“His!” Manda opened her mouth wide and snarled at me.

A huge shock wave, mixed with Chakra, swept towards me. I was caught off guard and was blown out at once.

Then, Manda moved! With a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, biting me quickly, this imposing-manner seems to want to swallow me in one bite, how can I make it do what I want.

“Senjutsu ·Fire-Style ·Great Fire Annihilation!”

bang! I moved towards Manda with a breath of fire in my mouth. Although my Fire-Style can’t compare with Uchiha Madara, the formidable power used is large, but combined with Senjutsu Chakra, the formidable power has also been greatly improved, at least the effect of A-Rank Ninjutsu.

“Ten thousand poisons corrode!”

Manda squeezed a large pool of venom from her fangs and sprayed it at me.


My Fire-Style was directly wiped out, and the remaining venom hit me.

This venom is very corrosive. I’m afraid it will be affected by the work, so use Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Thoughts move, I avoided the venom, and the venom was sprayed on a big tree with a thick mouth.

Stab it! The big tree was corroded directly by a big hole, and then crashed down.

“Fuck, this venom is so powerful, if you can collect some, it would be nice to use it to cheat people in the future, hehehe.” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc.

“Who are you? You know how to use Senjutsu, and the flying Thunder God Jutsu that has been lost for a long time?” Manda frowns stared at me closely, oh yes, it has no eyebrows.

“From your Sage Mode, you should be from Mount Myōboku, but I have never heard of you. You are the dísciple of Jiraiya, or the dísciple of Namikaze Minato, no wonder you are flying Thunder God Jutsu.” Manda asked, “We Ryuchi Cave and Mount Myōboku everyone minds their own business, what are you doing here?”

“I’ll find Sage the white snake, if you know it, hurry up Take me there, or I will use you to make a snakeskin wallet.” I slammed Qing Feng and said arrogantly, “But such a big skin is not very good.”

“Boy, so Arrogance comes at a price.” Manda was obviously a little angry. Suddenly, it showed a suddenly realized expression, “I remember, you are the black lightning of Konoha, Hatake Kurone, black hair, Flying Thunder God Jutsu, azure glow long sword , Yes, it’s the same as the rumors.”

I am nodded, indifferent expression.

“That’s right, Sage White Snake asked me to come out and take you back. I thought I was bringing Orochimaru, but I didn’t expect it to be you.” Manda didn’t know whether to cry or laugh looked at me .

“White Snake Sage knows I’m coming?” I was a little surprised. Does White Snake Sage have the same ability to predict the future like Great Toad Sage?

“Sage’s realm is something you can imagine!” Manda said contemptuously, “Although I don’t know why the white snake Sage is looking for you, but since I want to take you back, I won’t kill you. Now.”

“Let’s go then.” I put Qingfeng into the scabbard, waved his hand, and cancelled Sage Mode and Mangekyo Sharingan.

“I must go, but seeing you brat being so arrogant, I can’t help but want to beat you.” Manda vomited and said harbored evil intents, “I won’t kill you anyway. Sage It shouldn’t be a half-dead white snake. What do you say, hehe……”

“Alright, then half-dead.” I glanced at it.

“What? So self-conscious?” Manda was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, “Then I will act lightly.”

“Pull it down, I said I will beat you Half-dead.” I glanced at him contemptuously.

“Just you? Huh…” Manda glanced at me disdainfully and rushed over, “Orochimaru dare not say this, what are you hairless brat!”

I opened Mangekyo Sharingan in an instant, and the dark black whole body skeleton enveloped me.

“Susanoo!” I stared at Manda who rushed over, and punched it out.

“What is this?” Manda looked at me with surprise, but couldn’t stop the car, so I had to brace oneself to rush up.

Just press and hold the head of the snake.

Manda’s reaction is also very sensitive, and he immediately bit into my arm, but there is no use for eggs. I have to be poisoned as impossible, and there is no pain.

dong! I punched Manda on the head, knocked it out, then dragged it off and pressed it to the ground.

“Uh…uh…” Manda was held down by my head, the whole body was restricted, and she kept beating me with her tail. Of course, there was no use for eggs.

“Let you pretend to be forceful! Let you pretend to be forceful!” I rubbed Manda on the ground and gave it a set of Military Fitness Boxing. It was finally honest.

“Be honest.”

“Uh…uh…wu wu wu…” Manda finally stopped moving, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

So I let go of the hand holding its head.

“You won… I’ll take you to find Sage the white snake…” Manda stared at me fiercely and said gnashing one’s teeth.

“Don’t look at me that way, lead the way.” I dumped its slap.

“You!” Manda stared at me angrily, then persuaded me, “You are awesome, wait for me.”

Under Manda’s lead, we entered Hidden A cave in Dragon Mountain, going round and round, passing through several barriers. I’m not worried about Manda plot against me, firstly, since it was Sage’s order, it certainly wouldn’t dare to violate it; secondly, my Sharingan is always on, and if anything goes wrong, you can find it right away.

“This is the last barrier. Ryuchi Cave is now when you enter.” Manda turned to me and said, “I don’t know why Sage Sage is looking for you.”

” Hurry up.” I said impatiently.

Enter the barrier, and the world everything becomes clear at once. Although it is still a cave, it is a lot bigger. Spiritual Qi is also quite sufficient, which is very suitable for training Senjutsu.

“Sage, the white snake, I brought the person you mentioned.” Manda said respectfully.

I turned my head, and found a huge white phosphorus snake sitting on the throne of aloof and remote, with several silver rings on its body, and a cigarette in its mouth, which was silly.

“Well, well done, let’s go on.” White snake Sage looked at Manda in a difficult situation, expressionless, and murmured, “It’s quite individual.”

“Yes.” Manda glared at me and left.

“Are you Hatake Kurone?” Sage the white snake puffed out a smoke ring at me and asked.

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