“I think, I have made the rules clear enough, let’s get started.” Kakashi waved his hand.

With a swish, the three of Naruto Sasuke Sakura jumped out and hid.

“Well, the hiding is pretty good.” Kakashi glanced around for a while, and suddenly found someone standing in front of him, “En? Naruto, why don’t you hide?”

” Let’s fight!” Naruto said carefree.

“What?” Kakashi a confused face, looked Naruto like a fool.

The result is self-evident, Naruto was shot into the river by Kakashi for a thousand years.

These are all familiar plots. I watched it for a while and got a little boring, so I left.

I’m back all the time. I can’t tell if I don’t go to Third Hokage. After all, I left without saying goodbye, so I went straight to Hokage Residence.

“Hatake Kurone?” Third Hokage’s secretary saw me and immediately came over and said, “Sandaime is discussing with Lord-Jiraiya in the office. He ordered that if you come over, you should go to the office to find him.”

“Well, I understood.” So, I went straight to Hokage’s Office, knocked on the door, and walked in.

“Oh, Kurone, I haven’t seen you for more than half a year, so I am a lot stronger.” Seeing me come in, Third Hokage looked kind, “I heard Jiraiya talk about you.”

“Well, I told Third-Kage about how you learned Mount Myōboku Senjutsu.” Jiraiya said.

“The murder case last time really wronged you. Now it has been found out that Danzo framed you. I have dismissed him temporarily and let him think about it behind closed doors.” Third Hokage said with shame. Then, “I’m so sorry, last time I didn’t…”

“It’s okay, I can understand the difficulties of Third-Hokage.” I interrupted Third Hokage’s apology because it didn’t make much sense. Even if Danzo was dismissed and then thought behind closed doors, it didn’t make any sense to ban his feet or something. After all, Root only accepts Danzo’s leadership and is unlikely to change, so it won’t be long before Danzo will return to his old business.

“Then what are your plans now, to return to Konoha, or?” Third Hokage finally got into the subject and asked.

“It’s definitely impossible to return to Konoha, Third-Hokage. I think you also understand that Danzo will come back to the post sooner or later. When the time comes, he will definitely continue to deal with me, but I can’t do anything to him. “I shake one’s head,” I originally planned to walk around, and then I was taken by Lord-Jiraiya to Mount Myōboku to learn Senjutsu. Since Great Toad Sage allowed me to learn the three Senjutsu, then I will look for Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest. There is no need to wander around aimlessly.”

“What you said makes sense, and it seems that it is really inappropriate to go back to Konoha.” Third Hokage nodded, “Since you decided to go to Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest , I won’t persuade you. That’s okay. I’m now announcing that I’m sending you to perform the Secret Mission. Only me, Jiraiya, Kakashi and a few people know your situation, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Thank you Third-Hokage.” I bowed.

“Be careful, Konoha Gate will always be open for you.” Third Hokage said sincerely, “It just so happens that Jiraiya is leaving too. Let’s go together.”

“Well, I Go visit Kakashi and the others again.”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you at the entrance of the village.” Jiraiya laughed, patted me on the shoulder, and went out.

I thoughts move, went back home, rearranged my luggage, and then went to Yile to eat a bowl of ramen.

“Kakashi’s exam should be almost at the end, just to go and have a look.” I thought move and came to the practice ground again, hiding behind a tree to observe in secret.

“You two, dare to eat Naruto! Are you taking my words as in one ear and out the other!” Kakashi said with a gloomy look, the sky in the sky was also covered by Ninjutsu by him The dark clouds.

“Ahhhhhhh Ahhhh…I…I…I, I, I…” Naruto and Sakura were scared to turn pale with fright, and Sasuke was also frowned with a serious face.

“Didn’t you say, let us help each other?” Sasuke retorted first.

“Yeah, yeah, you said, we need to help each other, so we can feed Naruto.” Sakura also reacted and said boldly.

“Yes, yes!” Naruto also said.

“I said…you…” Kakashi’s face got closer and closer. Suddenly, his dark eyes became crescent-shaped, “It’s qualified.”

” …What…?” The three were confused, “Is this qualified?”

“In fact, in Ninja World, people who don’t follow the rules are called losers, but don’t cherish them. Companion people, loser is not as good.” The dark clouds in the sky have dissipated, and the sun is shining down, “You three dare to challenge the rules and help your companions, so I say you are qualified.”

“Too…very good!” Naruto burst into tears with excitement. “It’s so handsome!”

“Very good! Sasuke-san! We made it!” Sakura also said excitedly.

“Un.” Sasuke snorted lightly and said nothing, but his face was full of excitement.

“Kurone teacher would be very happy if we knew we passed the exam!” Naruto said suddenly.

“Yeah, I think he will be very happy.” Kakashi said, squinting his eyes and looking at where I am.

“Kakashi this guy…” I chuckled, “It’s almost time to leave.”

thoughts move, I went straight to the entrance of the village.

“Well, it’s finally here.” Seeing me coming, Jiraiya walked over.

“Sorry, Lord-Jiraiya, we have been waiting, let’s go.” I nodded.

After leaving the village and walking a long way, there was a fork in the road. Jiraiya and I are going to separate here because we are going to different directions and take different forks.

“Do you have any plans next? Go to Ryuchi Cave or Shikkotsu Forest?” Jiraiya asked me.

“Ryuchi Cave first, Shikkotsu Forest is a bit tricky.” I said.

“Ryuchi Cave…, I would suggest that you can ask Orochimaru what he should know.” Jiraiya hesitated and said.

“Well, that’s what I planned.” I was nodded, expressionless, after all, this guy Orochimaru is not easy to deal with.

“With your ability, it is not difficult to find Orochimaru, and it is not easy for Orochimaru to kill you with your strength. But you must be careful, Orochimaru is a scheming person, and it will be easy. Don’t trust him lightly.” Jiraiya said, “reasonable in every circumstance. I should accompany you, but I have an urgent mission, so I can only rely on you to complete it. Now, you remember, must be careful.”

“Well, Lord-Jiraiya, rest assured, I will pay attention.”

Farewell to Jiraiya, I thought about it and decided when least expected , So he thought directly and came to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, this guy is arrogant enough. I left him with the mark of Flying Thunder God Jutsu. After so many years, he hasn’t got rid of it yet. He is so confident that I will not go. Kill him? Or can’t kill him.

“Hello! Orochimaru! Surprise?” I suddenly appeared, ready to startle Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was conspiring with Kimimaro at this time and saw me appear, startled.

“Fuck!” Tou had the most reaction and fell directly to the ground.

Kimimaro pulled out the Bone Blade very vigilantly, frowns staring at me.

Orochimaru’s reaction was not too great, but he was taken aback, and then asked me with a wry smile: “Kurone, long time no see, are you?”

“Make a deal Well, I need the information of Ryuchi Cave.” I bluntly said, “Tell me about your conditions.”

“Ryuchi Cave…” Orochimaru did not answer me directly, but tidied up. The information on the table was then hidden.

“Take it!” Orochimaru absently turned out a scroll, glanced at, and threw it to me, “Just treat it as if you owe me a favor, and talk about it later. I’m busy now, you take it Just leave.”

I took the scroll and let it go. Although I am very curious about what Orochimaru and the others are plotting, I have got the scroll and it is inconvenient to ask further. It has nothing to do with me anyway.

“That line, you go on and say goodbye.” I thoughts move and came directly to Izumo nook.

“This Orochimaru is really weird.” I muttered to myself and opened the scroll, “Is the scroll fake?”

“That’s right, it’s Ryuchi Cave The information is strange.”

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