“What…what did you say?!” I froze like a blast of thunder, and then staggered back.

Seeing my expression, Juan hurriedly stepped forward and held me back.

“I must have heard it wrong!” I grabbed Curone’s arm and asked tremblingly, “You…you say it again!”

“Senior Kurone… You hurt me…” Juan struggled, but I grasped her arm firmly like pliers, and couldn’t move at all.

“Huh?” Realizing my rudeness, I immediately let go of my hand, and suddenly became incoherent, “I’m sorry…I…I’m so sorry!”

” It’s okay…I can understand the mood of Kurone-senpai.” Rolling rubbed his squeezed red arm, he quickly said, “Your relationship with Pakura teacher must be unusual, isn’t it a sweetheart?”

“Not really.” I shake one’s head, “We are good friends.”

“Why? I can tell, Pakura teacher… She likes Senior Kurone very much. Every time she mentions it, There will be a smile on her face.” Juan was a little unwilling, and asked, “You really…”

“Stop talking about this…” I waved to interrupt her and said impatiently. “You just need to tell me where Pakura is now.”

“Pakura teacher is in the nursing home of the village, intensive care unit No. 304 in Building L.” Juan said with some disappointment, “We were yesterday. I just went to see it. Pakura teacher was sitting by the bed, seeming to be waiting for who to see her. Until now, I don’t understand, maybe I’m waiting for you, senior.”

“Thank you.” I nodded Thanks.

“Senior, you must…” Lifts the head, only to realize that there is no one in front of him.

And I, already moved towards the sanatorium and rushed away.

Pakura is Fifth-Kage Kazekage. Even if it abdicated, its status in the village is still very high, so there are ninja and Anbu guards all over the ward.

As I am a Konoha Ninja, it might be difficult to go in directly. Forcibly intruding, it will bring about no small diplomatic problems.

“Forget it, let’s get in with a pass.” I shake one’s head and slowly disappeared.

Without using Chakra, my thoroughness, even Pain, would not be easy to find my tracks, let alone ordinary ninja.

Finally, I successfully passed through the guards and came to the door of Pakura Ward. There is an Elite Jonin standing on the left and right sides of the door. It is impossible to play Gate of Opening without disturbing them.

But if you knock out them, the guards elsewhere will find me immediately.

“There is a way.” I rolled my eyes and came up with an idea.

I tiptoedly walked between the two guards, looked carefully for a while, took note of their appearance, and left a mark of Flying Thunder God Jutsu on the door, and then put my hand on it On the shoulders of the two.

“Who!” The worthy-of is Elite Jonin, and he immediately reacted.

I thoughts move and brought the two to Izumo nook. Six Sect knocked out the two in seconds. After all, it was Elite Jonin and his skills were not bad. It was not easy to knock out instantly.

After knocking out the two, I immediately went back to the front of the ward, instantly used Clone Jutsu, and became like two Jonins.

After successfully stealing and changing posts, Damn wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The whole process took less than three seconds, which was very thrilling.

At this time, another Hidden Sand Jonin came over from the corner and asked: “I seemed to hear a strange sound here just now. Did something happen?”

I shake one’s head.

“Then why are you sweating so much, the weather doesn’t seem to be hot.” That Jonin looked at me with caution.

“I have a bad stomach after eating, and my stomach hurts.” I explained casually.

“Stand well, if there is something wrong with Lord-Kazekage, we can’t eat it!” That Jonin probably thinks he’s too worried. After all, with such a tight guard, how can you get in? So the foul-mouthed left.

I winked with clone, then turned around and pushed the door into the ward. Pakura was sitting by the bed, looking blankly at the scenery outside the window.

looked at this situation, I suddenly speechless. After half a minute, Pakura started to talk first.

“You are finally here.” Pakura said lightly.

“En?” I was shocked, did she see it?

“This room is very soundproof. The outside will not know what’s going on inside.” Pakura turned around, looked at me directly, and smiled, “I’ve been waiting for you for A long time, Kurone.”

“How did you know it was me?” I changed back to my original form and sat next to Pakura.

Pakura shake one’s head, there is no explanation.

“How long have you been sick?”

“It started to worsen half a year ago, I took care of everything, and then gave Kazekage’s position to Gaara last month , Although he is young, I think he is capable.” Pakura said blankly, as if he had already put life and death away.

“Don’t be discouraged, maybe your disease can be cured, there are still many very powerful medical-nin under the world, such as Fifth-Hokage, Lady Tsunade, I will take you to find her. I I believe she will heal you.” I grabbed Pakura’s hand and got up.

“It’s useless, I let Senior Tsunade watch it a long time ago.” Pakura dragged me back, “We clan, although we inherited the great ability of Scorch-Style for generations, we also suffered With the backlash of Scorch-Style’s ability, with age, the blood will gradually heat up, solidify, and finally die suddenly. No clansman can live beyond thirty-five years old.”

“But…but you I’m only in my early thirties!” I seemed to have grasped the last straw, “You…you must be able to live for many years!”

“Last time I was injured by Orochimaru, plus frequent Using Scorch-Style, my illness has worsened. Although I have been treated by Senior Tsunade, I am unable to Revolving Heaven.” Pakura shake one’s head, “Without using Chakra and having a positive and optimistic mentality, I can at most Live for a year.”

“No…no! There must be a way, I…” I picked up Pakura and left.

“Kurone, don’t bother.” Pakura hugged my arm, “Finally, promise my request? I know I’m going to die soon. This is my last wish.”

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