“What’s wrong?” Kakashi asked me, seeing that I looked wrong.

“I have something wrong, so I won’t go back to Konoha with you.” I said.

“Well, depending on your expression, it should be something important, do you need my help?” Kakashi asked.

“No, I’ll go now.” I waved his hand, thoughts move, and came to the nearest landmark to Hidden Sand Village.

When signing an alliance with Hidden Sand that year, Hidden Sand proposed an article and asked me to eliminate all the Flying Thunder God Jutsu markers in Hidden Sand Village. Therefore, I cannot go directly to Hidden Sand Village. Up.

Their approach is very reasonable, and I can’t refute it. After all, it’s not a good thing that a Kage Level expert can enter their village at any time. Although the two villages are alliances, in the final analysis it is because of interests. It might turn out to be one day.

So, the closest landmark to Hidden Sand I am now at is one kilometer outside Hidden Sand Village.

Of course, before coming here, in order to find Pakura conveniently, I first turned on Sage Mode and Transcendence.

“hmph, I really thought that I would not be able to enter Hidden Sand Village if I removed the Flying Thunder God Jutsu mark? It’s naive.” Under the strict investigation of Hidden Sand Village, I was grandiose Passed Heaven’s Line.

I closed my eyes and started to sense Pakura.

“Well, in the village.” Suddenly, my frowned, “Not good, there are two powerful Chakras beside her.”

“Eight-Inner Gates, Six Sect Gate of View, open! “In order to speed up the speed, I directly turned on Six Sect, moved towards sense and flew towards the Chakra location.

Boom! As soon as I got nearby, a bullet-like object shot at me. I tilted my head slightly and avoided it.

I moved towards the direction of the shot and found that Pakura was fighting a handsome youngster with fair skin. Both of them showed a slightly difficult situation, and they seemed to have been fighting for a while. There are two red dots on the youngster’s eyebrows, and the skeletons on his body are protruding, which is very strange.

“Kimimaro!” I recognized the youngster at a glance.

Kimimaro belongs to the holder of Kaguya Clan (also known as 竹取clan) Kekkei Genkai “Shikotsumyaku”. Orochimaru is fancyed by Orochimaru. He is dedicated to Orochimaru and is loyal to Orochimaru. The strongest person. His Taijutsu was superb and possessed super strength, but he became seriously ill and exploded during the battle with Gaara in the original work. Unfortunately, he died of illness.

“Ten fingers pierced!” Kimimaro raised his hands, and ten finger bones were ejected.

It seems that the one that almost hit me just now is this ten-finger piercing bullet.

“Scorch-Style · Scorching Barrage!” Pakura waved his hands, and a wall of fire directly blocked him.

The finger bone hit the fire wall, and it was cooked directly, exuding bursts of burnt smell.

Kimimaro wrinkled his frowned head: “Scorch-Style Pakura really is not in vain. It’s really hard to deal with.”

“You use Shikotsumyaku, I If I remember well, Kaguya Clan of Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai has been exterminating the clan in the blood mist. I didn’t expect you to be alive.” Pakura said, raising his hand and a Fireball appeared in his hand, “Although not I know what your purpose is for Hidden Sand, but for a dangerous character like you, I have to subdue you.”

“Really? Let’s try.” Kimimaro pulled his spine appallingly. come out.

Fuck, although I have seen such scenes in original work a long time ago, when I actually saw it, it was still very shocking. Is Kaguya Clan’s monster a human? He even took out his spine as a weapon.

“Rinka’s dance!” Kimimaro waved his spine and drew it towards Pakura.

“Scorch-Style·Bow of Zhurong!” Pakura turned into a fiery-red longbow in his hand, and used the Scorch-Style Chakra as an arrow, moving towards Kimimaro and shot it out.

Noisy! When the arrow touched Kimimaro’s spine, it immediately made the sound of si si, and the shot was directly cooked through.

Although the bones are extremely hard, once they are cooked, their hardness will be greatly reduced.

Kimimaro’s strength is still a lot worse than Pakura, and Pakura’s Scorch-Style is very restrained from Kimimaro’s Shikotsumyaku. Without some clock, Pakura can beat Kimimaro.

At this time, I am absolutely sure to kill Kimimaro directly, but I do not intend to do so. First of all, Pakura is fully capable of defeating Kimimaro; secondly, the real trouble Orochimaru has not appeared yet, and I can’t act rashly.

However, the trouble is that my Sage Mode and at most some clock will disappear. If Orochimaru suddenly appears at this time, I am not sure to deal with Orochimaru and Kimimaro at the same time. This guy’s tricks are too It’s weird.

Stab it! Pakura shot many arrows on Kimimaro’s spine, which was almost cooked through and became very brittle.

“Wind-Style · Wind Cutter Jutsu!” Pakura quickly hand-seal, under the strong wind pressure, Kimimaro’s spine was cut into several pieces.

“It seems that Kaguya Clan is merely this.” Pakura kicked away the broken bones in front of him, and rushed towards Kimimaro, “Scorch-Style · Super Steam Kill!”

puci! Suddenly a bright sword pierced Pakura’s chest.

“Kimimaro, strength is not enough, how can you become my container like this.” Orochimaru’s voice came from behind.

“Sorry, I disappointed Lord Orochimaru.” Kimimaro lowered his head.

“When…when…” Pakura slowly turned her head to Orochimaru who looked behind, “hateful…”

A faint flame rose from Pakura’s hands, she Probably want to fight for the last time.

“Dance of the Camellia!” Kimimaro pulled out the bone of his left arm and pierced Pakura.

I moved.


ninja eight-dimensional data:

Orochimaru: Ninja 10 body 7 phantom 10 sage 10 strength 7 speed 9 fine 7 printing 10, total 70


Pakura: Ninja 10 bodies, 7 phantoms, 6 sages, 8 powers, 7 speeds, 7 fines, 9 printed 9, total 63

Kaguya Kimimaro: Ninja 8 bodies, 10 phantoms, 6 sages, 7 powers, 6 speeds, 9 fines and 9 Print 6, total 61

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