“damned, I have such a graceful dance, you have no reaction at all!” Hohzuki Mangetsu scolded.

“I…” I gave him a blank glance.

And just then, Guy brought a few people over.

“Mangetsu, let’s go.” Itachi said when he saw that the situation was unfavorable.

Hohzuki Mangetsu is not a person who does not recognize the situation, nodded, and fled out of the village with Itachi.

“Do you chase?” Guy asked.

“Chasing!” Kakashi said decisively, “You can’t let these two Missing-nin go!”

“Don’t chase!” I waved to stop everyone.

“Why? Such a good opportunity, the two of them can’t beat you!” Asuma said.

“Itachi’s strength is not that simple. Even if I want to win him, it will take a lot of effort. Moreover, the village is now a waste of time, so many of you leave the village rashly, in case someone invades Well.” I said in deadly earnest, “As for these two people, Lord-Jiraiya will take care of them.”

Everyone agreed with me and returned to the village one after another. Naturally, I was too lazy to deal with the things behind Itachi and Hohzuki Mangetsu. It was Jiraiya who wanted to trap the two of them with Great Toad’s esophagus, and then it was burned by Itachi with Amaterasu.

I have more important things to do now, because I found a serious problem.

Gekkou Hayate, dead…

I looked at the corpse of the wind, his eyes were wide open, and he was obviously surprised before he died. The cause of death was the incision in the neck. The murderer sword art is very superb, and sword cut off the throat of the wind.

“Any clues?” I slowly covered the white cloth and asked.

“The corpse of Hidden Sand Jonin Baki was found next to the corpse of Gekkou Hayate. The cause of death was a sharp weapon pierced through the heart. In addition to this, there was a scratch on his shoulder. We identified it as Gekkou Hayate. Caused by the sword.” A medical-nin told me, “However, although the fatal injury of Baki and the fatal injury of Gekkou Hayate are both caused by weapons like swords, their diameters are different, and they are obviously not the same. Personally, but what is certain is that the sword art of these two murderers is so superb that they can kill Jonin like Baki and Hayate in seconds. Moreover, the time difference between their deaths is about half an hour, so it is suspicious.”

I killed Baki naturally, but what happened to Hayate. Hayate’s sword art is very strong. There are not many people who can kill him with a knife. Who will it be?

Hohzuki Mangetsu? Impossible, he hadn’t come to the village with Itachi at that time.

Yakushi-Kabuto is even more impossible. I don’t think he has this ability.

Orochimaru has this ability and motivation, but is it really such a coincidence? As soon as my front foot asked Hayate to report, Orochimaru killed Hayate on my back foot? Orochimaru’s response should be impossible so fast.

So, is there any other knife expert in the village? I thought about it.


Don’t say it, it’s true.

The scoundrel of Danzo seems to be an expert with a knife.

“Danzo’s suspicion is very big.” I secretly analyzed, “First, Orochimaru attacked the village and killed Third Hokage, which is very beneficial to Danzo’s upper position, so Danzo is likely to stop the wind from reporting because of this; Orochimaru is impossible on Konoha’s information network, but Danzo has roots in every corner of Konoha. It is very possible that my conversation with Haifeng was heard by Danzo’s men and then went to report; let’s say, if Danzo himself appears In front of Haifeng, Haifeng will definitely relax his vigilance, and naturally it is easy to be killed by Danzo.”

However, all this is just my analysis that’s all, and there is no evidence. Danzo is not necessarily a secret mastermind, and Orochimaru does. Suspect.

“Or, I’ll go to Orochimaru and try the side attack first.” I thought to myself, “Well, that’s it. Orochimaru can’t do anything to me anyway, but Danzo is not good. Get it, accidentally he will be labeled as a conspiracy to rebel.”

thoughts move ……eh……

thoughts move ……eh……

“What’s the matter?” I scratched my head, and the Flying Thunder God Jutsu mark I left on Orochimaru is gone. “It seems that Orochimaru has used Living Corpse Reincarnation and eliminated the mark.”

“Are you wary of me? Or… I want to use Living Corpse Reincarnation to heal my hands because my hands are scrapped.” I shake one’s head helplessly, “But for whatever reason, it’s the only thing Orochimaru and I have now. The contact information is gone. It is very difficult to find Orochimaru and confirm Gekkou Hayate.”

However, if I want to find Danzo for confirmation, I have to enter Root, which is unavoidable. I fought, but in the end, I couldn’t stay in Hidden Leaf Village at all.

thoughts move, back home.

However, Gekkou Hayate can be regarded as a good friend of mine. He was killed inexplicably, so I can’t just leave it alone. Almost eleven years ago, I just graduated from Ninja School and I met him when I participated in Chunin Exams. Hayate is the first batch of ninja I met in Konoha. When I was framed by Danzo before, he was also in the team where Kakashi defended me.

Gekkou Hayate was killed by Baki in the original work. I didn’t expect that I saved him this time, but in the end I didn’t escape the fate of death.

“Is there really providence in the dark?” I opened the door of the balcony, gazed the clouded sky, I couldn’t help but feel very lost, “Xiaoxue, can I see you again?” “

The sky in the sky flashed a muffled thunder, and then there was a pouring heavy rain, which is God’s response. I went back to the room and closed the balcony door.

Kakashi is not there. I am the only one left in the huge house. I sit quietly on the bed, immersed in loneliness.

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