“Well, hello, Senior White Snake, Junior Hatake Kurone.” I took off the tobacco on my back, only to find that I had lost a lot of tobacco because of the fight just now, leaving only a few kilos. “Junior heard that seniors like to smoke. These tobaccos are a little bit of heart. It’s not respectful. I hope seniors will laugh.”

“Well, it’s going to happen.” White snake Sage rolled his tongue and took the tobacco. Take it up.

“By the way, Senior, Junior has a question. How did Senior know that Junior is coming? Did Great Toad Sage inform you?” I respectfully asked.

“Then stinky toad? Pull it down, it sleeps all day, where will it notify me.” White snake Sage laughed, shake one’s head, “No need to ask, if your strength has a chance to be upgraded to Sage level in the future If it is, it will be understood, and it will be useless to say more.”

“Sage? What rank is that? How does it compare to Sage of Six-Paths?” I asked, I was not quite clear before.

“You don’t even know? Yes, human beings rarely reach the Sage level.” Sage the white snake took a mouthful of smoke, “Well, I’ll talk to you.”

“According to your human classification, the strength is from low to high. I won’t say anything below Quasi-Kage. They are all ants. Above Quasi-Kage Level is Kage Level, which is almost the strength of general Five Kages; above Kage Level, It is a super Kage Level, which can be achieved by some powerful Five Kages, or some human experts; a super Kage Level or above is a half Sage Level, which is a transitional stage. Generally, the clansman of Otsutsuki Clan is born with a half Sage Level; half Sage Level or above , It is the Sage level, which is the level where the Sage of Six-Paths brother and our three old fellows are located; and the Sage level is higher, it is the God Level. I know that there are also three reached, one of which is a human. You should know who I’m talking about, youngster.”

“I think the predecessors should be talking about the tiger fairy and rabbit fairy of Izumo no Kokaku. There is another one, is it Otsutsuki Kaguya? “I said.

“Not bad, I know a lot, yes.” White snake Sage praised nodded, “You are from Izumo Horn, I think you should have heard of it, Huxian and Tuxian People who weren’t originally from this world, they came from the Chinese mainland. They came here because they accidentally broke the barriers of time and space during the fight. Their strength belonged to the god Level Peak. As long as they were Transcending Tribulation, they could become gods, but unfortunately they didn’t. Success. And Otsutsuki Kaguya, originally a Sage-level Peak, entered God Level Early-Stage because he stole the fruit of Divine Tree. But every Level 1, there is a huge gap, otherwise Sage-level Peak. The Sage of Six-Paths brother won’t take so much effort to seal her. It’s just a seal and can’t be killed.”

“In that case, after God Level Transcending Tribulation, it will be able to If God Level is reached, then God Level goes up, is there any more?” I couldn’t restrain my curiosity and asked.

“Naturally, it is true that only when you reach God Level can you truly become Divine Immortal, and you have the ability to freely change time and space. However, Super Kage Level Peak can only be distorted space, although God Level can reverse time However, it cannot change the fate that’s all, but will be backlashed by Deva Path. Therefore, even if it is as strong as the Tiger Fairy and the Rabbit Fairy, I dare not force time to reverse the time, and finally fell naturally.” White Snake Sage said, “I’m alive. For thousands of years, I have never seen a guy who reaches God Level, but I can guarantee that there must be, but maybe not in this world that’s all, this small temple can’t accept the big Buddha.”

“My current strength should almost exceed Kage Level, so how can I reach half Sage Level, or even Sage level?” I suppressed the excitement in my heart and asked.

“Well, I feel that you are already Kage Level Peak. It is very easy to reach beyond Kage Level from breakthrough. When you learn Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave, you can basically reach half Sage. Level, that is, the level of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara in the Valley of the End battle. After learning the three Senjutsu, you have the opportunity to break through Sage. Then, learn the Sage Mode of Izumo no Kaku, and get the tiger fairy and Rabbit fairy’s inheritance, coupled with some opportunities, I think you are likely to break through God Level and become the most expert in the entire Ninja World.”

Listening to the words of the white snake Sage, I can’t help but get excited:” Can I reach God Level? My God, then I have impossible Transcending Tribulation, breakthrough to God Level?”

“What do you want? Your innate talent is already very strong. Trifling is in his early thirties. It is already Kage Level Peak, and the entire Ninja World is rare. And you may reach God Level in the future, even I am jealous. Don’t even think about God Level, you should keep your feet on the ground and train Senjutsu well, you think it is so easy What?” White Snake Sage scolded.

“But it took me only half a year for Senjutsu of my training Mount Myōboku, and the other two types shouldn’t take long.” I scratched my head.

“It’s only been half a year? No wonder, Izumo no wonders you are chosen to inherit, the Chinese innate talent really terrifying.” White snake Sage was taken aback, and then said, “But I remind you to learn One type of Senjutsu is simple, but Senjutsu is mutually exclusive. It is more difficult for you to learn more.”

“How difficult is it?” I asked nervously.

“For example, if the difficulty of learning Ninjutsu is 1, then learning Senjutsu is 10, learning two kinds of Senjutsu is 100, learning three is 10000, and learning Izumo no Kaku Senjutsu is 100000000, Do you understand?” White snake Sage took a breath and said.

“Fuck, it’s so difficult???” I was stunned, “Then I learned to die to be impossible to become a Sage level?”

“What do you think, why? The three of our old fellows have been for thousands of years, and they are still Sage.” White snake Sage laughed, “But don’t be discouraged. Since Izumo Cape has chosen you, it proves that your innate talent is strong enough to reach Sage in a lifetime. Level, even God Level is still possible.”

“Well, I will try my best.” After hearing Sage’s words, I was slightly sighed in relief. But think about it carefully, why did I reach the Sage level? Just get Rinnegan and rescue Xiaoxue. It’s really not greedy enough.

“This is Senjutsu of our Ryuchi Cave, here you are, think about it.” Sage the white snake spit out a scroll from his mouth and threw it to me, “I don’t have anyone to take you to train, so let’s do it yourself. “

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