I got dressed up in disguise, and I was about to go to the streets to find out the situation.

The streets are very chaotic. There are collapsed buildings everywhere, and the ground is full of rubble and rubble. The villagers have already come out of the refuge, and under the leadership of some ninjas who maintain order, they have begun to clean up the scene. Sweep the streets.

“Unexpectedly, even if I let Gekkou Hayate confess in advance, it would still cause a lot of damage.” I shake one’s head, sighed, “No way, I tried my best.”

Suddenly, there was a hand on my shoulder behind my back.


I clasped that hand back, and turned my head back with a punch, and a strong palm tightly pinched my fist.

“It’s me.” A tall figure stood in front of me, who turned out to be Jiraiya.

“Lord-Jiraiya…” I was shocked, but I didn’t expect that I was recognized by him after disguising, “How are you…”

“Remember to dress in disguise next time Converge your Chakra. Your Chakra is both powerful and unique, and it’s hard not to recognize it.” Jiraiya laughed said.

“Uh, well, I really didn’t pay attention. I made a mistake.” I scratched my head awkwardly and restored to my original appearance. “Did Lord-Jiraiya happen to pass by here? Right? , I heard that the village was attacked by Orochimaru as soon as I returned to the village. How about the casualties?”

“No, I came here specifically for you.” When it comes to casualties, Jiraiya’s face is very bad “As for the casualties…”

“Forget it, let’s not mention this.” Seeing that Jiraiya’s face was wrong, I quickly turned the subject off, “Lord-Jiraiya is coming to me, definitely Is there something important?”

“Yes, I came to you just to tell you something about Fifth-Kage and Hokage…” Jiraiya said slowly.

“Oh…It turned out to be Fifth-Kage…” Suddenly, I stared wide-eyed and looked at Jiraiya in surprise, “What? Fifth-Kage Hokage??!!! Then Third- Hokage…”

“The old fogey went… before he died, he sealed Orochimaru’s hands with the Dead Demon Consuming Seal.” Jiraiya’s face was stern, filled with sadness, “Now…”


“Third Hokage sacrificed?!!! How could it be possible!…” I was shocked, and I obviously confided in the news, why the Old Master is still…

“It’s not the time to talk about this. The old fogey is dead. Although Konoha and Hidden Sand have figured out the real situation and reconciled, the loss is very large. And now all aspects of influence begin to stir, Hidden Stone and Hidden Mist may be troubled at any time, so we have to quickly choose a new one. Hokage.” Jiraiya said calmly.

“Does anyone choose?” I am frowned and think this matter is not simple.

“Yes, the staff and roots have been recommending Danzo as Fifth-Kage project Hokage, while old fogey’s trusted aide and direct subordinate Anbu recommend you. Anyway, there is a lot of debate.” Jiraiya said.

“Danzo absolutely can’t let him be Hokage, otherwise Konoha will be over. And I am not qualified enough to be Hokage, and I don’t want to be. I think we can recommend Lady Tsunade, she is First Hokage The granddaughter is one of the Sannin, and has a strong strength. I think she is qualified to be the Hokage of Fifth-Kage.” I uttered my own analysis.

“You are right, old fogey really did not misunderstand you. He is righteous, neither servile nor overbearing, nor greedy for power. Worthy-of is the mainstay of Konoha.” Jiraiya listened to my words, frequently. nodded, “My thoughts are the same as you, and I also choose Tsunade as Fifth-Kage Hokage.”

“If I guess right, Lady Tsunade should not be in the village all the year round. After all, I have stayed in the village. I haven’t seen Lady Tsunade for more than twelve years.” I recalled, “I suffered a serious injury in the battle with Fourth-Kage Mizukage seven years ago. I was saved by Lady Tsunade, but it was a pity that I had been in a coma. , I have no chance to see the real face.”

“Well, the old fogey was in a hurry that time. For you, I sent Anbu to find Tsunade all over the world. In the end, I found it in the casino, haha, Tsunade guy.” Jiraiya laughed heartily up.

“Speaking of which, thanks to Lord-Jiraiya for finding Lady Tsunade, otherwise, the grass of my grave is already one foot high now.” I also laughed and bowed to Jiraiya, “many Thanks.”

“You don’t have to thank me. Since you can be dreamed of by Great Toad Sage, it means that you are not waiting, naturally Heaven helps the worthy.” Jiraiya waved his hand and didn’t care.

“By the way, Lord-Jiraiya came to me, not only to ask me if I want to be a Hokage, there should be other things, I guess.” After a greeting, I asked directly Tao.

“Yes, in addition to asking if you want to be a Hokage, I also come to remind you that since you have formed a competitive relationship with Danzo, Danzo will definitely deal with you. After all, he won’t Knowing that you are not interested in the location of Hokage, so you have to be careful.” Jiraiya said seriously.

“Don’t worry, Danzo will not deal with me for a day or two. I will pay attention.” I waved his hand and signaled Jiraiya to rest assured, “Lord-Jiraiya, when are you going to leave the village to find Lady Tsunade” “

“For these two days, I’m relieved to hear you say that. By the way, there is one more thing. When I go out to find Tsunade, I will take Naruto away and teach him how to master it on the road. Rasengan, otherwise I don’t have more time.”

“Rasengan, it’s Teacher Minato’s technique. It’s time to teach him. Ninjutsu doesn’t need a hand seal. The formidable power is good. If I have a chance, I I want to learn.”

“You can pull it there, I know it is very easy to learn Rasengan with your innate talent, but Rasengan is a bit of a taste for you, there is no need to learn.” Jiraiya is serious Said.

“Okay.” I nodded.

“If there is nothing wrong, then I will…” Jiraiya said halfway, suddenly frowned, “It seems that there are two unexpected guests in the village.”

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