temple of Fire was established to accept people who have suffered from the war. Later, the predecessor of Senju Clan created Senju to kill Ninjutsu based on Senju Clan’s Ninjutsu, which has been passed down to this day. Senju kills this Ninjutsu prototype should belong to Senjutsu, and it needs to consume Senjutsu Chakra, which uses Natural Energy as its source. But how easy is Senjutsu to learn, so the senior of Senju Clan transformed it to consume Ninjutsu Senju of Yang Attribute Chakra. Although the formidable power has been weakened thousands of times, it is not bad, and it has become a fire. Temple monk self-protection of Ninjutsu.

If you use Senjutsu Chakra, can the formidable power be multiplied thousands of times? That’s incredible. The light escape spell I studied in Izumo no Kaku is the same as Senjutsu. It is Natural Energy. If I can use Senjutsu Senju to kill, it can be used as a trump card. This trip to Fire Temple will earn you money. Big.

“It turns out that there is such a story about the death of Senju. It’s really twists and turns.” I emotionally said.

“Well, but I want to remind the benefactor that although Senju’s formidable power is huge, but also not so easy to learn, it requires very powerful innate talent and Buddha nature. Most monks in the Temple of Fire practice since childhood. It can only be used barely. Even the excellent ninja with innate talent like Asuma, it took years of practice to barely be able to use it. This poor monk is relatively dull, training every day, and it took more than ten years to reach this level.” Speaking of tea, slowly.

Eight data of Asuma and Dilu are attached.

Sarutobi Asuma: Ninja 9 bodies, 9 phantoms, 7 sages, 9 powers, 8 speeds, 9 fines, 7 seals, 7, total 65

Earth and land: Ninja 10 bodies, 9 phantoms, 5 sages, 8 powers, 10 speeds 7 refined 9 printed 8, total 66

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