“Senju kill!” I tried to condense the Yang Attribute Chakra using the method taught by the land. As for Senjutsu Chakra, I think it is better not to expose it for now. After all, the more trump cards are left , The safer I am.

A tall and magnificent statue of Guanyin appeared behind me, and then I tried to control Chakra to form a fist.

dong! dong! dong!

With three punches, I knocked down a tree with a thick bowl.

“It’s incredible.” Di Lu was stunned, “Hakiki Donor, you are really an extraordinary talent. It took me only one month to learn the Ninjutsu that I had only mastered after more than ten years of practice.”

“Everywhere, they are all taught by the abbot of Dilu.” I smiled and scratched my head. “The effect that Senju used to kill me is still a lot worse than the abbot of Dilu. “

“Hagimu donor laughed, but it took me more than ten years to penetrate the profound mystery killed by Senju, the innate talent of Hagimu donor, comprehension ability and Buddha nature, which are rare in the world.” Lu said with a smile, “It’s a pity that the donor has no intention to escape into the empty door. Otherwise, after decades of training, he will be able to achieve the supreme cultivation base. As for this little Senju, this poor monk concluded that within a year, the Qimu donor will determine Able to master.”

“I…” What I was about to say, a hearty laugh came from a distance.

“Hatake Kurone, it turns out that you are hiding here, but let me find it easily, hahaha.” A tall and mighty figure moved from far to near.

“It turned out to be Lord-Jiraiya.” Dilu clasped his hands together and bowed.

“Oh, you are the abbot of the Temple of Fire, Dilu, hello, hello.” Jiraiya nodded with a smile.

“Lord-Jiraiya.” I also nodded to signal, and then asked in confusion, “Lord-Jiraiya is looking for me?”

“Isn’t it? I’ve been looking for you for more than a week I didn’t expect you to be in the Temple of Fire, so I can find it easily.” Jiraiya said with a smile.

Jiraiya made a special trip to find me? why? Could it be that they came to catch me? My heart became wary, could it be that I left without saying goodbye, and Konoha regarded me as a Missing-nin? Shouldn’t it. Sect Jiraiya is the one who arrested me?

“Lord-Jiraiya is here to catch me?” I asked tentatively. If Jiraiya shows signs of action, I will run immediately. Although I can’t beat Jiraiya with my current strength, it is not difficult to run away. Besides, the abbot of Jilu near the Temple of Fire was also present, and Jiraiya It shouldn’t be done.

“Why did you catch you? Are you a beauty or Missing-nin? I need me to catch you?” Jiraiya smiled and knocked on my head. “I’ve heard about Konoha, it’s obvious It’s Danzo’s conspiracy against you. Of course I didn’t come for this, but Great Toad Sage came to you.”

It’s okay if you don’t come to catch me, I’m sighed in relief.

“Great Toad Sage?”

“Oh, yes, you may not know it. Great Toad Sage is from Mount Myōboku…” Jiraiya thought I didn’t know, so he introduced me Take a look at Great Toad Sage.

Great Toad Sage is the Sect Founder of Mount Myōboku, a toad that has survived for more than a thousand years since the Kaguya era, and has extremely accurate prediction capabilities. The toad world can call the character of the wind and summon the rain. His within-the-body has a super powerful Chakra. His method of prediction is not fortune-telling, but Foreseeing Future in his sleep. He wears a necklace with the word “oil” and Court Academecian cap with the word “immortal” on the seat. Mount Myōboku is the main base of toad that has had a huge impact on Ninja World since ancient times. And it is said that the thousand-year-old toad sits on the top seat. A peaceful smile often appeared. But the huge Chakra contained in its within-the-body can give full play to the capabilities of Foreseeing Future.

In the Kaguya era, he taught Hagyi Senjutsu and gave him the Supreme Treasure of the toad country, the symbol of Sage (covered with Senjutsu Chakra). Hakata used this thing to save those controlled by his mother. The younger brother, who was killed by himself, used Senjutsu’s power to fight Kaguya for several months and finally won.

These are mentioned in the original work, I know it naturally, but I did not interrupt Jiraiya’s description, but patiently listened to him to finish.

“It turns out that this is the case, then I will go to Mount Myōboku with Lord-Jiraiya.” After Jiraiya finished speaking, I told Dilu about the individual.

“The flagwood donor has a very high Buddha nature. I believe you will not go astray because of the pursuit of power, but please remember the words of this poor monk, don’t be attached, let go of your attachment.” After Lu finished speaking, he turned and left.

“many thanks, the abbot of Dilu.” I bowed, and when I got up, Dilu was already far away.

“Okay, we should also go to Mount Myōboku.” Jiraiya looked at the fire temple in the distance, and said nothing, “I know you will be Minato’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu, so you Give me a technique formula, I will summon back to Mount Myōboku, and then you will follow.”

“Okay.” I took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai from the Ninja Tool Pouch and handed it to Jiraiya .

Jiraiya took the Kunai, put it in the Ninja Tool Pouch, and then bit her finger.

“Summoning Justu!”

Boom! A small orange toad popped out. If I guess it is correct, this should be Toad Wentai’s son.

“Toad Ji, go back and talk to Wentai, take me back to summon, I found the person Great Toad Sage said.” Jiraiya lowered his head and said.

“Okay.” Toad said concisely and disappeared with a bang.

After half a minute, Jiraiya also disappeared with a bang. It should have gone to Mount Myōboku.

“Great Toad Sage came to me. It is estimated that something was predicted. Is it because my appearance affected the process of Ninja World? Will my identity be exposed. Should I go?” I thought about it. , I decided to go there, in case there is something about Xiaoxue in the prophecy.

thoughts move, I came to Mount Myōboku.

As soon as I arrived at Mount Myōboku, I saw Jiraiya and two toads standing on his shoulders. It seemed that they were Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage.

“Foreign Land youngster of black hair, are you here?” An old voice came from my top of the head.

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