“Zidian…” Kakashi pondered for a moment, “conforming with the norms of society name, but it’s very suitable.”

I laughed and differed expression.

“By the way, why did you suddenly remember to develop such a new Ninjutsu.” Kakashi asked, “It won’t be just for me.”

“You can say yes , I can say no.” I shake one’s head, “Naruto will go out this time, at least two or three years will not come back, I guess Lady Tsunade will not send you any mission in these two or three years. So I will find something to do for you , Improve the strength. And I have to concentrate on training in Izumo no Kok for a long time, and I won’t return to the village in a short time.”

“Why didn’t Lady Tsunade send me a mission?” Kakashi looked on. Surprised, “How did you know?”

“You will understood in the future, must not be reveled.” I laughed.

I went home and packed my luggage, and bid farewell to Kakashi, and I went straight to the cabin in Izumo no Kokaku.

“There are still two and a half years before Naruto returns. During this period of time, there were basically no major incidents in original work, so I must take advantage of this gap and learn Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave as soon as possible!” I thought to myself that once it hits Shippuden, it won’t take long before Pain will attack Konoha. From then on, battle strength began to break down, all kinds of external plug-ins, if I don’t promote strength, by that time, I will only be beaten amazingly.

Fortunately, in the past few months, I have gradually mastered the trick, accumulated over a long period of time. I should be able to master Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave in less than two years, and then gradually improve it during the battle. .

“Senjutsu of Shikkotsu Forest is still a problem.” I have a headache. “Forget it, Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave hasn’t learned it yet. Now I want to do that. It’s really aiming too high.”


Removing all distractions, I found an open space and started training.

After half a year, I can already coexist Senjutsu Chakra from Ryuchi Cave with Senjutsu Chakra from Mount Myōboku.

One year later, I have mastered the incomplete Sage Mode. Once activated, two dragon horns will grow on the head, but they are a bit slanted, and a few scales will grow on the face.

The last step is to master the perfect Sage Mode. However, it is easier said than done. According to my current training schedule, I am afraid it will take another year before I can fully master Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave. Compared to Yakushi-Kabuto, I don’t seem to have much innate talent in Ryuchi Cave Senjutsu.

“I’ve been in this place for a whole year, I’m so bored, I’m going to get moldy.” I stretched my waist and decided to go out and go around, “This year’s retreat will end here first. Let’s go out for a few days, and then continue.”

“According to the time, the Genin Xiaoqiang of Konoha should be promoted-to Chunin.” I pondered, “I just don’t know if Gaara will Will become the sixth-generation Kazekage. Because of my appearance, a butterfly effect occurred. The original Fourth-Kazekage Rasa died early, but Pakura survived and became the Fifth-Kage Kazekage. According to the development of this situation, Gaara may be in a short time. I can’t be a Kazekage anymore. After all, Pakura is still young. If nothing else, he will be at least ten years old.”

“I hope this change will not have any impact on the final battle. “I sighed and left Izumo nook.

When I got home, I found out that Kakashi was not there, and judging from the dust in the house, he hadn’t come back for several days.

So I went out to find a few old acquaintances to inquire, only to know that Konoha and Hidden Sand co-hosted Chunin Exams, Kakashi and Guy and all of them, Jonin, all went to Hidden Sand to invigilate the exam.

“In this case, I’ll go to Hidden Sand and visit Pakura by the way. It’s been more than a year since the last time I left.”

thoughts move, I came outside Hidden Sand Village, and then mixed in with Didun (Although I can get in through normal channels in my capacity, it was too tedious to check, so I used Didun to get in directly).

After I got in, I inquired about it and found out that Pakura had resigned from Fifth-Kage Kazekage. Just last month, Gaara assumed the position of Kazekage for the sixth generation, although the villagers were quite critical of this. After all, Gaara’s image has just changed, and everyone hasn’t changed yet, but it’s done, and Hidden Sand high level agreed, and the villagers have nothing to do.

“I didn’t expect Pakura to resign from Kazekage. What’s the matter?” I was very puzzled. Pakura was only a few years younger than me, and now he is in his early thirties that’s all, why…

With doubts, I am going to ask Pakura face to face.

Although I haven’t visited Pakura’s house once, she told me the address, so I found it easily.

Tuk tuk tuk! I tapped the door a few times, but no one responded.

“Aren’t you at home?” I don’t know what to do. If I’m not at home, it will be difficult to do.

“Hello? Are you here to find Pakura teacher?” Suddenly, a silver bell sounded from behind me.

I turned around and found a young girl in her early twenties standing in front of me, with a white turban that is very common in Hidden Sand Village on her head, and purple stickers similar to Rin on her cheeks. .

“Well, my name is Hatake Kurone, and I am a friend of Pakura, may I ask you who are you?”

“My name is Makimaki, and I am a student of Pakura teacher.” The girl nodded towards me, “It turns out that you are the black lightning of Dingding Daimyo, senior Hatake Kurone. Teachers are usually reserved, but every time they talk about senior Kurone, they have a smile on their face.”

“Really? A great honor.” I scratched my head sorryly, and quickly changed the subject, “By the way, how come you were here by such a coincidence.”

“Oh, yes, I live on the opposite side, so I can see from the window At the door of Pakura teacher’s house.”

“So, do you know where Pakura went?” I continued to ask.

“Pakura teacher…” The instantaneous changes of the face are very poor, tears gushing out like a bank burst, “teacher she has a terminal illness…may not live long…”

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