Ryuchi Cave is also called Takiji Cave. It is a legendary repair land of immortal with the same name as Mount Myōboku and Shikkotsu Forest. In the original work, Orochimaru once wanted to train Senjutsu here, but suffered from the body and hands being dead. After the ghost was sealed, he couldn’t bear the power of Sage, so he tried to seize Sasuke’s body to train Senjutsu. In the end Orochimaru was sealed, and only Yakushi-Kabuto reached the Sage realm.

I read the scroll of Orochimaru carefully. It turns out that Orochimaru accidentally discovered Ryuchi Cave while studying Shigeo’s violent curse-seal, but it seems that something has been delayed, so I haven’t been to Ryuchi Cave. training. Later, because of the loss of both hands, there was no chance.

According to Orochimaru’s investigation, Ryuchi Cave is located deep underground in the current Hidden Villages. No wonder, he wants to establish a stronghold there. The leader of Ryuchi Cave is Sage, the white snake of the same generation as Great Toad Sage, and he is said to have lived for thousands of years.

“I don’t know if this white snake Sage is good to get along with.” I recalled that Great Toad Sage had confessed to me. If I saw the white snake Sage, just mention the agreement between the tiger fairy and the rabbit fairy. It will naturally help me. However, the white snake Sage is more irritable, it is best not to communicate with it too much. “Hmm… From the perspective of original work, this guy seems to like to smoke. I will give him a few kilograms of tobacco, so he should be easier to talk.”

So, I carried twenty pounds of tobacco and dressed in disguise. , Came to Hidden Villages.

“Sure enough…Orochimaru’s village is different.” Looking at the strange people in Hidden Villages, I couldn’t help being a little speechless, as if I had come to a world of bizarre and motley.

“Hello, do you know how to get to Hidden Dragon Mountain?” I asked someone who seemed normal on the street.

“You are not in our village, right? Why do you ask, Hidden Dragon Mountain is forbidden.” The man became vigilant and asked me.

“Come here, take this one.” I secretly gave that person some money. After all, this is Hidden Villages. Don’t make trouble until you reach a last resort.

“oh?” That person took my money, staying calm and collected, and put it in his pocket, “This Hidden Dragon Mountain is a forbidden place. If Lord Orochimaru understood it, I can…”

Speaking, he secretly counted money again, it seemed that he wanted to ask me for more money. Damn it, take me as a fat sheep, right?

I don’t want to make trouble, but it doesn’t mean I’m afraid of trouble.

“No problem.” I smiled wryly at him, “It’s just that there are so many people here, we come to the alley.”

“Good, good!” The man was completely unconscious and walked into the alley with me happily. Maybe he thought I could not pose a threat to him, or I didn’t dare to make trouble in Hidden Villages.

When I entered the alley, I glanced around, and after making sure that there was no one, the glowy complexion came down.

“Hurry up, someone should be here in a while.” The man didn’t notice the change in my expression at all, but looked at the alley, afraid that someone would come.

“Hurry up, why are you…” The man turned around and saw me pull out the Azure Edge Sword, with a look of surprise, “You want to do…”

Before he could yell out, I hit his stomach with a punch, put him down, and covered his mouth.

“Quickly, where is Hidden Dragon Mountain?” I put the Azure Edge Sword around his neck. “If you don’t say anything, I’m not welcome!”


“Honestly, don’t shout, or you will be dead!” I slowly relax Opened and covered his mouth.

“Help…” As soon as he released it, he wanted to ask for help. As soon as he shouted a word, I was covered in time.

“Give the face shameless!” I didn’t talk nonsense. I cut off one of his arms with a sword. Thinking about Orochimaru, I didn’t blink my eyes when I caught innocent people for live experiments. His There are no good people, so I didn’t start off leniently at all.

“Give you one last chance. If you don’t tell me, I will chop off all your limbs!” I fiercely said fiercely.

“Uh…uh…” The man quickly nodded and looked pale.

So I let go again, and this time, he was finally honest.

“Hey, it hurts me…” he grimacing said with a grin.

“Say useful, don’t talk nonsense.” I dumped his slap.

“I said, Hidden Dragon Mountain is two miles northeast of the village. There is a barrier laid by Lord Orochimaru. I advise you not to go. Lord Orochimaru is not something you can handle. “That person said trembling with fear.

“Is that all?” A killing-intent flashed across my eyes.

“That’s it, I tell you everything I know! Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!”

“A lot of nonsense! I just promise not to cut Your limbs, but you never promised not to kill you.” I didn’t talk nonsense, and cut off his head with a sword, just as easy as cutting a carrot.

“Earth-Style, the art of burial!”

I used Earth-Style to hide his corpse and all traces under the ground.

“I’m afraid it won’t last long, I have to go to Hidden Dragon Mountain to find Ryuchi Cave!”

According to the information that person told me, I quickly came to the village Tohoku II In the place, I really felt a very powerful force.

“There really is a barrier, and it’s not too weak! It’s too late to untie it. It seems that I can only use violence to force it in.”

I took a few steps back and quickly hand seal.

“Explosion-Style · ** Punch!” I banged my punch against the invisible wall of the barrier.

However, there was only a slight crack in the barrier, and it was not broken.

“I didn’t expect it to be so sturdy, it seems I need to use Sage Mode.” I closed my eyes and started to absorb the Natural Energy around me.

Suddenly, I felt that dozens of people with the not weak Chakra were coming towards me. However, I am absorbing Natural Energy, and I can’t move it, so let them go first.

whiz whiz whiz!

I felt dozens of people appearing around me, surrounding me.

Sage Mode has been completed, I slowly opened my eyes and opened Sharingan by the way.

I was surrounded by twenty-eight people with Hidden Villages headbands on their heads. Using my Sage Mode sense, these people are not weak in Chakra, at least they are all of Jonin Level, even two Near Kage Level.

“Who you are? You dare to destroy the barrier of Lord Orochimaru and break into the forbidden area of ​​Hidden Villages. Are you tired of living?” A voice rebuked.

“It’s really long-winded.” I looked at these people contemptuously, “You guys stopped me, you all have to die.”

These 28 people add up, and I want to pay. It takes a lot of energy to kill all of them, and a lot of time will be wasted. When the time comes Orochimaru, it will not end well. So, I want to resolve them quickly.

Mangekyo Sharingan, open!

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