“Are you?” I looked at this mysterious person with a vigilant face. His strength is far beyond me. If I do it, I will definitely die.

Should I make the first move? This can also take the initiative. Forget it, I may not be able to get anything cheap if I start first. If this guy doesn’t have an evil intent, it won’t be good if I provoke him.

“I am…” The mysterious person leaned forward and raised his right hand. A powerful lightning condensed in his hand.

“Fuck!” Under his influence, I was able to move around freely. I hurried back two steps, immediately hand-seal and opened Sharingan.

Since this guy is going to attack me, then I can’t justify it if I don’t fight back. Even if I can’t beat him, I will go on, anyway.

“Raikiri!” In this dark space, the blue lightning is very dazzling. The mysterious person is only a few meters away from me, almost impossible to hide.

“Although I don’t know who you are, eat me first!” I gritted my teeth and slammed Raikiri into his heart.

Unexpectedly, Raikiri hit him in the chest. It had no effect at all. He couldn’t even leave a mark on his armor.

“What are you excited about? I won’t hit you again.” The mysterious person grabbed my arm.

My arm was instantly unable to move even a little bit, like being clamped by pliers, even Chakra stopped flowing.

“Then what do you mean?” I stared at this person vigilantly. As long as he did anything against me, I would immediately open Eight-Inner Gates.

“Why? The first time I saw your life-saving benefactor, I made a big fight, can’t it be said, Xie Qi?” The mysterious person said with a smile and let go of my arm.

“You…how do you know my name…who are you?” I shocked.

“You can call me Officer Lei Ling. I cannot tell you my specific identity. Knowing too much now is not good for you. Later, you will understand.” Officer Lei Ling extends the hand , A powerful lightning condensed in his hands.

Here is this move again? However, it should not be against me, so I did not avoid this time.

“open!” Officer Lei Ling shouted violently and threw the lightning away.

Lightning flew up tens of meters, exploded, and turned into a big screen.

“This is!” My eyes were fixed on the screen.

A young man was blown into the air in the bunker of the Academy training grounds. Then, time froze in an instant, and a hole was torn in the air, revealing the void inside. One wearing a black matte armor The hand pulled me up and threw me inside the Void.

Stab it! The screen shrank instantly, turned into a light spot, and disappeared.

“Understand now.” Officer Lei Ling held his arm and looked at me playfully.

“It turned out to be like this.” It suddenly dawned on me, and I immediately bowed to him, “many thanks, senior Lei Ling official life-saving grace, I was really offended just now, sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Officer Lei Ling waved his hand, “Do you have anything else you want to ask? As long as it doesn’t involve secrets, I can answer your doubts as much as possible.”

“I have never heard of the abilities of seniors. I don’t know what realm the senior is, it should be, at least God Level Peak, right?” I asked tentatively.

“I am now at the spiritual official level.” Official Lei Ling said staying calm and collected.

“What kind of realm is the Lingguan level, I forgive Junior for his shallow knowledge and never heard of it.” I am a confused face, “Can seniors give me some advice.”

“No blame You, on this plane you are in, there is only one spiritual official, and it is hidden in the city. The remaining, the strongest is only God Level, and even Sage level is very rare. You have never heard of it. Normal.” Officer Lei Ling said slowly, “I will tell you in detail.”

“You should be familiar with the realm below the God Level, so I won’t say more. When God Level Peak is immortal, it can attract divine calamity. If Transcending Tribulation succeeds, it will be led to a higher-level plane and become a God Level Expert; if Transcending Tribulation fails, there are three possibilities, First Type , Directly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke; second, survived by fluke, and became a semi-God Level expert, also called loose immortal, but could never lead to tribulation again; third, although he died because of the failure of Transcending Tribulation, he was Deva Path Fancy, re-enter the cycle, this kind of person is called the spiritual official. If they can Complete Awakening in their lifetime, they can reach the pseudo God Level, which is no different from the God Level, except that the strength will be suppressed by the plane, only in the chaos of time and space. You can use your full strength only after you have successfully re-transcending or re-transcending the Tribulation.” Lei Ling said, “I am the spiritual official now.”

“In other words, senior, you are half God Level. The expert, and the messenger selected by Deva Path.” I looked shocked and looked at the Lei Ling officer in front of him, speechless, “I didn’t expect that I would meet such an expert. Then you can easily defeat Kaguya. ?”

“As for the Kaguya of your plane? She just ate the fruit of Divine Tree and forcibly promoted to God Level Early-Stage. Although she is already at the top of your plane, I can run her to death with one finger.” Officer Lei Ling laughed contemptuously, “In the same realm, two small levels of difference are already a moat, let alone a great realm difference.”

” That’s right. “I suddenly thought of something, this senior is so strong, can he bring Xiaoxue back to life, and even bring me back to my original plane.

“Senior, I have a request…but… “

“No way! Officer Lei Ling raised his hand and interrupted me, “I know what you are going to say, no!” I am now in the critical period of Awakening. All of your requests are against Deva Path. If I help you, there will be no one step further in this life. “

“Well, I understand seniors. “I was instantly lost. Indeed, I was impossible and pointed him to give up his own cultivation base to help me.

“However, don’t be discouraged, rely on your own strength, it is not impossible. Officer Lei Ling comforted me.

“Me?” I’m barely touching the edge of Kage Level now. It’s too far away from the realm of the predecessors. “I shake one’s head.

“If you don’t work now, it doesn’t mean you won’t work in the future. Officer Lei Ling laughed, “Otherwise, you wouldn’t risk stepping into the turbulence of time and space, right? “

“Am I…really okay?” “I lifts the head, looked at Officer Lei Ling’s eyes.

“Of course. Officer Lei Ling raised his head, gazed into the void, as if thinking of something, “Because I used to be the same as you.” “

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