ninja launches Ninjutsu by launching the within-the-body Chakra. Ordinary Chakra is obtained by mixing its physical energy and spiritual energy, and Senjutsu Chakra is here. It is formed by absorbing Natural Energy (energy circulating in the world) and perfect fusion based on it.

However, in order to maintain the balance of the three powers, one of each can be activated. If it exceeds some, it will be swallowed by Natural Energy. If it is less than some, it cannot become Sage Mode, so it is generally more suitable for the training of people with larger Chakra Reserves. After entering Sage Mode, the body will experience Sage Transformation, which will change according to the nature of the natural energy absorbed. According to Sage Facebook, you can determine the perfection of user Sage Mode, that is, the degree of control over Natural Energy. But to turn on Sage Mode, you must sit on the ground in motionless to absorb Natural Energy. In addition, it takes a long time to absorb Natural Energy, so it is easy to become a living target of the enemy.

The capabilities of Sage Mode are huge. In Sage Mode, all aspects of strength will increase dozens of times, the formidable power of surgery will also be greatly enhanced, and the body will be activated, the pain will be greatly reduced when injured, and the resilience will be enhanced, so in the original work, Naruto can Rasenshuriken throws. At the same time, it has strong sense capabilities and large-scale attack capabilities. In addition, the unique Taijutsu attack in Sage Mode can make full use of the Natural Energy around you and make it a part of your body, thus forming an “invisible” attack. When attacking the enemy, it will bounce off the enemy like a “Gentle Fist”. When the enemy blindly absorbs Senjutsu Chakra, it will also turn into a frog or even a stone, thus killing people “invisible”. After entering Sage Mode, the technique will also be affected by the natural Chakra to increase the formidable power and be integrated with nature.

The difference from Ninjutsu Chakra is that the more you use Senjutsu Chakra, the more energetic you will be, while the more you use Ninjutsu Chakra, the more tired you will get. And Senjutsu Chakra belongs to the external natural Chakra, inexhaustible, and can continue to be absorbed when used up (from another perspective, it recovers faster than Ninjutsu Chakra). Senjutsu Chakra comes from the outside world, and some Sealing Ninjutsu Chakra like “Heavenly Prison” The Sealing Jutsu has no effect on Senjutsu Chakra. And Senjutsu can play a role in invalid Ninjutsu skills or physique. This shows that Senjutsu has a huge effect.

“The Senjutsu common sense that I have popularized for you should be more or less understood in Izumo no Kaku, so I will say it again. If you don’t understand, you can ask me again.” Fukasaku Sage stands at waterfall On the side, I said to me, “Senjutsu in Mount Myōboku is not as risky as Izumo Corner. If you don’t make trouble, you risk becoming a stone frog. Look at these stone statues under waterfall. They were the ones that failed in training in the past. People. Besides, you can only use it for five minutes at a time. Before using it, you must absorb Natural Energy statically, which is very limited. Have you decided?”

“Well, of course.” I nodded, I didn’t care about the stone statue at all, “Don’t worry, Fukasaku-senpai, I can learn it.”

“Your Master, Minato, is busy, so he only learned a little fur. Your teacher’s Jiraiya, innate talent is average. So for so many years, I can only enter the imperfect Sage Mode. In Mount Myōboku, no one has mastered the perfect Sage Mode. With your Chinese innate talent, this situation may really change.” Fukasaku Sage nodded, “According to the normal procedure, the first scholar can help absorb Natural Energy by applying our Mount Myōboku toad oil, and then gradually reduce the amount of application. Finally, without relying on the toad oil, absorb Natural Energy by itself, and then you can learn Mount Myōboku. Myōboku’s Senjutsu.”

“By the way, Senior Fukasaku, when I was learning spell in Izumo no Kakuno, I did not experience the step of absorbing Natural Energy, so I can use spell directly. Why? Huh?” I asked.

“Izumo no Kaku’s spell is relatively high-level, and the user can forcefully grab the Natural Energy around him and use it.” Fukasaku Sage patiently explained, “But the natural energy you can get is limited after all. It’s not enough to use the large consumption type spell, you still have to absorb Natural Energy.”

“Oh, so, I understand.” I suddenly realized, nodded, “No wonder I used the light to escape the formidable power. It’s not as good as some large formidable power Ninjutsu.”

“When you can absorb Natural Energy, it will be fine.” Fukasaku Sage took out a small bottle and threw it to me, “This is toad oil , You take off your shirt, apply toad oil all over your whole body, then meditate in front of the waterfall, try to absorb the natural energy.”

“Okay.” I follow Fukasaku Sage’s words, take off my shirt and apply toad oil, and then sat in front of the waterfall.

“Hiss… so cool…” As soon as I relax, I feel cool all over, as if I have been coated with cooling oil, and I can feel the continuously energy entering my body.

dong! Suddenly a stick hit my head.

“Ah, it hurts!” I covered my head, opened my eyes, and said aggrieved, “Fukasaku-senpai, why are you hitting me?”

“What did I just now I told you?” Fukasaku Sage knocked on me a few more times, “Telled you, keep one of something, or you will become a stone frog. You just absorbed so high, I won’t hit you, your grave head is already gone. It’s heightened.”

“…” I touched my face. Fortunately, it didn’t become a toad. “Okay… I’ll pay attention this time.”


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