Warring States, one hundred and seventy years, June 7th, sunny

Yesterday was my crowning day, and my father Senju Hotokema told me a clan Secret.

It turns out that Senju Clan has been signing a contract with Shikkotsu Forest. The young group of extraordinary talents will have the opportunity to go to Shikkotsu Forest to learn Senjutsu. This is a very powerful force.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, Senju Clan has not shown any outstanding talents, and even father was rejected by Shikkotsu Forest.

And my eternal rival, Uchiha Madara, who is also a friend, not long ago and his younger brother Uchiha Izuna acquired a huge power called Mangekyo Sharingan. The balance of the original two clans was broken, and now I can no longer deal with Uchiha Madara.

So, father had to let me go to Shikkotsu Forest and learn Senjutsu to fight Uchiha Clan.

Because of the important secrets of clan, the specific location of Shikkotsu Forest is only circulated among the Clan Leaders of each generation, so I will not record it in my diary. In short, mysterious Shikkotsu Forest is in a very remote and dangerous place. Father sent me to a far place, pointed me the direction, and went back.

I followed the guide, entered the legendary Shikkotsu Forest, and met a mysterious person.

This person is wearing a strange mask with Uchiha’s aura on him, and he directly reported my name. I thought it was the enemy Uchiha Clan got in, so I fought him directly without asking.

Unexpectedly, this person’s strength is very strong, not only can use Five-Attributes changes, but also use Ninjutsu mostly I have not seen. After a fight, I accidentally fell into the losing end and was subdued by him.

I thought it would be dead this time, Katsuyu Sage suddenly appeared, stopped our fight, and told me that this man is not an enemy, but also came to learn Senjutsu from Shikkotsu Forest, but he just couldn’t tell me about him. Identity.

out of blows friendship grows, after some conversation, except that he didn’t tell me about his identity, he taught me a lot of Ninjutsu’s tricks, which benefited me a lot.

Senju Hashirama

I looked through the notes left by looked at First-Kage. The mysterious person recorded in it is very interesting to me. Pondered carefully, I think I probably guessed the mysterious The identity of the person.

In the following diary, First-Kage recorded the experience and experience of learning Senjutsu, as well as the spar communication with the mysterious person. What makes him very puzzled is that the mysterious person’s innate talent is obviously much better than him, but he hasn’t learned Senjutsu for a long time. Instead, it was Senju Hashirama himself. After about two years, he almost mastered Senjutsu.

Outside the battle between Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan has intensified. Senju Clan’s Clan Leader Senju Hotokema and Uchiha Clan’s Clan Leader Uchiha Tajima were perish together in a battle. Uchiha Madara inherited the position of Clan Leader, and Senju Clan has no heads, which is very bad.

So, after Senju Hashirama roughly mastered Senjutsu, he was about to leave Shikkotsu Forest.

The whole note is almost at the end here, but the content on the last page is actually left by the mysterious person.

Furthermore, the Chinese cursive script is used:

How about, is it very unexpected to see here? It is very important to be patient and watch it.

Hashirama is about to leave Shikkotsu Forest. In the past two years, we have spar exchanges with each other and let each other mention quite high. I looked at him and gradually mastered Senjutsu, which made me envious.

I have been in Shikkotsu Forest for twenty-five years, and I haven’t fully mastered Senjutsu. It’s really like a year.

Hashirama is going to leave soon, I see that his notes are still two pages empty, so please ask him, let me leave these few paragraphs.

I know that in the future you will definitely be able to read this text, otherwise I would not risk changing history to write these words. I don’t know how to call you, so I won’t call you at all. Anyway, when you read this text, you will know who I am.

Okay, the paper is almost running out, so I will make a long story short. The historic site of Roran is in a piece of Gobi in Land-of-Wind, approximately 20 degrees southwest of Hidden Sand Village, 519 kilometers away.

There is a large area of ​​ruins, with a dilapidated tower in the middle. That’s right, I think you probably guessed what I was going to say, by the way, it’s Ryumyaku! Ryumyaku capable of transmigrated time and space.

There is a seal left by Fourth Hokage on Ryumyaku. You only need to unlock the seal and inject your Chakra to open Ryumyaku. I know you should be wondering whether Ryumyaku will send you to a messy era, I can tell you clearly, no. For specific things, wait for you to open Ryumyaku and then understood.

Since you have guessed my identity, then you will naturally have no doubts about my words, and you can trust me unconditionally. Also, don’t ask why I know this, because I don’t know either.

As for other information, it is inconvenient for me to disclose too much to you, otherwise it will seriously affect the course of history, and the butterfly effect generated will not be affordable for me.

Let me think again, what else I have to explain. Remember to put on a mask, don’t leave any information about you in that era, and don’t worry about the nostalgia of that era. You live or die, don’t save people blindly.

In short, finish studying Senjutsu in Shikkotsu Forest as soon as possible, and leave as soon as possible. Staying in this place where birds do not shit for several decades is simply better than death.

That’s it, I can’t write anything later.

Xie Qi

Written ninety years ago

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