“Sure enough, this is the case.”

Seeing the final inscription, I really confirmed my thoughts. I had this bold idea before, which was to use Ryumyaku in the ruins of Roran, transmigrated time and space, and go back to Shikkotsu Forest when it was not closed to learn Senjutsu. It’s just that this idea was too universally shocking, so I suppressed it. But this time, I saw the notes I left ninety years ago, showing that this road seems to work.

However, the information in the notes tells me that I seem to be staying in Shikkotsu Forest for 25 years, and Senjutsu has not made any progress.

This is very uncomfortable. In the battle with Pain when I was twenty-nine, I used the technique of division and the remaining lifespan was halved. If my original lifespan was eighty years old, then I can only live to fifty-five years old now. But I am now thirty-six years old, and after twenty-five years I will be sixty-one years old. Since I am still alive, then my original lifespan should be more than 80 years old. Then it is considered that the original lifespan is 100 years old, it should be the limit, my current lifespan should be 65 years old. In other words, I still have three or four years to master Senjutsu in Shikkotsu Forest. However, Sage White Snake told me that the difficulty of learning the third Senjutsu is a thousand times that of the first one, and one hundred times that of the second one, so if you give me a hundred years, you may not be able to learn it.

Forget it, why do I think so much? Maybe I can have any unexpected fortuitous encounters when I transmigrated time and space.

“Sooner rather than later, I will start now.”

A large number of Flying Thunder God Jutsu talisman paper, Ninja Tool, etc., filled with my Ninja Tool Pouch. Of course, in order to reduce some unnecessary troubles, I also brought a lot of seal food scrolls. As for money, it is estimated that the money a hundred years ago cannot be used with the present, and there is no need.

“It should be less than half a year before Naruto returns to the village.” I carried Qingfeng on my back and put on the mask I used in Anbu, “I don’t know when I will return. , I hope I can catch up with the last big battle.”

Thoughts move, I went directly to the place where Land-of-Wind is closest to the Roran monument.

“This is about a hundred kilometers away from the Ruins of Roran recorded in the notes.” I looked at the vast Gobi, “This mark was left during the last battle with Hidden Stone. It’s been almost ten years.”

“It’s not the time to miss, the ghost knows what mess in the Gobi.” I rushed towards the destination.

With my current strength, I can fly directly with Particle-Style. There is no one here anyway, and I fly the fastest.

After almost an hour, I saw a shadow in ruins on the horizon.

sou! pu!

I speeded up and flew over and landed on the soft sand.


“Ahhhhhhh Ahhhh!” As soon as I landed, I was scalded and flew up, “Ma Ye burned me to death!”

Unexpectedly, the sand here is so hot, it is estimated that throw a raw egg down and it will be cooked directly. I wrapped my feet with Ice-Style, and continued to transport Chakra, finally barely able to walk on the sand.

“This ruin doesn’t seem to be very long, so it’s probably abandoned for several decades.” I can vaguely see that the road I am walking on is probably the original main road, “but it is also. In the original work, when Naruto and the others transmigrated to the Lost Tower, Roran had not abandoned it. At that time, Fourth Hokage was still very young, so at most it was more than 20 years ago.”

I wanted to search. Whether there are any good things left in the ruins is mainly because I am more curious, but after strolling around a few houses that have not completely collapsed, I lost interest. It’s either empty or just rags of furniture and daily necessities, which are of no use.

“Forget it, no time wasting.” I plan to go directly to the Lost Tower in the center.

Walking back to the street, I suddenly felt some vibration on the ground.

“What’s the situation? An earthquake?” I’m not afraid of an earthquake. I’m just afraid that if the lost tower collapses, it won’t be easy.

However, as a precaution, I still left some Flying Thunder God Jutsu marks on the wall on the side of the road. As for why you don’t use talisman paper, firstly it’s not necessary. The talisman paper is for emergency use during battle. One less one is used. Now there is enough time for me to leave a mark with Chakra. Secondly, the talisman paper will be used for a long time. Corruption has not been marked for long.

After finishing these, I continue to walk towards the center.

Suddenly, the ground of my underfoot suddenly cracked, and a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl swallowed me.

“Mom, fortunately, I left Flying Thunder God Jutsu’s mark. It’s really hanging!” I walked out from the street and looked at the monster emerging from the ground, “I almost let you I ate it.”

This monster is about two meters long and looks a bit like some kind of worm. Its eyes are a bit like a snail, and its mouth has very scary fangs.

“What the hell is this.” I looked at this monster carefully, but I was not afraid. After all, my current strength, nothing can threaten me.

Suddenly, the monster closed his mouth, then a large bag bulged in his body and gradually moved upward.

“Not good! It’s going to vomit something!” I quickly hand seal with my hands, I am not afraid of returning, I can’t stand waiting for death, “Crystal-Style · Crystal Wall!”

pu! A burst of yellow and green liquid spouted from monster’s mouth.


My crystal array walls have slowly dissolved.

“Oh! Strong acid, powerful enough.” I looked at the slowly melting crystal wall, a little surprised.

roar! The monster roared and rushed towards me.

“You can spray strong acid, so will I!” I am preparing A Tooth For A Tooth, hand seal with my hands quickly, “Lava-Style · Monster Melting Technique!”

pu! I also sprayed a strong acid from my mouth and sprinkled it on the monster.

“What? It didn’t work?” But since this guy uses strong acid as an attack, it is not surprising that he is immune to strong acid.

“En? This is…” I suddenly noticed some faint lightning arc flashing in the monster’s mouth, “Can this monster still discharge?”

Stab! When the monster was five meters away from me, a powerful lightning current hit me, making me feel a little numb.

“Very powerful lightning current, general Genin, even non-Lightning Attribute Chunin, it is estimated that they can be stunned directly.” I moved my body and looked open my bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl The blame rushed towards me and pulled out the Azure Edge Sword.

The long-term flight consumes a lot of Chakra, and I am too lazy to use a large-scale Ninjutsu. I am ready to solve it easily. Anyway, it just looks like an insect that’s all.

“Lightning-Style · Thunder Light Swordization!”

shua~ shua~ shua~!

I directly cut the monster’s head into several pieces. I squatted down and examined it carefully.

“Hey…this insect seems…how does it look like a death worm?”

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