“Lady Tsunade, that’s probably the way it is.” I told Tsunade about adding details while telling a story from Great Toad Sage.

“Since it was Great Toad Sage’s prophecy, then I should fully cooperate.” Tsunade spread his hands and said, “But you are going to Shikkotsu Forest, I really can’t do anything.”

“Summoning Justu!” Tsunade bit his finger and slammed it on the table. A little Katsuyu climbed out. “I haven’t been to Shikkotsu Forest, so it’s not very clear. Just ask Katsuyu.”

“Tsunade, what are you looking for?” Katsuyu said with a confused face.

“Kurone, tell it.” Tsunade pointed.

“It’s like this…” I told Katsuyu the whole thing again.

“That’s it…” Katsuyu was stunned for a long time before reacting, and said in surprise, “So you are the successor of Izumo no Kaku!”

“Yes, I have successfully mastered Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku and Ryuchi Cave, and now I’m missing Shikkotsu Forest.” I said quite proudly.

“It’s really the younger generations will surpass us in time. I have learned the two Senjutsu at such a young age.” Katsuyu couldn’t help but admire, “You are what I have seen, and the second one has mastered many kinds of Senjutsu’s genius.”

“The second one?” I was stunned for a moment. “Before me, there are people who… master?”

“Yes, it’s about one hundred A year ago, Shikkotsu Forest was not isolated from the outside world at that time. There was a youngster who was similar to yours and came to me to study Senjutsu in Shikkotsu Forest, but he was masked, very mysterious, and disappeared after he finished his studies. I never saw him again, and I never heard of this character in Ninja World. It seemed to disappear from the face of the earth.” Katsuyu’s eyes were gazed out of the window, as if lost in memory, “Until later, Your First Hokage Senju Hashirama also came to learn Senjutsu. Soon after that, Shikkotsu Forest was cut off from the rest of the world. As for the reason, it is not convenient for me to disclose.”

“It turned out to be the case, can you please ask Katsuyu Lord can help. I want to try. I can’t use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to enter Shikkotsu Forest.” I begged, “After all, this matter is very important to me. I must learn Senjutsu of Shikkotsu Forest.”

“little demon, it’s not that I don’t help you. Even I can’t crack the barrier of Shikkotsu Forest. You can only exit, but cannot enter. Even if you know Space-Time Ninjutsu, it’s useless. I can’t bring your space tag. Go back, otherwise I would have taken Tsunade to Shikkotsu Forest training.” Katsuyu said helplessly.

“But can’t you be taken out by summon?” I scratched my head. “Great Toad Sage also said that you can enter and exit Shikkotsu Forest through summon and inverse summon.”

“toad Maru guy is always confused, don’t listen to it nonsense, it has never been.” Katsuyu said angrily.

“Then how did you go back to Shikkotsu Forest?” I questioned, “Will you not go back after summon?”

“Go back? I won’t go back?” Katsuyu is A look of helplessness.

“What?” I shocked, and I didn’t expect it to answer like that, “What do you mean?”

“En? Then where did you go every time you cancel summon?” Tsunade There are also some surprises.

“Remove summon, my clone will die immediately.” Katsuyu said a confused face, “He doesn’t know, don’t you know? Tsunade. Shikkotsu Forest only has my Katsuyu, every The clone that came out this time is just my clone, I can split it infinitely.”

“You mean?” I instantly understood what it meant. Anyone with an open mouth can put an egg in, “every It’s your clone that came out of summon this time. After you come out, you can’t go back. If you dismiss summon, you just die out?”

“Yes, although every clone is an entity, I It can be split infinitely, and killing a few clones has no effect on me.” Katsuyu said indifferently.

“Well, it’s really simple and rude.” I helplessly spread out, “Is there really no way?”

“Unless you can return to Shikkotsu Forest and close Go ahead, otherwise there’s really no way.” Katsuyu said, “However, although the old fellow of Toad Maru is not reliable, its prediction is still very accurate. Since it says you can learn the three Senjutsu, there must be Way, don’t be discouraged.”

“Okay.” I had no choice but to nodded, “many thanks Katsuyu Sage.”

“Nothing is wrong with me, then I will leave first “Katsuyu suddenly said, “By the way, Hashirama should leave some training Senjutsu notes. You may ask Tsunade to find it, and it may help you.”

After that, it turned into a bang. A pool of water.

“Really dead?” Tsunade looked curiously. The water on the table slowly evaporated, then lifts the head and said to me, “My grandfather did leave the diary and experience of training Senjutsu. I leave it at my house, I’ll take you there, I hope it’s helpful to you.”

Along the way, I thought about Katsuyu Sage, I don’t think I can learn Shikkotsu Forest from First Hokage’s notes alone. Senjutsu. Is it really the only way to return to Shikkotsu Forest before it was closed? This coincides with my bold idea, but it is too fantasy story.

When we came to Tsunade’s house, Tsunade dug up a pile of yellowed books from the innermost part of the basement, and then pulled out a notebook exuding ancient aura from the bottom mezzanine.

“This is my grandfather’s notes. I have read it several times, but my innate talent is so bad that I haven’t touched any fur.” ​​Tsunade sighed, “Give it to you, I hope it treats you somewhat Help.”

“many thanks Lady Tsunade.” I am thankful nodded.

“This is too boring, you go back and see.” Tsunade waved his hand, “It’s okay to come back to the village more often, don’t be like Jiraiya, fool around outside all day long.”

I laughed in embarrassment, bid farewell to Tsunade, did not go home, and went straight back to the cabin in Izumo nook.

I found a chair and sat down. I couldn’t wait to open the notes. An old aura mixed with yellowed pages was distributed.

“It seems that it takes too long and the paper is beginning to rot.” I clutched my nose and turned it slowly.

Suddenly, a diary attracted my attention.

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