“Go ahead, I will try my best to promise you.” I slowly calmed down and accepted the reality.

“I have been looking for you for a long time in the past six months. You have not been in Konoha, and Lady Tsunade has no idea where you have gone. So I guess you are probably in Izumo corner.” Pakura said.

“Yes, I retreat in Izumo no Kokaku for a year and just came out.” I blamed myself, if I had come out long ago, Pakura might still be saved.

“Izumo no Kaku, really a paradise, I really like it there.” Pakura’s eyes blurred, as if recalling the healing time, “You have been in retreat for a year, and strength should be improved. That’s a lot, I’m afraid I can’t fight with you anymore.”

“don’t say this, you…” I really can’t find a word to comfort her, “What else do you have My wish, I will help you complete it!”

“Don’t worry, I know you still have someone else in your heart. I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to be your sweetheart in this life.” Pakura leaned on my shoulder, “If it wasn’t for me, where did you plan to go next.”

“My training hasn’t ended yet, this time I’m just taking a break, and I’ll be back to Izumo’s Corner in a few days. Continue to retreat for at least one year.” I said without reservation, “but now I decide to let this matter go and stay with you first. I owe you too much…”

“That’s right, you don’t have to put down training.” Pakura laughed playfully, rubbed my arm, and said, “My wish is that for the last year of my life, I want to stay in Izumo. Horn, I look at you for training every day, and if you are with me, I will have no regrets.”

“Pakura……” My eyes moistened, and my mind kept flashing one after another.

Ten years ago, I accidentally rescued Pakura, who was supposed to be damned, but let this girl spend ten years of Power of Youth waiting for me.

Five years ago, I was ordered to serve Hidden Sand, and I saw Pakura again, by then she had become Kazekage. Then the two of us encountered Akatsuki. Because my strength was damaged at that time, Pakura came forward to fight against Sasori and suffered serious injury. Later, Pakura confessed to me, but I refused.

One year ago, Pakura was seriously injured by Orochimaru. I compromised with Orochimaru and saved her life.

I shouldn’t refuse such a good girl. However, Xiaoxue has already occupied my heart, and can’t accept others anymore.

“Pakura, I’m sorry.” I turned around and held her in my arms, “I owe you too much.”

“You don’t owe me anything, you Saved me twice! I really want to say that I owe you.” Pakura said with a smile, “I am so stupid. I am in love with you and I can’t help myself anymore.”

“I…” I didn’t know what to say, I was speechless for a while.

“Okay, don’t say it, let’s go to Izumo no Kok. For the rest of my life, I will be with you every day.” Pakura chuck and kiss my face Take a mouthful, and then buried his face sorry.

I also have some not knowing what to do, so I quickly turned off the topic: “Don’t you need to explain to the village any more?”

“No, now Gaara is Kazekage, he does It’s not worse than me. The village doesn’t need me anymore. Let’s go, I’m looking forward to a new life.” Pakura looked happy and held my hand tightly for fear that I would run away, “I think it’s possible. It’s the happiest time in my life.”

“Let’s go.” I took Pakura, thoughts move, and returned to Izumo nook.

“Yes, it’s here!” Pakura was very excited when he came to the cabin where he was recovering from the injury, “I often dream about this place, and I finally came back today!”

“You Wait for me one minute, I will take care of something.” I found the two Jonins who were knocked out by me and sent them back to Hidden Sand.

“I’m back.” After doing this, I returned to the cabin and opened the door.

“Welcome home!” Pakura said with a smile on her face.

In the days that followed, I was training Senjutsu at Ryuchi Cave every day, and Pakura sat next to him, looked at me with a smile on his face, and kept my eyes on it, which made me very embarrassed.

Of course, although Izumo no Kaku is an isolated paradise, it is not a small place. So in my spare time, I take Pakura around for fun and picnics. To be honest, I myself haven’t visited every corner of Izumo no Kaku carefully.

In short, I fulfilled my promise to stay with Pakura every day, and make her smile every day. Even, I almost think of her as Xiaoxue. Maybe I miss Xiaoxue too much. In my eyes, the appearance of these two people has gradually overlapped.

Happy times are always very short, and the pointer is quickly drawn to a certain day in a year.

On this day, Pakura and I were having a picnic on the grass. Pakura was arguing with me, and his expression suddenly became serious.

“Kurone…” Pakura looked at me with a gentle face, “Next life, next life, can you let me occupy your heart in the next life, and be good to me alone. Okay…”

“If you really have the next life, I will be a sweetheart with you and give you all the happiness.” I said without hesitation, and suddenly, I noticed something wrong with Pakura’s face.

This year, she has been very naughty and lively, but now she suddenly becomes serious, dont tell me…

“Kurone, I don’t want to go…” Pakura complexion changed, hugged me tightly, tears streaming down my face, “Okay…it hurts…I…I’m going to die…I hurt all over…Hug…Hug me tightly…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, you will be okay.” I comforted Patted Pakura’s back, and then checked her body with Chakra.

I was shocked in an instant, because her blood started to boil, and even the blood in many places had already boiled and solidified.

“How could this happen! Let’s go find Lady Tsunade immediately!” I picked up Pakura and left.

“No…Don’t leave…I…I don’t want to leave this place…” Pakura struggled to shake one’s head, “I…I’m out of help, let me…Let me…Look at the last You will…Okay…I really…really hurts…”

“Okay…” I hold Pakura, sit down slowly, and then hold her face. I kissed him, “Is it any better?”

Pakura’s face showed a happy smile: “Thank you, Kurone.”

But the smile was fleeting. Pakura whole body trembled violently. Needless to say, she was suffering tremendously.

“Quickly…Kill me! My…my wish has been…fulfilled…There is no more…nostalgia…” Pakura shivered and shouted hysterically. , “Quick! Kill me! Don’t be soft! Quick! Please!”

I know, now is not the time to be merciful, kill Pakura to help her get rid of quickly, without having to endure severe pain .

I tossed Pakura into the sky hard, hand-sealed quickly with both hands, and then put my five fingers together to aim at Pakura. A transparent cube immediately wrapped Pakura.

“Pakura, farewell!” With tears in my both eyes, I gritted my teeth and yelled, “Particle-Style · The original world peeled off!”

Pakura barely squeezed out a smile, After saying goodbye, he gave me one last look and closed his eyes.

pa! My palms closed sharply, and Pakura’s body shrank with the cube, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Pakura stayed in Izumo Corner forever, becoming a part of Izumo Corner.

“Pakura…” Damn wiped the tears from his eyes, gazed the sky, and said silently, “Goodbye.”

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