After eating Shima Sage’s dishes with tears in my tears, I wiped my mouth and resisted vomiting.

“How about it, little Kurone, is the kid’s food delicious?” Fukasaku Sage is still gorge oneself.

“Ok… delicious…” I gritted my teeth and barely made a smile.

“If you are delicious, eat more. You’re welcome, there are many more. Come…” Fukasaku Sage pushed another big dish in front of me.


After spending three full days in Mount Myōboku, Great Toad Sage finally woke up again. And, this time asked to talk to me alone.

“Great Toad Sage, you finally woke up.” I looked at the sleepy Great Toad Sage, and said excitedly, “Last time you fell asleep before you finished talking.”

“hahaha, sorry, I am getting older.” Great Toad Sage laughed awkwardly, “I saw something again this time, but I can’t tell you.”

“Why ?” I frowned.

“Because I met a few acquaintances in my dream, they told me something and asked me not to reveal too much future things, which is not good for you.” Great Toad Sage opened slowly. Half-closed eyes.

“They? Who are they? Is there Sage of Six-Paths among them?” I asked suddenly.

Great Toad Sage was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: “Is it my old friend, who is it? I’m not convenient to disclose this, there will come a day you will know.”

“Okay.” I was shrugged helplessly. Since Great Toad Sage didn’t want to tell me, it was naturally difficult for me to ask.

“But I learned something that surprised me from them. Did you sign a contract with Izumo no Kaku and learn the spell of Izumo no Kaku.” Great Toad Sage asked.

“Un.” I nodded, “I learned some furs, but I still can’t master Sage Mode.”

“If you can’t master it, that’s right, the establishment of Izumo Corner Zhetuxian and Huxian are from the faraway China mainland. Their spells are different from our Ninja World’s three Senjutsu, they belong to higher-level other natural energy usage rules, which are not so easy to master. For thousands of years, it has never been easier to master. No ninja can reach the corner of Izumo, let alone learning spell. It is because you are a Chinese that you will be accepted by the corner of Izumo.” Great Toad Sage looked up at the ceiling, as if lost in memory, “The two An old fellow……”

“Great Toad Sage, do you know the two seniors, Tuxian and Huxian?” Speaking of this, I vaguely remembered it. The Rabbit King seemed to have told me about these things. But for too long, I can’t remember.

“It’s all old things thousands of years ago, don’t mention it.” Great Toad Sage returned to reality from the memory. It stared at me with a kind face, “You are Izumo no The person selected by the corner, no wonder, that old fellow asked me to tell you something.”

“What’s the matter?” I simply won’t ask who that person is, and I won’t tell me anyway.

“If you want to learn Izumo no Kaku’s Sage Mode, you must first master the three Senjutsu Sage Modes.” Great Toad Sage said.

“You mean, I have to learn the Sage Mode of Mount Myōboku, Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest in order to learn the Sage Mode of Cloud Corner?” I shocked, “But why? These three Is there any connection between the two?”

“First of all, to correct your word, not to learn, but to master it. Secondly, these three are not related.” Great Toad Sage said seriously, “Izumo The spell of the horns is very profound and not so easy to learn. Back then, Senior Tiger Fairy and Senior Rabbit Fairy lay a solid foundation for successor later, so they discussed with me, Katsuyu Sage and the old snake skin. One is added to inheritance. You must master the Sage Mode of these three places before you can learn the Sage Mode of Izumo no Kaku.”

“It turns out that this is the case. Senior Tiger Fairy and Senior Rabbit Fairy are really good With good intentions, indeed, it is too difficult to directly learn Izumo’s Sage Mode directly.” I nodded. Suddenly, I remembered something.

“By the way, Great Toad Sage, I remembered one thing, that…Where are Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest…” I said embarrassingly.

Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest are rarely mentioned in the original work. I only know that Ryuchi Cave is underground, and Shikkotsu Forest has no idea where it is.

“The time when Tiger Fairy and Rabbit Fairy discussed this matter with us was a thousand years ago. At that time, except for Izumo Corner, all the settlements of Summoned Beast were connected to Ninja World, but later For some reasons, barriers have been established. I will tell you how to get to Ryuchi Cave. Don’t rush. As for Shikkotsu Forest, the entrance to the outside world has been cut off a long time ago. The only way to go is through summon and inverse summon. Back and forth, even I can’t go. It stands to reason that you are impossible to go to Shikkotsu Forest, but since that person asked you to study the three Senjutsu, it will definitely not be for no reason, indicating that you must have a way, or in the future. There is a way.” Great Toad Sage frowns thought for a while, and finally stretched out, “Forget it, I can’t think of a way, it’s up to you.”

“Well, I will find a way. many thanks Great Toad Sage.” I bowed. Although Great Toad Sage didn’t give a way to go to Shikkotsu Forest, I really thought of a way, which is a bit dangerous, and I don’t know if it’s useful, but all of this will wait for Senjutsu from Mount Myōboku and Ryuchi Cave to talk about it.

“Okay, you go out first, I’m sleepy.” Great Toad Sage gave a yawn, “You can go out and talk to Fukasaku directly, just say it’s me.”

“Yes.” I slowly exited the great hall.

“Senior Tiger Fairy, Senior Rabbit Fairy, think about how I was just a little toad back then. I didn’t expect it to be a thousand years in a blink of an eye. My old bones are probably not close to meeting you in the underworld. Not far away.” Great Toad Sage murmured, “Thousands of years, your inheritance, I finally found it for you.”

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