I was sitting in the dark in a daze when someone suddenly opened the door.

“Who!” The man yelled vigilantly.

“Kakashi, it’s me.” I lay down on the bed lazily, ignoring Kakashi’s surprise.

Pap! Kakashi turned on the light, and the dazzling light made my subconscious cover my eyes.

“Why don’t you turn on the lights, it’s so dark in the room.” Kakashi asked puzzledly, “But, thanks to you for coming today, otherwise Itachi would be really hard to deal with. I didn’t expect this. In just a few short years, he has been so strong, and I am not his opponent anymore.”

“It’s okay, a little tired, take a rest.” I sat up and rubbed my eyes. , “By the way, what happened to Lord-Jiraiya, did you catch those two guys.”

Actually, I asked them knowingly.

“No, Lord-Jiraiya said that he trapped Itachi and Hohzuki Mangetsu with Ninjutsu, but it was a pity that he escaped with some kind of Fire Element Ninjutsu.” Kakashi shake one’s head, “I didn’t expect Lord -Jiraiya also failed to keep Itachi. I can’t see him more and more now. I am afraid that only Kurone is the only one in the whole village who can keep him.”

“Maybe Right.” I am nodded. Naturally, I expected the ending a long time ago. However, Kakashi’s words made me think about it. With my current strength, can I keep Itachi?

If he doesn’t use Amaterasu, maybe he can. After all, Tsukuyomi has no effect on me, but Susaku, I will also, Izanagi and Izanami, I think Itachi is unlikely to be used for me. As for the other Ninjutsu, they are simply not enough in front of me.

“You have worked hard too. I will prepare dinner first. I’ll call you.” Kakashi turned and left, and suddenly turned around when he walked to the door. “By the way, Lord-Jiraiya said tomorrow Will take Naruto out of the village to find Lady Tsunade, and take him for training by the way, do you want to send it off.”

“Un.” I am nodded, indifferent expression.

Kakashi is gone, and I am thinking again.

If I remember correctly, Jiraiya went to Tsunade to serve as Fifth-Hokage, and Orochimaru would also go to Tsunade to heal his hands. And let Tsunade drug Jiraiya to prevent Jiraiya from causing trouble, and promised to use Impure World Reincarnation to resurrect Kato Dan and Senju Nawaki. Then Tsunade’s heart moved, and he drugged Jiraiya in the wine, causing Jiraiya Chakra unable to use. Then a small battle broke out between Sannin, but because Jiraiya was drugged and Ninjutsu couldn’t be used normally, Tsunade fainted, so Orochimaru had the upper hand. Naruto fought against the pocket and successfully used Rasengan for the first time and injured the pocket, but he also suffered a serious injury. In the end, Orochimaru also ran away, but Tsunade was moved by Naruto, woke up, understood his responsibility, and returned to Hidden Leaf Village and became Fifth-Hokage.

This is probably the case for this plot. Because of the long time, I don’t remember the specific details very clearly.

“Orochimaru Jishou…” I thought for a moment, “Yes, I just happened to go to Orochimaru?”

This is a good opportunity, I can talk to Jiraiya Go together, you can see Orochimaru, and then check about Gekkou Hayate.

In the early morning of 2nd day, I arrived at the village gate early, and Jiraiya and Naruto came slowly from a distance.

“hai! Lord-Jiraiya! Naruto!” I beckoned.

“Yo, Kurone, I’m here very early. I’m here to send Naruto off.” Jiraiya said with a smile.

“Kurone teacher!” Naruto also ran towards me excitedly, “Kurone teacher, I’m going out for training!”

“Well, Naruto, you want to keep it up! “I patted Naruto’s head, “Keep it up become-stronger, you will become Hokage in the future.”

“En! Yes! I will definitely become Hokage! There will come a Day, I will become-stronger, more than Kakashi teacher, more than lecherous Sage, more than Kurone teacher you!” Naruto said excitedly, “when the time comes, I will also talk to Kurone teacher spar.”

“There will be one day.” I said with a smile. After all, the future Naruto, but got the true biography of Sage of Six-Paths, of course, is inseparable from his own efforts.

“Okay Naruto, it’s almost time, we should go.” Jiraiya pulled Naruto over, then turned to me and said, “Thank you, Kurone, and come to see us.”

“Lord-Jiraiya, Naruto is also my student, and Fourth-Kage is also my teacher, as it should be.” I said with a smile.

“Then, goodbye.” Jiraiya smiled and waved, and took Naruto out of the village.

Then, I followed behind secretly.

For several days, neither Jiraiya nor Naruto found Tsunade, they were just training. Sure enough, Tsunade’s whereabouts are really not so easy to search.

Finally, after searching for several days, at the gate of a casino, I ran into Tsunade who had just finished losing.

“Jiraiya?” Tsunade was a little confused when he saw Jiraiya.

“Tsunade, long time no see.” Jiraiya waved his hand.

“What day is it today, I actually saw two Sannin in one day.” Shizune murmured to himself in surprise.

“What’s the matter?” Tsunade looked cold.

“Don’t always put on a dirty face, go, I’ll buy you a drink.” Jiraiya said with a smile.

So everyone came to an izakaya on the street.

“Did you know? Old fogey is dead, Orochimaru did it.” Jiraiya raised his glass and said.

Tsunade pupils shrank, showing a trace of surprise, immediately became cold.

“Oh, does it have anything to do with me?”

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