“I hope you have a good time in the Pure Land of Bliss.” I said to myself, “If you see Xiaoxue, please help me take care of her. By the way, tell her that I really want to She.”

I didn’t expect that the first time I used Particle-Style, it turned out to be in this situation, really…

“Hey…I am left alone again. “I returned to the cabin and felt very deserted. Maybe it was because I used to live with Pakura this year. I suddenly became a person again, and I was a little sad.

“Unexpectedly, even though I saved Pakura ten years ago and changed history, she ultimately did not escape the fate of death.” I sighed.

However, Pakura has been completely reduced to ashes, and will not appear again in the Fourth Shinobi World War afterwards. It has escaped the fate of being a Yakushi-Kabuto chess piece, and I don’t know if it is fortunate or unfortunate. .

“Just end here.” I know, now is not the time to be compassionate, after all, there is still a meddlesome waiting for me to do it.

After a short break, I came to the usual training place, sat down, and started to absorb Natural Energy.

As the heart calms down, the natural energy in the air continuously enters my body and quickly fills up my whole body.

“Left White Snake, Right Toad.” I controlled Natural Energy and converted its skilled division into two into Senjutsu Chakra of Mount Myōboku and Senjutsu Chakra of Ryuchi Cave.

“Mount Myōboku, Sage Mode, open!”

As soon as my eyes were closed and opened, the orange Sage eyeshadow appeared, and the red Sage facial makeup spread across my face.

“Mount Myōboku’s Sage Mode is no problem at all.” I closed my eyes again, and Sage Mode slowly faded, “If necessary, I can directly turn on Mount Myōboku’s Sage Mode in seconds.”

“Try Ryuchi Cave’s Sage Mode again!”

As Natural Energy continuously transformed into Ryuchi Cave’s Senjutsu Chakra, some scales gradually appeared on my body, top of the head also slowly grow horns.

However, unlike the soft Senjutsu Chakra of Mount Myōboku, the Senjutsu Chakra of Ryuchi Cave is very violent and it is easy to lose your mind and cultivation deviation. But if you deliberately suppress it, it will weaken the effect of Sage Mode. In the end, you can only enter the imperfect Sage Mode. This is why I have not been able to fully grasp it over the years.

This time, the violent Senjutsu Chakra is once again in my within-the-body flow, and there seems to be a voice circling in my mind.

“Kill… kill everything in front of you… only killing… is the king of promote strength…”

This voice is very magical, if the will is slightly unstable , Will be controlled, cultivation deviation, and become a killing machine.

“Um…” I gritted my teeth, sweating, resisting the temptation of the voice in my head.

I do not intend to use other forces to suppress it this time, but take the risk and let the flow go, otherwise I will never be able to master Sage Mode perfectly. However, no use of strength is no use of strength, I still have to find a way to deal with the side effects.

“Ai, I knew that when I was a guest at the Temple of Fire, I should learn some scriptures from Dilu. The scriptures of Buddhism still have a good effect on stabilizing the mind.” I was helpless. shake one’s head, “Forget it, memorize something indiscriminately, and divert your attention.”

“Recite the Tao Te Ching.” I pondered, since I can’t remember the Buddhist scriptures, the Taoist ones It should be similar, “Dao can be Tao, very Tao; name can be famous, very famous…”




The one behind is not understood…

“Change another one and recite the Three-character Sutra…” I smiled bitterly, “In the beginning of man, nature is good; nature is similar. Xi Xiangyuan; if you don’t teach, your nature is to change; the way of teaching is to specialize…”


“Change another…”


“There is a moonlight in front of the bed, it is suspicious…” I don’t know how long it took to recite, and the restless Chakra finally stabilized.

“It’s now!” I opened my eyes violently, the scales continued to spread on my body, and the dragon horn grew out.

“Sage Mode, it’s finished!”

An exquisite new power spreads in my within-the-body, which is different from the power of peaceful Mount Myōboku Sage Mode. This The force is very violent and aggressive.

“Sage Art·The technique of white excitement!”

A white dragon whizzed out, holding a purple dragon ball in its claws.

This move is very confusing. If you think that the dragon is an attack method, you are very wrong.

bang! Suddenly, the White Dragon exploded fiercely, emitting a strong light and deafening sonic boom, which can make the infected lose sight and sense of hearing for a short time. As for the caster itself, a cornea suddenly grows on the eyeballs and ears, making himself unaffected. Under the influence of strong light and sonic boom, only the caster itself can move freely, and this move is unsolvable.

In original work, when Yakushi-Kabuto used this move, even Itachi suffered a big loss, and finally defeated Yakushi-Kabuto through Izanami.

“If it’s me, is there a way to crack this move?” I asked myself, after thinking and thinking about it, I couldn’t figure out a perfect way to deal with it. I guess I could only use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to run away.

After a long while, the effect of the white shock technique slowly faded, and my Sage Mode was also lifted.

“Although I have mastered it completely, Ryuchi Cave’s Sage Mode is not suitable for me. It is very risky to use. I still don’t want to use it until it is a last resort.” I evaluated the use Risk, I said to myself, “Next is Senjutsu in Shikkotsu Forest.”

It is really troublesome to go to Shikkotsu Forest. It seems that I can only discuss it with Lady Tsunade. , I don’t know if it can be reached by Flying Thunder God Jutsu. If there is a barrier, what should I do?

Suddenly, a bold idea came into my mind.

“No way, no way…This idea is too universally shocking…” I still dispelled this unrealistic idea.

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