“Sage Art·Landun·Chidori lasing!”

Fastly finished hand seal, as soon as I raised my hand, one after another flashed dazzling black thunders The lasing shot out, piercing the rock wall fifty meters away, like a laser gun.

Nowadays, after studying Sage Art of Mount Myōboku, my strength has greatly improved, and it is no less than the Peak period when I exchanged wartime with Pain. And after countless practice, my hand seal speed, except Itachi and Kakashi, I am afraid that no one can compare. Now, the entire Ninja World can easily beat me, I am afraid I can count it with one hand.

“Not bad, it’s just over half a year. You have mastered the Sage Mode of Mount Myōboku so thoroughly, it is perfect!” Fukasaku Sage tsk tsk exclaimed, “I don’t have any What can I teach you.”

“It’s been more than half a year.” I sighed, I didn’t expect it to be so long in a blink of an eye, but Naruto should be graduating now, and they promised to teach. They Ninjutsu, they only taught the basics of Ninjutsu and I left. I don’t know if they blame me.

“Half a year! This is an incredible speed. No one has ever been able to learn in such a short period of time. Little Jiraiya has been learning for several years. Until now, he can only use imperfect ones. Sage Mode, you are already a miracle.” Fukasaku Sage said irritably, “No wonder even Great Toad Sage praised you, this is unprecedented.”

“Fukasaku-senpai, believe it or not. In the future, there will be a youngster who will master Sage Mode perfectly in much shorter time than me!” I said with a smile.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!” Fukasaku Sage said categorically, “Do you think anyone can learn Sage Mode casually? For hundreds of years, you are the first to master it perfectly. There may be another one, I don’t believe it.”

“Then bet, within five years, this youngster will appear.” I didn’t refute Fukasaku Sage’s words, but continued.

“So sure? Well, even Great Toad Sage said you can’t estimate it in common sense, in that case.” Fukasaku Sage said nothing, nodded, “I believe you, this bet me Hit it, I expect that genius to appear.”

“hahaha…” I looked at Fukasaku Sage and smiled.

“What are you talking about? So happy?” Jiraiya came over, “Let me also listen.”

So I told the bet with Fukasaku Sage exactly Jiraiya.

“Is there anyone like this? I can’t believe it, haha.” Jiraiya said with a smile, “But what you said, I believe, I also expect this person to appear.”

“Don’t talk about this yet, by the way, Jiraiya, I haven’t seen you for half a year, why did you come suddenly?” Fukasaku Sage asked.

“Wen Tai said that Kurone Sage Mode training is almost done. I will come back to see and check how far you are by the way.” Jiraiya said with a smile.

“Well, I have this intention.” I said with a smile, just to check the results of my learning.

“Yes, but little Jiraiya, don’t be careless, little Kurone has mastered the perfect Sage Mode.” Fukasaku Sage reminded, “There’s also little Kurone, don’t be proud, little Jiraiya even though Sage Mode It is flawed, but strength is extremely strong, so don’t be careless.”

“I know the strength of Lord-Jiraiya naturally, I don’t know how to careless.” I said with a smile, Jiraiya’s How dare I underestimate the strength. In the original work, Jiraiya can kill four Pains without Pain’s information, and after countless deductions and the Eight-Gates, I barely defeated six Pains. It goes without saying.

When I came to a large open area, I stood opposite Jiraiya.

“Let me see where you are. It takes time for Sage Mode to absorb Natural Energy. I’ll wait for you.” Jiraiya put his hands on his back, looking indifferent.

“How about it, people won’t wait for me when fighting the enemy.” Instead of absorbing Natural Energy, I pulled out the Azure Edge Sword and rushed over.

Let’s try Thunderyin’s tactics first, this move has been tried repeatedly.

“Interesting, so confident?” Jiraiya was taken aback, then looked at me approvingly.

“Crescent Moon Dance!” I turned into three illusory shadows and went straight to Jiraiya.

“Second Hokage’s Nintaijutsu, good, good.” Jiraiya exclaimed, “Ninjutsu, needle Jizo!”

Jiraiya didn’t care about my illusory shadow, but directly Wrap yourself with hair.

My Azure Edge Sword cuts iron like mud, even Orochimaru’s Kusanagi sword can’t take advantage of it, let alone trifling hair, how can it be blocked. Jiraiya obviously knew this, but why did he still use this move? Is there any conspiracy?

No matter what, I have already taken the shot and can’t get it back.

puci, like a needle piercing tofu, my sword pierced into Jiraiya White’s hair.

“Suck!” I pupils shrank, and instantly understood Jiraiya’s intentions.

Too late to draw out my sword, the white long hair immediately wrapped the sword body firmly and turned to me.

Hair does not conduct electricity. If I get entangled, I will lose it.

I had to give up Azure Edge Sword and jumped back.

“Can you run?” A foot quickly stretched out of the hair and kicked heavily on my stomach.

“wu!” I am in pain, but there is a strange arc of my mouth.

My whole body turned into a lightning current, and I entered the within-the-body of Jiraiya.

“What?” Jiraiya was taken aback.

“It seems that I won!” My main body suddenly appeared from behind Jiraiya, waving Chidori in his hand, “Lord-Jiraiya, offended.”

“That’s not necessarily the case, Rasengan!” Jiraiya put the needle away, turned around and blasted Rasengan on my stomach.

“How is it possible! Wu!” I was caught off guard and flew out, and I glanced at Jiraiya in front of me.

It turned out that he inserted my Azure Edge Sword on the ground, and then put it on his feet to transmit the lightning current to the ground, no wonder it was not paralyzed by the lightning current.

“Kurone, I admit that this move is very practical, but ah, you use too much, many people…”

Bang! Suddenly my body after being beaten up became Azure Edge Sword.

“What! Bad…” Jiraiya backed away abruptly, but it was definitely too late, because I was underfoot and was stepped on by him.

Boom! The Azure Edge Sword stepped on by Jiraiya is my main body. I stood up abruptly and hit Jiraiya’s chest with a punch.

“Explosion-Style! **Fist!”

In the distance, Fukasaku Sage who is watching can’t help but shake one’s head: “Still too young.”


ninja eight-dimensional data (data does not represent absolute strength, for reference only):

Hatake Kurone: Ninja 10 body 9 phantom 10 virtuous 10 power 8 speed 10 fine 9 Imprint 10, total 76

Jiraiya: Ninja 10 body 9 phantom 6 sage 9 power 9 speed 9 fine 10 imprint 9, total 71

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