Two people wearing hats and red cloaks of clouds are observing in the dark of Hidden Leaf Village,

“Did you find him where?” One said.

“Un.” Another nodded, “Let’s go.”

Yes, these two people are Uchiha Itachi and Hohzuki Mangetsu.

Jonin of Konoha is still very vigilant. After the two drank tea in the teahouse for a while, Kakashi was already blocked at the door, and the passing Asuma and Kurenai Yuhi were also pulled over by Kakashi.

At this moment, Sasuke came over.

“Kakashi, are you looking for me? Training?” Sasuke asked.

Kakashi un’ed, and then glanced towards the teahouse, which was already empty.

Kakashi winked at Asuma and Hong, and the two of them understood nodded, and disappeared with a whistle, leaving only Sasuke with a surprised look.

By the river, Uchiha Itachi and Hohzuki Mangetsu, who were about to leave, were stopped by Asuma and Kurenai Yuhi.

“You two, you are not from the village, what do you do if you come to Hidden Leaf Village?” Asuma asked.

“Long time no see, Kurenai Yuhi, Sarutobi Asuma.” Itachi said calmly.

“Since you know us, it means that you used to be the ninja of this village.” Asuma laughed, “Am I right? Uchiha…Itachi.”

Itachi opened He removed the hat and stared at Asuma with no expression on his face.

“You can never go wrong with this pair of Sharingan, Uchiha Itachi.”

“So you two know Itachi, so I can introduce myself.” Hohzuki Mangetsu I also took off the hat, “Hohzuki Mangetsu, please give me some advice in the future.”

“There is nothing to advise, I will get rid of you two now.” Asuma said with a smile on his cigarette.

“I said Itachi, people in the village seem to hate you.” Hohzuki Mangetsu smiled and said to Itachi, “Are you really from this village?”

“I know you, Hohzuki Mangetsu. One of the original Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, was listed as Missing-nin because of the alleged assassination of Mizukage.” Kurenai Yuhi stared at Hohzuki Mangetsu and said.

“You two are both S-Rank Missing-nin, especially you, Uchiha Itachi. You did such a thing, and even dared to go back to the village and say, what is your purpose?” Asuma questioned.

“Don’t bother you two, I don’t want to kill them.” Itachi said blankly.

“It’s not like what someone who kills your compatriots would say.” Asuma stared at Itachi closely, “I think, at this time, if you dress up like this and sneak into the village, there must be something unspeakable. What is your purpose?”

“This person is so long-winded.” Hohzuki Mangetsu pulled out Longsword and aimed at Asuma, “Itachi, do you want to kill him.”

“It seems that there is no way to leave the village peacefully, but don’t overdo it.” Itachi said, “Your style is too ostentatious. I’m afraid it will attract other people. If you meet Hatake Kurone, I miss you. I won’t forget the previous fight in the temple.”

“Understood, it’s so decided.” Hohzuki Mangetsu put the knife on his shoulder and said nonchalantly.


Suddenly, Hohzuki Mangetsu swung the knife fiercely and slashed towards Kurenai Yuhi. Asuma immediately took out the finger bone to block the attack.

Kurenai Yuhi saw the situation, stepped back and quickly hand-seal.

“Genjutsu…” Itachi’s Sharingan stared at the slowly disappearing red.

“If the sword in my hand is any of the seven ninja swords, you will be dead.” Hohzuki Mangetsu and Asuma fought for a few rounds, and no one could win. So Hohzuki Mangetsu stepped back a few steps and distanced himself from Asuma.

“Kurenai, it’s a bit slow.” Asuma said back.

At this time, the vines entangled Itachi and Hohzuki Mangetsu tightly.

“It’s over!” Hong got out of the vine and stabs at Itachi with the kunai in his hand.

Suddenly, the positions of Hong and Itachi were changed.

“Genjutsu at this level can’t help me.” Itachi said coldly.

“damned…” Hong immediately bit her lip and untied Genjutsu.

Shua! Itachi waved the kunai, but Hong avoided it, only cutting off a few strands of hair.

Boom! Immediately afterwards, Hong was kicked into the river next to him.

“Red!” Asuma shouted anxiously.

“You don’t have time to care about others right now!” Hohzuki Mangetsu wielded a knife and fought with Asuma.

Hong got up from the bottom of the water, and Itachi came to her back in an instant.

“Worthy-of is the Red Young Lady, but ah…”

“But ah, things are not good now…” A lazy voice sounded behind Itachi “It seems to be you.”

Dang dang dang! Asuma and Hohzuki Mangetsu attacked for a few rounds, and suddenly caught the weak spot, the sword stroked Hohzuki Mangetsu’s arm, but there was only some water It splashed out, and Hohzuki Mangetsu took advantage of the situation and pulled away.

“Water-Style ·Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!”

A water dragon came out of the creek. At the same time, a water dragon came out on the other side, and the two collided. Together, offset.

Kakashi’s figure appeared in front of Asuma.

“It’s the same as my Ninjutsu.” Hohzuki Mangetsu squinted at Kakashi, “worthy-of is Copy Ninja.”

“Kakashi, why are you here too.” “Asuma asked.

“Well, I asked the two of you, but I was a little worried, so I followed.”

“Hatake Kakashi?” Itachi turned his head and looked at Kakashi. At a glance.

“I was wondering just now, who was the suspicious guy in the teahouse? It turned out to be you, Uchiha Itachi.” Kakashi said, “and the original Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Hohzuki Mangetsu.”

“Oh, I didn’t expect you to know my name. It’s an honor.” Hohzuki Mangetsu said with a smile.

“Yes, Kurone told me that he killed several Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, and another named Hohzuki Mangetsu, who had his arm chopped off.” Kakashi casually Speaking of.

“damn it, don’t mention him!” Hohzuki Mangetsu was very angry and chopped off at Kakashi.

“Okay, Mangetsu, don’t make any trouble. Kakashi is not easy to deal with. If you continue to fight, it will be without end.” Itachi said, “Don’t forget our purpose.”

“Then let me understand your purpose.” Kakashi said.

“It’s just to find something that’s all.”

“Find something?”

“I am different from Mangetsu, and I don’t like to waste time. “Itachi vision freezes, with a shuriken in his hand.

“Water-Style ·Water Wall!” Kakashi immediately opened the hand seal.

At this time, several water columns were drilled under the water and hit Kakashi, but they all hit the Water Wall.

“So fast, I didn’t even see his hand seal!” Hong exclaimed.

“Shuriken just confuses me, I took the opportunity to use Water-Style…” Kakashi analyzed.

At this time, Itachi suddenly appeared behind Kakashi, using kunai to pierce Kakashi’s heart.

“So fast! Even used Shadow Clone, how did this guy hand seal!” Red stared wide-eyed.

oh la la, Kakashi becomes water.

“Water clone? Worthy-of is Kakashi.”

“The strength of this guy is much more than that. Be careful!” Kakashi put Hong and Asuma behind his back and said .

“Unexpectedly, you, who are not Uchiha Clan, can use Sharingan to this extent, and you are almost catching up with Kurone, but…” Itachi’s 3-Tomoe Sharingan suddenly turned into a dart.

“It seems to be very lively here, I’ll come to have fun too.” I suddenly dropped from the sky, fell behind Itachi, and put my hand on his shoulder.

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