“Hateful! He! He!…” Naruto ran to the place where the white disappeared, stamped his foot, and pointed with his finger, “That guy took Zabuza away like this?”

“Okay Naruto, people are gone.” Kakashi waved his hand said, “Let’s go too.”

“What happened to Naruto?” I asked in confusion. Tao.

“Probably it was a blow.” Kakashi shake one’s head, “After all, the youngster and Naruto are about the same age, but the strength is so strong, Naruto must be dissatisfied.”

“Oh, it turned out to be like this.” I suddenly realized.

“Stop talking about this, by the way, Kurone, why are you here.” Kakashi asked.

“Oh, I plan to go to Land-of-Waves for a tour, passing by here, I didn’t expect to meet you just by chance. What a coincidence.” I said with a smile.

“You also go to Land-of-Waves, that’s right, we also go to Land-of-Waves to perform mission.” Kakashi said, pointing to Dazna behind him and said, “Yes This Mr. Dazner, he is a Land-of-Waves bridge building expert, and the client of this mission, hired us to protect him to complete the bridge construction.”

“Mr. Dazner, this It’s Hatake Kurone, our Konoha’s Elite Jonin, and my clansman, Hatake Kurone.” Kakashi said and introduced me to Dazna.

“Hello, Mr. Kurone.” Dazner shook hands with me enthusiastically, “I heard that you are also going to Land-of-Waves. I wonder if you are interested in joining us. This way my safety can be more assured. Don’t worry, I’ll be paid.”

“Of course there is no problem with you. As for the payment, it’s not necessary. I think you also Not very rich.” I waved his hand.

This Dazna is quite real. Seeing that I defeated Zabuza just now, knowing that my strength is good, I directly invited me to go with me.

“Very good! Kurone teacher will also go with us! Then I can learn Ninjutsu again!” Naruto was very happy when I heard that I was going with them.

“Naruto, you are Kakashi students now. You should listen to Kakashi’s words.” I knocked Naruto’s head. “Kakashi is Konoha’s number one technician. He knows thousands of Ninjutsu. Studying is what you know, you know?”

“Um… it hurts…” Naruto covered his head, making people laugh, “I know! Then there is no need to hit me.”

“hahahahahaha…” When the other people saw Naruto’s bad luck, they all laughed. Even the cold Sasuke’s mouth curled up.

The Land-of-Waves bridge has not yet reached the mainland, and Dazna is not a ninja, so we can only row a boat and reach the Land-of-Waves.

Land-of-Waves is a small island country. There are a few small fishing villages on the island, and most of the villagers live by fishing. However, the scenery is quite beautiful. When you open the window, you can see the endless sea and the salty sea breeze assaults the senses.

“Hoo… so comfortable.” I stood on the balcony, stretching my waist, blowing the sea breeze. The frustration of the original training failure also disappeared.

“En?” I suddenly felt someone peeping at me. When I turned my head, a child hid behind the door, half of his head exposed, staring at me secretly.

“emmmmm, how are you kid.” I walked over, if I remember well, this seems to be the grandson of original work Ridazna, called Yi there or Yi here.

“If you can’t beat Cardo, you will all die.” The child said coldly.

“This kid…” I burst into laughter.

If I remember correctly, in the original work, this kid’s stepfather, fisherman Guy Sha, was killed by Cardo because of his opposition to Cardo. He is considered a poor man.

“I heard about your father Guy Sha, he is a hero.” I touched Inari’s head and said.

A rays of light flashed in Inari’s eyes, but it dimmed immediately.

“Heroes are all fools, no one can beat Cardo.” After speaking, he turned and left.

“Forget it.” I shaking one’s head while laughing bitterly, “I’m still not good at talking, let Naruto give it to me.”

Great Toad Sage explained Don’t change the course of time too much. Therefore, I do not intend to participate in the affairs of Kakashi and Zabuza, at most I will be a witness.

So, after talking to Kakashi, I went to Land-of-Waves to play around.

After playing for a few days, it’s almost time for Kakashi and Zabuza to battle it out, so I rushed back.

As soon as I arrived at the bridge, I found that Kado had appeared, and confronted Kakashi and the others.

“White trusts you so much! You guy without eyebrows, don’t you have no feelings?!” Naruto yelled at Zabuza.

“Don’t tell me, why don’t I know.” Zabuza bit off the masked bandage, and the unsentimental Hidden Mist ghost finally shed tears. He turned his head and said to Naruto. “Hey, little demon, Kunai lend me a bit.”

“Here you are.” Naruto threw Kunai.

Zabuza dangling kunai, like a hot knife through butter, slammed into Kado’s team, killing several people, but was also stabbed by Kado’s men many times, and Kado was forced Arrived at Qiaotou.

“You, you…I’ll give you as much money as you want.” Cardo trembled in shock.

“Kado, go to hell!”


Zabuza lay down beside Bai, stroking Bai’s cold face, feeling angry The gossamer said: “White, if I could, I would also like to go to the same place with you.”

Looked Zabuza and Shiro, who passed away, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. I could have rescued it. Theirs, but because of the explanation from Great Toad Sage, I chose to go with the flow.

Is this right or wrong?

Just when I was dumbfounded, Naruto and Kakashi used Shadow Clone one after another, and the villagers also ignited their will to defend their homes and rushed to the bridge.

The formerly crowded Cardo minions turned into a minority this time, turning around and fleeing.

“Also, since Zabuza and Shiro have passed away, I don’t have much emotion.” I used Flying Thunder God Jutsu directly to move to the middle of the fleeing Cardo minions, and made a mark, “This Even if I give you revenge, Zabuza, farewell!”

“Landun·Chidori lasing!”

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