Natural Energy is an intangible force. Of course, I can’t parry it, so I was blown away severely at once.

After retreating more than 30 meters, I barely managed to stand firm.

And Jiraiya did not give me time to adjust, but rushed over.

“Since you attacked me with invisible power, then I also used invisible power to fight back.” I made a gesture of folding my hands together, and then pointed one hand to the ground with the palm of my hand, “Senju kill!”

Huh! A huge fist dissipated the Natural Energy in the air, and then hit Jiraiya.

“What?” Jiraiya stopped immediately, avoided the fist sideways, and then hurried back several tens of meters.

Seeing that Jiraiya retreated beyond the range of Senju’s killing, I immediately stopped the attack. After all, Senju killed Chakra very quickly.

“This move should be the killing of Senju of the Temple of Fire? I didn’t expect you to even learn this. No wonder people who know you say your innate talent is excellent.” Jiraiya said with a smile.

“Lord-Jiraiya is overwhelmed.” Damn wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking that Natural Energy should have absorbed almost.

“Senjutsu · Earth-Style · Earth Dragon Spear!” Jiraiya suddenly squatted and pressed his hands to the ground.

The earth split instantly, and an earth dragon broke out of the soil and crawled towards me quickly.

I closed my eyes and counted silently.

Ten seconds…

Five seconds…

Three seconds…

One second…

I opened my eyes violently. There was a white line in the originally black pupils, and black eyeshadow appeared beside my eyes. This is the sign of Sage Mode.

The original speed very fast earth dragon, now in my eyes, seems to have become a slow motion. I lifted my leg and stepped on the earth dragon head with one foot.

“Have you finally turned on Sage Mode?” Jiraiya saw my difference and said, “Come on, let me see how your Sage Mode is different from mine!”

“Lord-Jiraiya, be careful!” I moved towards Jiraiya quickly out.

In my current state, not only Sage Mode is turned on, but also Six Sect of Sharingan and Eight-Inner Gates is turned on. Chakra consumes very fast. Although the Sage Mode of Mount Myōboku can be used for five minutes, in my current high-consumption state, even if Natural Energy is very abundant, I am afraid I can only last for two some minutes.

Jiraiya squinted, staring at me running at high speed, stretched out the fist, and punched me. I didn’t avoid it, but directly greeted me with a fist.

dong! The two fists collided, centering on me and Jiraiya, there was a huge impact outwards, and the ground shook slightly.

Jiraiya frowned, it took a few steps back and forth to stabilize the figure. Obviously, this fist is a bit better for me.

“It seems that I lost.” Jiraiya said with a bitter smile, the Sage facial makeup on his face slowly faded, obviously it is time, “or your perfect Sage Mode is more powerful.”

“many thanks Lord-Jiraiya start off leniently.” I also lifted all of my conditions, panting roughly, and this battle was not too expensive for me.

“Where, I believe you still have a trump card. If I try my best, I may not be able to win you.” Jiraiya said with a smile.

Jiraiya is right. Before I learn Sage Mode, even if I try my best, it will be difficult to beat him. Now, although my strength may not be better than him, I still have a certain Grasp the undefeated.

“Wonderful!” Fukasaku Sage clapped and jumped over, “I didn’t expect that little Kurone, you have progressed so quickly, already not in little Jiraiya.”

” Yes, I’m afraid it won’t take a few years, and Sarutobi old fogey won’t be his opponent anymore.” Jiraiya laughed and teased.

“Where and where, I’ve been awarded.” I smiled and scratched my head, somewhat sorry.

“You two are also tired today. Come back and rest with me. Let the old woman cook some hearty meals as a reward.” Fukasaku Sage smiled and waved his hand.

“Un.” I am nodded. In the past six months, I have been used to eating “dishes” made by Shima Sage. In fact, it is not as disgusting as it looks. On the contrary, it is very rich in protein, which is very helpful for training. The taste is okay.

damned… Am I more and more like toad?

“en. Take a day off, tomorrow I will take you back to Konoha.” Jiraiya patted my shoulder.

“En? What are you doing back to Konoha?” I looked at Jiraiya suspiciously.

“You have finished studying Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku, do you still have to stay here to eat and drink? Of course, it is to go back to Konoha with me, just because I have something to report with old fogey.” Jiraiya laughed and teased To.

“But I have…” I was about to say that I had left Konoha and was ready to travel the world.

“It’s mainly Minato’s son Uzumaki Naruto who has graduated this year. You are also his teacher, don’t you go and see? He has been assigned to Kakashi’s class.” Jiraiya interrupted my words.

“Hmm…” I thought for a while and felt that what he said made sense, “Okay, I will go back to Konoha tomorrow.”

Jiraiya came to urge me early in the morning on 2nd day. On the journey, I saw a bandage on his hand.

“Lord-Jiraiya, you…” I’m a bit sorry, and indeed the punch yesterday caused some trouble for Jiraiya, and he has been holding back without saying.

“It’s okay, it’s just a slight fracture. It will be fine in two days, don’t care.” Jiraiya probably saw my shame, smiled and waved his hand and said, “Ninja, well, suffer A small injury is normal.”

“Lord-Jiraiya, thank you.” I bowed deeply.

“Okay, let’s go, there will be toad summon and I will go to Konoha in a while, you can follow Flying Thunder God Jutsu.” Jiraiya said, and then disappeared with a bang.

I finally glanced at Mount Myōboku, which had been there for half a year. Out of respect, I did not leave any mark of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“It’s really a paradise of verdant hills and limpid water. I don’t know when I will come back next time.”

I thought move and returned to Konoha.

“Well, you go to Naruto and them, I’ll report some information to old fogey.” Jiraiya finished-speaking. Turned around and left.

And I came to the practice ground.

“A few of them are really here.” I hid behind the tree, a few people on the gazed clearing far away.

Naruto with fighting spirit, Sasuke with coldness, Sakura with starry-eyed, and Kakashi with Icha Icha Paradise.

“long time no see.” I said silently in my heart.

“Kakashi teacher, Kurone teacher is of the same race as you, I haven’t seen him for half a year, do you know where he went? He promised the three of us to teach us Ninjutsu! “Naruto said.

“Naruto, Kurone is out of the village. I don’t know when he will come back. I will tell you when he comes back.” Kakashi was also a little disappointed in his eyes. Care about yourself. If you fail my exam, you will have to go back to the Academy again.”

Kakashi finished-speaking, took out two bells, and said: “The rules are simple, grab me The bell, even if you pass the exam, if you don’t get it, go back to Ninja School.”

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