“Ah!” All the Hooligan screamed under the blow of Chidori’s lasing and fell to the ground one after another.

There are two lucky Hooligans who were shot through the shoulders and thighs by Chidori’s lasing shots. They didn’t hit the key and survived.

“Oh, there are still two Stinking Insects that are not dead.” I snered out Qingfeng and walked towards the two.

“This…Where did this person come from!” One of them stepped back in horror, “Too terrifying! It’s even more cruel than the Momochi Zabuza!”

“You…you are a demon!” The other was frightened and froze in place, “Don’t…don’t kill me!”

“So much nonsense.” I step by step slow Get closer.

The two people glance at each other and took up their weapons and rushed towards me.

“Kurone teacher, be careful!” Naruto yelled at me and rushed over.

“Don’t worry, just two little gangsters.” Kakashi held Naruto, “Don’t go over and make trouble.”

“damn it, it’s dead anyway, with you Fight!” The injured shoulder ran faster and stabbed at me with a harpoon.

The other suddenly changed his expression, threw away his weapon, dragged his injured leg and turned his head and ran.

“The mayfly shakes the tree.” I sneered, and changed Qing Feng to a left hand grip and quickened his pace.

Huh! The harpoon pierced my face. I leaned back and dodged the spur, and then pinched the harpoon with my right hand. I turned my body slightly and shook a sword flower. Qing Feng on my left hand cut off the enemy’s head, and then my body rotated two hundred and seventy degrees. , Held the harpoon in his hand.

“I’m all injured, I ran so fast.” I looked at another bastard who ran out more than ten meters, and I snered it and threw the harpoon at once.

“wu!” The harpoon pierced the back of the man, and he groaned and fell to the ground without moving.

The whole set of actions was smooth and flowing, killing two people in less than five seconds, leaving Naruto, the others, and the villagers stunned.

“Is this the strength of Jonin?” Naruto and Sakura were shocked, “Too great!”

“Um…” At this time, they were already lying on the ground. Sasuke, who was tied into a hedgehog, slowly regained consciousness, “It hurts…”

“Sasuke-san!” Seeing Sasuke awakening, Sakura rushed over and bandaged.

“It seems that the youngster named Bai is really kind-hearted, and in the end he did not kill Sasuke.” Kakashi emotionally said.

In this way, the Land-of-Waves storm is over. We stayed for a few more days. Under the enthusiastic construction of the villagers, the bridge finally closed.

When we were about to leave, all the villagers came to Qiaotou to see us off.

“Naruto big brother, remember to visit me when you have time!” Inari said enthusiastically.

“Well, it will.” Naruto promised with a smile, “You have become a man. You must protect those you cherish!”

“Right, Dazna Sir, has the name of this bridge been decided?” Kakashi asked.

“It’s settled. Naruto changed Inari and also awakened the people in our whole village. So after our discussion, we decided…” Dazna looked back at the villagers and showed Naruto. Smiled, “We decided to name this bridge Naruto Bridge!”


After leaving Land-of-Waves, on the way back, Kakashi suddenly and Team- 7 One thing was discussed, which worries me suddenly.

“Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, you did a good job this mission.” Kakashi’s eyes were bent into crescents, and he smiled and touched the heads of three people. “Especially Naruto, his performance is very outstanding.”

“Then…Kakashi teacher has any reward?” Naruto said very excitedly, “Will you teach me a new Ninjutsu?”

“Naruto, bite off more Than one can chew, Ninjutsu is not so easy to master, you have to take your time.” Kakashi said seriously, “Even a genius like Kurone, I learned from the simplest Ninjutsu.”

“Oh…” Naruto was a little lost.

“That’s it, I think you are growing up very fast, so I plan to recommend you to practice at Chunin Exams. Even if you fail, it is a good opportunity to exercise.” Kakashi said.

“Chunin Exams? Then I can become Chunin? Great!” Naruto jumped excitedly, “Become Chunin, then become Jonin, and finally become Hokage, hahaha!”

Kakashi: “…”

Sasuke: “…”

Sakura: “…”

“…” I am also a little speechless , But speaking of Chunin Exams, I really don’t know, “Kakashi, Chunin Exams will be coming again soon? Why haven’t I heard of it.”

“You don’t know and it’s normal. After all, it’s not published yet, but I have heard from those old colleagues in Anbu that Chunin Exams will be held in the next two months.” Kakashi approached me and whispered, “And it is said that it will be jointly held with Hidden Sand.”

“Co-hosted with Hidden Sand? That’s normal, after all, I have formed an alliance for so many years.” I nodded, suddenly, something flashed in my mind.

“Wait! You said Chunin Exams??????!!!” I stared wide-eyed.

“What’s the matter?” Kakashi was surprised by my reaction, “Why do you have such a big reaction, aren’t Chunin Exams held often? This time it’s just a Hidden Sand co-organization, nothing special.”

Chunin Exams! I will never forget this plot. Orochimaru’s Konoha collapse plan has caused great losses to Konoha. Not only did many excellent Konoha Ninja die, but even Third Hokage was sacrificed for sealing Orochimaru’s hands.

But it’s not just this, after all, this hasn’t happened yet. Even worse, Orochimaru pretended to be Kazekage and mixed into Konoha, and the original Kazekage was killed by him!

“Not good, Pakura is dangerous!”

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