Under the night, on a huge roof, a youngster with bandages is slowly approaching another youngster with thick dark circles.

“It’s so late, aren’t you going to sleep?” Genin Tos of Otoninu was speaking.

“You come to me, what’s the matter?” Another sitting on the eaves is Gaara.

“I had a bye in the finals. As long as I kill you, I will have a chance to fight Uchiha Sasuke.” Toss opened the device in his hand, “I know your way of fighting, I don’t know the sand Which one is faster than the sound?”

“When Mangetsu was in Mangetsu, that guy’s blood would commotion.”

A huge shadow swallowed Toss. Toss, death.

“It’s amazing, is that what it really is?” In the distance, Yakushi-Kabuto was watching the battle with Baki.

“But, is this appropriate?” Baki turned his head and asked, “He is sound hidden…”

“It doesn’t matter, he is useless long ago.” Yakushi -Kabuto helped his glasses, “I thought he was the best person to observe Uchiha Sasuke’s little demon, but he was a loser.”

When Baki was talking with Yakushi-Kabuto, he was a figure Quietly touched behind the wall.

“I didn’t expect this guy to be with Hidden Sand…” Gekkou Hayate thought to himself.

“No, that is no longer necessary.” Yakushi-Kabuto shake one’s head, “To be honest, Lord Orochimaru has given the order to take Sasuke away, but I missed it.”

“What?” Baki was surprised.

“Hatake Kakashi that guy is really hard to deal with, he discovered my spy identity.”

“so to speak, if our two secret clubs are discovered by Konoha… “Baki became worried. “The destruction of Konoha will just go to nowhere.”

“What!” Gekkou Hayate’s heart trembled.

“I heard that you are Orochimaru’s left and right hands, but I didn’t expect to reveal your identity.” Baki was a little displeased. “You also came to my secret meeting. Isn’t it too stupid for you to do this? I was found…”

“You are wrong. To be precise, my identity was not revealed, but I did it deliberately.” Yakushi-Kabuto’s eyes showed cruel rays of light, “Because I want to test Konoha’s reaction, and it won’t be too late to take Uchiha Sasuke.”

“If your action fails, we will stop immediately. After all, this is made by you Yinyin. Plan.” Baki said displeasedly, “We Hidden Sand don’t want to get out. This is what Lord-Kazekage means.”

“How could this happen!” Gekkou Hayate frowned.

“This is the plan made by Yinyin. You Hidden Sand can execute it according to this.” Yakushi-Kabuto took out a dark red scroll and handed it to Baki, “rest assured, the benefits are indispensable for you. Also, you should tell them about the plan this time.”

“Okay, I understood.” Baki nodded.

“Then I will leave first.” Yakushi-Kabuto turned and left.

“Our alliance Hidden Sand colluded with Yinyin, damned!” Gekkou Hayate thought to himself, and turned to leave, “I have to report to Third Hokage as soon as possible.”

“Oh, that’s right.” Yakushi-Kabuto stopped abruptly, “Leave it to me to clean up the bugs.”

“Wait, leave it to me. Land-of -Wind’s Hidden Sand has to help his companions.” Baki said, “What’s more…It’s just a mouse, it’s easy.”

“Ma! Run quickly.” Gekkou Hayate didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately rushed out, and Baki also disappeared with a bang.

“What a coincidence, isn’t this the inspector Lord?”

After running for tens of meters, Baki stopped Gekkou Hayate.

“What do you want to do here?”

“It seems that I can only do it. If Kurone was here, it would be fine.” Gekkou Hayate pulled out the Longsword behind him .

“Konoha-Style ·Crescent Moon Dance!” Gekkou Hayate ran to Baki and jumped high, turning into three silhouettes.

“What?” As soon as Baki looked up, under the moonlight, three shadows rushed towards him quickly, knowing in his heart that he could not stop this move, but…

pu! The knife slashed on Baki’s shoulder, blood spattered out, but just a few inches in, it didn’t move.

“What? Why can’t I pull it out.” Gekkou Hayate secretly thought bad.

“This is the Crescent Moon Dance. If you don’t expect this to move at a young age, Hidden Leaf Village is really hidden dragons and crouching tigers.” Baki said with a malicious smile, “Your sword art is very It’s beautiful, but this kind of tangible sword art can block it. It’s normal.”

Baki squeezed Gekkou Hayate’s knife and slowly raised it: “But ah, no one can resist Blade of Wind. “

“Oh, is it?” My figure appeared suddenly and kicked Baki in the crotch.

“…” Baki’s face turned into a pig liver color, and he reluctantly stepped back more than ten meters, “Well…who are you? I didn’t even find you approaching.”

“It’s pretty tolerable.” I turned around, “Haifeng, it’s okay.”

“It’s okay, thank you Senior.” Because I was afraid of exposure, I made up like Anbu. Hayate did not recognize me.

“Who are you? Don’t dress up as God, playing the devil!” Baki panicked. A Gekkou Hayate he can deal with, and another Anbu, he is not sure to stay, if he and The conspiracy was discovered, this time the plan failed, and the result was very serious.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, you are dead anyway.” I coldly said.

“Don’t be too arrogant, I’m…” Baki moved towards me roared, before the voice fell off, I looked down, my chest was penetrated by a long sword, “How… maybe… “

“What armor of sand, spicy chicken.” I pulled out Qingfeng and kicked Baki to the ground.

“Hurry, sword art needs to be diligent.” I laughed at Gekkou Hayate, “Next time I use Crescent Moon Dance, I will either chop people’s heads or pierce people’s hearts, remember.”

“I remember, Kurone big brother.” Gekkou Hayate laughed sorry and scratched his head.

“How do you know I am…” I shocked and took off my mask.

“Kurone big brother, your Azure Edge Sword is very famous.” Gekkou Hayate inserted the knife back into the scabbard and pointed to the sword in my hand.

I looked down. The Azure Edge Sword in my hand exudes azure rays of light in the moonlight, which is very eye-catching.

“I didn’t think about it well.” I smiled and inserted the Azure Edge Sword back into the scabbard. “It looks like I have to find a way to hide the rays of light next time, otherwise it will be too eye-catching.”

“Hate, take Baki’s corpse to Third Hokage first. Remember, don’t talk about me, just say that you killed Baki.” I put the mask on again.


“I am performing Secret Mission, it is not convenient to expose.” I casually made up a lie.

“Well, the situation is urgent, then I’ll go first.” Gekkou Hayate carried Baki’s corpse on his back and hurried to Hokage Residence.

“Okay, what I should do is almost done.” I vision freezes and looked towards the dark, “It seems that there is still a mouse to deal with.”


Ninja eight-dimensional data:

Hatake Kurone: Ninja 10 body 10 phantom 10 virtuous 10 power 8 speed 10 fine 9 seal 10, sum 77

Baki: Ninja 8 Body 7 phantom 7 sage 7 strength 8 speed 9 fine 5 seal 8, total 59

Gekkou Hayate: Ninja 8 body 6 phantom 7 virtuous 7 power 4 speed 6 fine 4 seal 7, total 49

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