“Lord-Jiraiya, it seems that I won.” A weird arc was raised at the corner of my mouth, and the fist hit Jiraiya in the chest.

“Something’s wrong! It feels weird!” An unknown premonition spread in my heart.

Boom! Jiraiya’s whole body burst open, and water poured me all over.

“Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a water clone. I used such a method of closely linked with one another, but I still put one.” I shake one’s head, and suddenly found that the water on my body was a bit wrong. It was slimy and smelled, so I lowered my head and sniffed it.

“It turned out to be an oil clone, not a simple water clone.” I threw the oil on my body disgustingly, and found that I couldn’t keep it. Suddenly, I thought of a possibility, “Oh, Lord-Jiraiya shouldn’t have to…”

“Sage Art ·Fire-Style ·Phoenix Immortal Fire Jutsu!” Jiraiya dropping from the sky, there are many small bumps on his nose, and pupils become The words are the same as toad, and the whole face also shows Sage’s facial makeup. But I don’t have time to pay attention to this because of the powerful Fire-Style assaults the senses.

The body is filled with oil, coupled with this powerful Fire-Style, if you change to someone else, you will undoubtedly die. Fortunately, it is me. Black lightning is not a mere name.

bang! Fire-Style covers my position just now, and the flames are burning.

“Little Jiraiya, are you too…what if you accidentally kill little Kurone?” Fukasaku Sage shouted from a distance.

“Don’t worry, the black lightning is not for nothing. How can I die so easily.” Jiraiya was expressionless, but stared at the fire.

Of course, I used Flying Thunder God Jutsu a long time ago to hide aside, and then hide it with a pass.

“I heard that you are immune to all Genjutsu, then let me try.” Jiraiya opened her mouth, her apple squirming, “Pseudo toad is singing!”

Lang Liang The croak of frogs filled the surroundings, even Fukasaku Sage was frowned, and then he covered his ears. It said silently: “It’s too messy. Although it’s not like a real toad, Genjutsu, sense of hearing is so easy to crack. This time Kurone is probably planted.”

Although what Jiraiya uses is not a real toad, but formidable power is definitely not bad. The real toad pro sing is also called toad 2nd layer sing. It is the sense of hearing system Genjutsu launched by Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage. It is extremely powerful and even killed three Pains in the original work.

However, after I listened, I didn’t feel like Genjutsu, I just felt a little noisy.

I dig my ears and plan to go straight up to fight Taijutsu with Jiraiya. After all, now that he has turned on Sage Mode, I can’t get much cheaper on Ninjutsu. As for Taijutsu, I know that Jiraiya is certainly not weak, even more how and Sage Mode is turned on, but now I am all oily, as slippery as a loach, combined with Eight-Inner Gates, it has a great advantage. To be honest, since I came to Ninja World to practice Taijutsu, I have taken out all the fighting skills I can remember to practice, such as Wing Chun Tai Chi, Hong Quan seven wounds, and even Israeli fighting skills. I couldn’t keep up with my body before. , What can’t be done, now with Chakra’s increase, there is no problem at all. This is why I was able to break his neck directly with Taijutsu when I was fighting Pain’s human world. With the growth of physique and Chakra equal, I estimate that in the entire Ninja World, few people can beat me by fighting.

“Eight-Inner Gates, Six Sect Gate of View, open!” I rushed directly at Jiraiya, and I punched him with a daily punch.

Jiraiya obviously didn’t expect me to be so direct. Even though my body reacted under the increase of Sage Mode and resolved most of the strength, he still punched me firmly.

“wu!” Jiraiya had a pain and took a step back. I continued to step forward without the slightest hesitation, and the fist hit like a raindrop.

At this time, Jiraiya has already reacted and fought with me. You punched me and kicked me. It was very intense.

At this time, although I had the upper hand, I still did not expect that Sage Mode’s increase in Taijutsu would be so strong that it would be comparable to me who started Six Sect.

“It seems that Sharingan has to be used. It is easy to dismantle the move by seeing his movements.” I immediately turned on Sharingan.

Sure enough, this physics plug-in is good. I can see the Chakra Flow on Jiraiya and judge his next move.

“Oh, Sharingan? Uchiha melts the snow.” Jiraiya obviously saw the strangeness in my eyes, and didn’t say much, “Then try this move!”

Boom! Jiraiya hit it hard with a punch. Of course, I arrived at the prediction ahead of time, so I easily avoided it.

But in the next second, I saw that the air flow seemed to be wrong.

“Not good! It’s a frog team player!”

Bang! Before I could react, I was hit hard by the air produced by Natural Energy.


ps: Yesterday, a reader told me about this ninja eight-dimensional data problem, saying that Hatake Kurone set too high, and it was higher than Jiraiya, which is not reasonable . Let me explain (xia) and explain (bian) here.

First, let’s look at the data of the two.

Hatake Kurone: Ninja 10 body 9 phantom 10 virtuous 10 power 8 speed 10 fine 9 printed 10, total 76

Jiraiya: Ninja 10 body 9 phantom 6 virtuous 9 power 9 speed 9 Fine 10 printed 9, total 71

First of all, Ninjutsu, both of them are 10, I don’t think there is any explanation, Kurone’s advantage lies in Ninjutsu.

Taijutsu, I think Kurone is not too much. Eight-Inner Gates is not built, after all, even Lee has 10.

Genjutsu, in fact, I am still very hesitant about this item, I don’t know how much it is suitable. Finally, pondered, immune to all Genjutsu, so let’s 10.

Xian, this refers to battle IQ, battle analysis ability, I don’t think 10 is too much. Kurone knows all the abilities of Hokage can be deduced in advance, so as long as it is not the strength, the gap is too big. , There is no problem.

Strength, there is nothing to say, 8 is also quite normal, after all, Taijutsu’s strong ninja is not low.

Quick, Flying Thunder God Jutsu, it’s not that 10 is impossible.

Fine, this is a bit controversial. In fact, after learning Sage Mode, Kurone’s Chakra is very abundant, and Sharingan can open and close freely. I don’t think 9 is too much.

India, Itachi and Kakashi are both 10, and Kurone is no longer weaker than them.

I would like to reiterate here that 10 and 10 are not the same. Kurenai Yuhi, Orochimaru, Itachi are all 10, but there is obviously a difference, right? Maybe Kurenai Yuhi is 10 and Itachi is 100.

So although Kurone’s data is higher than Jiraiya, it does not mean that strength is stronger than Jiraiya, because it is possible that Kurone’s Ninjutsu is 10 and Jiraiya’s is 15?

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