“I didn’t expect Hatake Kurone to plot against Lord Orochimaru. Now Baki is dead. This plan is bound to be exposed. I have to report Lord Orochimaru as soon as possible.” Yakushi-Kabuto hides In the dark, talking to himself.

“Really?” I suddenly appeared behind Yakushi-Kabuto and took his shoulders.

“What!” Yakushi-Kabuto turned around fiercely, trying to attack my chest with his elbow.

Naturally, I won’t let him succeed. I punched him on the elbow and then slammed the belly of the pocket with my knee.

“Um…” The painful body arched up. I took advantage of the situation and squeezed his arm, then stepped on his knees, and then pinched his neck with my feet, making another side somersault. He locked his pocket firmly on the ground.

My anti-joint locking technique has been thoroughly practiced. Without body strengthening or Chakra gain, even Madara, close hand-to-hand combat will not be beneficial.

Boom! The pocket suddenly became a piece of wood.

“Worthy-of is for spy, Body Substitution Jutsu is pretty slippery.” I smiled and stood up, patted the dirt on my body. However, it is not so easy to run away from me.

“Sharingan, open!”

“hu hu…” Yakushi-Kabuto ran desperately, and looked back from time to time, “Fortunately I ran fast, The Taijutsu of this guy Hatake Kurone is really too terrifying, and I definitely can’t fight him close next time.”

“It should…should…should…get it away, hu hu…” Yakushi- Kabuto stopped in a small alley, leaning against the wall, mouth wide open panting, “You have to…hurry up…notify…Great…Great… Lord Orochimaru.”

” Yes…Yes…Is it?” I blocked the alley and looked at him with a smile.

“Should…damned!” The secretly thought was bad, but there was no other way but to brace oneself and manipulate the hand knife to rush towards me.

This move I have seen in original work. It is a commonly used style for Medical-nin. When you gather Chakra in your palm, you can use your hand as a scalpel, and you can even cut off the Chakra Pathway over the skin. This style needs very good control ability for Chakra to use. In the original work, I remember that Yakushi-Kabuto and Shizune have used this move.

Although my abilities in all aspects (except Medical-Ninjutsu and Genjutsu) are far stronger than Yakushi-Kabuto, facing this kind of Ninjutsu, I dare not brace oneself and be cut off a few Chakras Pathway is not a joke.

But, under Sharingan’s observation, Yakushi-Kabuto’s attack trajectory is unmistakable, so no matter how he stabs him, Kakuzu can’t even touch my clothes.

“It’s almost done, can you hurt my heart without a b-number.” I dodged for two minutes, and I became a little impatient. I posted it on Yakushi-Kabuto and hit him hard with an inch of fist. Thump into the dead end.

“Um…” Yakushi-Kabuto clutched his chest and stood up. “Many thanks Kurone-senpai start off leniently, Lord Orochimaru always tells us that you are too strong. Don’t provoke it easily. I have never believed it before. Now it’s considered a service. I can beat me like this without a trace of Chakra. No wonder even Lord Orochimaru is so jealous of you.”

“Thank you, you are quite calm, aren’t you afraid of me killing you? ?” I looked at him coldly.

“If Kurone wanted to do something, I would have died a long time ago. I don’t know how many times. My strength is not much stronger than Baki. Baki won’t be able to walk a round under your hands. You want to kill me like a pinch. It’s like dying an ant.” Yakushi-Kabuto helped his glasses and laughed embarrassingly, “Since the predecessor left me alive, I must have something to order.”

“I like to deal with smart people. “I smiled and looked at him, “You didn’t see anything tonight. If I know that you tell Orochimaru, you know the consequences, so let’s go.”

“Senior let me go, could it? Aren’t you afraid that I will tell Lord Orochimaru secretly?” Yakushi-Kabuto asked tentatively.

I slowly turned around and walked out of the alley.

“I can leave the Flying Thunder God Jutsu mark on Orochimaru, you can try…”


There is only so much I can do for Konoha. After all, I can’t directly intervene in Orochimaru’s plan. It’s not just because of the agreement with Orochimaru, but the most important thing is because Great Toad Sage told me that I should not interfere too much with the original history. Trajectory, otherwise no one can predict the butterfly effect.

However, after Gekkou Hayate went to report, Third Hokage should take measures to deal with it. The casualties should be reduced a lot, and Third Hokage, the kind old man, can survive.

“Let’s talk about it in a few days, I will return to Izumo no Kok to continue training Senjutsu at Ryuchi Cave.” I thought move and returned to Izumo no Kok.

“How is it?” As soon as I got back, Pakura couldn’t wait to ask me.

“Don’t worry, I have sent someone to tell Third Hokage, I believe Konoha should be prepared.” I waved his hand.

“Are you sure?” Pakura asked, “Is that man reliable.”

“Don’t worry, he is my old acquaintance.” I turned and left, “I Let’s go to training first. You can recover well, and I will take you back in three days.”

Three days passed in a flash. Senjutsu at Ryuchi Cave still hasn’t made much progress, and I didn’t care. Pakura’s injury is almost recovered, I am going to take her back to Hidden Sand, and then I will return to Konoha.

“Let’s go.” Pakura looked very nervous. After all, he didn’t know the loss of Hidden Sand.

thoughts move, Pakura and I came to a place one kilometer outside Hidden Sand Village.

“When you go back, you will tell Hidden Sand’s high level that you are under house arrest by Orochimaru. Just escaped, I don’t need to teach you anything else. I will go back to Konoha, so I won’t say more. That’s it.”

“Well, I’m understood.” Pakura nodded, and then ran to the village anxiously.

thoughts move, I immediately returned home.

“Something’s wrong.” I was frowned and found that the Flying Thunder God Jutsu mark I left in Hidden Leaf Village was almost missing something.

It shows that these places have been destroyed artificially. It seems that there is still a lot of fighting in the village.

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