“Go open!” I punched Kimimaro fiercely with a punch, “Explosion-Style ·di Thunder Punch!”

Sage Mode plus Eight -The formidable power of Inner Gates is not for cracking a joke. Even if Kimimaro’s bones are extremely hard, under my angry punch, it is not much different from the paper.

“Um…” Kimimaro’s chest exploded directly, and the internal organs scattered all over the floor. Before he could react, he fell to the ground.

“Orochimaru, long time no see.” I turned my head and looked at him hideously. The Sage eye shadow on his face gradually faded, but the rays of light from the Eight-Inner Gates were still there, and Orochimaru didn’t dare act rashly.

“Hatake Kurone!” The smile on Orochimaru’s face gradually disappeared, and his expression became serious. “It seems that I miscalculated. I didn’t expect you to appear.”

“Forget it , You want to save this woman, I’ll betray you.” Orochimaru didn’t care about Kimimaro, who was still alive and dead. Instead, he pulled out the Kusanagi sword and pushed Pakura over.

“Kurone…” Pakura slowly closed her eyes, breathless.

I hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Pakura, sniffed with my hand, still breathing.

Turning his head again, Orochimaru has wrapped Kimimaro with a python.

“Remind you, come to me within 24 hours, or find Tsunade, otherwise this woman will definitely die.” After speaking, she got into the ground and disappeared.

As soon as Orochimaru left, I took the Pakura thoughts move and went directly to Izumo nook.

Pakura’s chest was pierced by Orochimaru’s Kusanagi sword. I hurriedly untied Pakura’s clothes, and then used Medical-Ninjutsu to help her stop the bleeding.

Pakura’s figure is very good. At this time, the snow-white twin peaks taking in the entire scene made me react, but I knew that at this time I should concentrate attention completely and treat it. He closed his eyes and tried to check Pakura’s injury with Chakra.

Chakra walked along the meridian in Pakura within-the-body, and finally found the injured place.

“Orochimaru this guy!” My eyes opened sharply. Orochimaru’s sword stabbed Pakura’s heart, scratching the heart, and cutting off a few blood vessels, but it won’t kill him directly. .

Using Orochimaru’s means, the impossible mistake should be intentional. I’m afraid he calculated that I would show up or discover me at all, so he would keep his hands.

“Orochimaru’s mind is too deep, he deliberately injured Pakura, and then asked me to find him, in order to achieve a certain purpose.” I thought.

No way, in order to save Pakura, I can only go to Orochimaru. Simply bandaged Pakura, and then dressed her. I picked up Pakura, thoughts move, and came to Orochimaru.

“You really came.” Orochimaru hugged his arms and looked at me jokingly. “I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“Pocket, go and perform the operation on Lord-Kazekage, okay Do it.” Orochimaru waved his hand, “If it fails, Kurone-san is angry, I can’t keep you.”

“Yes, Lord Orochimaru.” Yakushi-Kabuto walked over and arranged for two people to Pakura was carried into the operating room.

“You won, Orochimaru.” I waved his hand helplessly, “You are more difficult to deal with than I thought.”

“Thanks, I was going to direct Killed Fifth-Kage Kazekage, I didn’t expect to run into you.” Orochimaru shake one’s head and said with a smile, “But for me, it makes a lot of money.”

“If I guessed right. , You are going to kill Kazekage, and then imposter the Chunin Exams that went to Konoha and Hidden Sand to report jointly, use Sand Ninja and Otonin to attack Konoha, plot against Third Hokage, in order to achieve your goal of destroying Konoha. “I’ll put the original all at once. The plot of work Chunin Exams sums it up.

Orochimaru stared wide-eyed in surprise, then smiled and applauded: “Unbelievable, I didn’t even reveal this plan. You can infer it by yourself with so few clues. I admire you more and more.”

It turns out that Orochimaru has been preparing for this. No wonder I came to him last time to ask for Senjutsu from Ryuchi Cave. He looked impatient and gave it to him without mentioning anything. Me.

“It’s just that I’m blind, let me talk about your conditions.” I quietly stretched my hand to my back. If Orochimaru raises any excessive conditions, I will just delay the time, wait for the operation to be completed, and then proceed directly.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t do it.” Orochimaru stared at me intently and licked his lips. “Since I dare to leave the Flying Thunder God Jutsu mark on my body, there is a way to deal with it. You.”

“Mr. Orochimaru joked.” I smiled and put my hand on the youngster. “My back is itchy, scratching, hahaha.”

“Really? That’s it. I was worrying too much, haha.” Orochimaru sneered.

“Listen to Manda, you have learned the Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku, and obtained the training method of Ryuchi Cave Senjutsu from the white snake Sage.” Orochimaru said calmly, without mentioning being hit by me at all. He killed his men as if dozens of ants had died.

“I can’t give you Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku. As for Ryuchi Cave, my training failed, but scroll can give it to you.” I calmly said that Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku must not be leaked, otherwise It’s a big deal.

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku. Jiraiya mentioned it to me before. As for Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave, I’m very interested, but what’s more interesting is that you have to learn two. Kind of Senjutsu, don’t talk about this courage. God of Shinobi and First Hokage Senju Hashirama couldn’t do it either.” Orochimaru tsk tsk admired.

I shake one’s head, indifferent expression, if I told him I would also learn Senjutsu from Shikkotsu Forest, I don’t know what he would think.

“By the way, I was going to ask you for the scroll of Ryuchi Cave Senjutsu, but after talking just now, I changed my mind.” Orochimaru’s snake eyes fixed on me, “Since you understood my Konoha collapse plan, I have to put an end to this hidden danger.”

“What do you want to do?” I vision freezes and let Chakra out, ready to do it at any time, “You want to kill my mouth Orochimaru.”

“Don’t get excited, take your imposing-manner back, I don’t have that great ability.” Orochimaru wiped his sweat, “I only need your consent, during my planning period , You don’t help Konoha, and, looked at this Fifth-Kage Kazekage, don’t let her expose me. When my plan is over, please.”

“I’m Konoha’s Jonin, why should you Think I will promise you.” I relaxed, squinting at him.

“You have no choice, do you?” Orochimaru laughed.

Indeed, Orochimaru can’t do anything to me, even if he has a back hand to deal with me, he wants to keep me, impossible. However, it was easy for him to deal with Pakura.

“Okay, I promise you not to block your plan.”

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