As soon as I looked up, in the Wang seat on the steps, there was a huge, old hama, with a kind face, but a little tired. This should be the legendary Foreseeing Future’s great Sage.

“Sage.” After all, I am a senior, and I bowed very respectable.

“Well, this little demon is quite polite.” Fukasaku Sage on the side said approvingly.

“I think Jiraiya should have told you that Sage can meet a vague future in his dream. It is very important for you to listen carefully.” Shima Sage said seriously.

“Yes.” I dare not slack off, although I know the entire history of Naruto, but for myself, it is unknown. There are spoilers, I must listen to it.

“Foreign Land black hair youngster from a faraway continent, your appearance has made my previous dreams change. Remember my words, don’t interfere too much, otherwise it will be of no benefit to you.” Hama Sage said seriously, “Your presence will lighten the burden of Child of the Prophecy, guide him to overcome the evil xie, and cause a new revolution in Ninja World.”

Jiraiya and the two hama Sage looked at each other in blank dismay, confused.

And I understand, Daha Ma Sage warned me not to interfere too much with the original historical trajectory, otherwise a butterfly effect will occur. As for assisting Child of the Prophecy, I understand it very well. Mostly I want to help Naruto to deal with enemies like Akatsuki, and finally defeat Kaguya, and then create a New World where ninja understand each other and have no war.

I can understand all of these. After all, it is something that happens naturally in original work. It’s the same without me, but I care more about my own affairs.

“I see, Sage, have you dreamed about me personally?” I asked politely.

“Mysterious black hair youngster, you do not belong to our this world, I can only dream about you in Ninja World.” Sage yawned and slowly said, “You There will be three major turning points…”

“The first turning point, I saw a beautiful snow-white long hair woman in your arms, Qiu Hen blinded your eyes, Then you fought fiercely with six powerful eyes-powered orange-haired ninjas. After the war, your shen body had traces of Uchiha…”

“Well, yes, there is such a thing.” I nodded, “My wife was killed by Akatsuki. I was hair stands up in anger, rushed to the headquarters of Akatsuki, and fought fiercely with Pain, the leader of Akatsuki, and finally it was a draw. My both eyes were taken away. Reluctantly replaced by the Sharingan of my wife Uchiha who melted the snow. “This incident is a major turning point for me.

“The second turning point, your both eyes are plunged into endless darkness. With the help of another Uchiha youth, you will regain the light and see the snow-white long hair once again. Woman.”

“Really?” Sage’s prophecy made me very excited. I can probably guess from his words that in the future, my Mangekyo Sharingan will be blinded by overuse. Now, with the help of Itachi, you can see Koyuki again after becoming Eternal Mangekyo.

But why? I have tried Impure World Reincarnation summon Koyuki many times, but all failed, indicating that she is not in the Pure Land of Bliss. I also wondered for a long time, maybe because of Impure World Reincarnation’s flaws.

No matter what is going on, I can see Xiaoxue again when I think of the future, overwhelmed by emotions.

Sage ignored me and continued to each minding their own business.

“The third turning point…” Sage suddenly paused for a while, “Sorry, I am old and have a bad memory, I forgot.”

I : “…”

Jiraiya: “…”

Fukasaku Sage: “…”

Shima Sage: “…”

“hahaha, in short, after these three major transitions, you will…” Sage stopped again.

I waited quietly. After all, I heard about my future. No matter how excited anyone was, I held my breath and waited for Sage to tell my final ending.

One minute passed…

Five minutes passed…

Ten minutes passed…

I almost held back Died, but it was not easy to happen, so I had to wait patiently.

Half an hour has passed…

An hour has passed…

“This old fellow, shouldn’t forget it again, please say sorry. Shima Sage couldn’t wait any longer and complained.

“I’ll go up and take a look, you guys don’t move.” Fukasaku Sage seemed to have thought of something, and jumped off Jiraiya’s shoulder and up the steps.

“emmmmmm…………” Fukasaku Sage took a closer look at Sage, then turned around and said embarrassingly, “Sage seems to be asleep…”

Me: “…”

Jiraiya: “…”

Shima Sage: “…”

“It’s all right, Great Toad Sage It’s normal to get tired after talking for so long at an old age. Let’s talk about it when it wakes up.” I smiled hehe on my face, as if thousands of alpacas were running past my heart.

It’s really time to sleep. I stay up early and stay up late. I fall asleep when it comes to key points.

Forget it, it’s good to be able to spoil so much information, although it’s not very useful. However, I always feel that the second turning point is that Xiaoxue’s business is not that simple. I don’t understand how to think about it, I just don’t want to, let’s talk about it when the time comes.

“Since Sage is asleep, let’s go out.” Jiraiya said.

So we exited the great hall and came to the home of Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage.

“Little Kurone is half of the grand disciple of Jiraiya, and also our guest of Mount Myōboku, my child, make a few more good dishes and entertain.” Fukasaku Sage said with a smile.

“Okay, my craft is very good, look at it.” Shima Sage turned and walked into the kitchen.

“What?” I looked at Jiraiya in horror. Jiraiya was holding a smile and looked at me who was taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

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