“Senior, you mean, you used to…”

“It happened a long time ago, so let’s not talk about it.” Officer Lei Ling retracted his thoughts , Stared at me and said, “You cannot control the direction of the Space-Time Tunnel below the half God Level. I am waiting for you here to take you to the time you want to go.”

“Senior knows Where am I going?” I asked casually, but pondered, there is a difference of three great realms between us, his ability is beyond my guess.

Lei Ling’s official face was expressionless, indifferent expression.

“One more thing, I should not have much lifespan left. I’m afraid I won’t have time to learn Senjutsu of Shikkotsu Forest.” I said worriedly.

“It’s okay.” Officer Lei Ling raised his hand and clicked on my eyebrows, “I have set a time limit for you. In a hundred years, your body will not age. I will I sent you one hundred and fifteen years ago, but you have to remember that after one hundred years, whether you have learned Senjutsu in Shikkotsu Forest or not, you must come back, otherwise, you will die.”

“Why is it a hundred years? Can’t it be longer?” I continued to ask. To be honest, I really can’t guarantee that I can learn Senjutsu of Shikkotsu Forest in a hundred years.

“Of course not, because one hundred years later, you will come to this Naruto World. This world cannot have two you. If you still exist, then there is one you will be erased.” Official Lei Ling said seriously.

“Then you can’t send me to a more distant age? I’m afraid that a hundred years will not be enough.” I continued to ask brazenly, wanting to buy more time for myself.

“Why are you so much nonsense, that time to send you is already my limit, when I am Divine Immortal?” Officer Lei Ling cursed, almost raising his hand to beat me.

“Aren’t you Divine Immortal…” I whispered.

Officer Lei Ling ignored me and slapped me on the chest, “There are two more gifts for you.”

A light spot entered my body, I I tore off my clothes and saw a pattern of “reverse” appeared on my chest, shining with faint golden rays of light.

“I finally exchanged this power from the Light Spirit Officer. There is a very powerful Time Law in it. Since your current strength is still unable to activate, wait for you to master Izumo Horn. Sage Mode, you can barely use it once when you reach the God Level. As for what this power is, when the time comes, you will understood.” Speaking of this, Lei Ling said quite painfully. It seems that for this, you have to pay A lot of price.

“Many thanks Senior.” I bowed gratefully. I was very touched that a super expert could help me in this way.

“Don’t talk nonsense, there is this.” Officer Lei Ling slapped my arm again, “and this, this is part of my strength.”

A ball of lightning was integrated into my right hand, and a small lightning pattern appeared on the palm of my palm, flashing blue rays of light.

“This is one of my tricks, Nine Nether Sky Thunder. You can only activate it after you reach the middle of God Level, but you have to remember that there is only one chance. You must wait until the last moment to use it. Below half God Level, one hit kill. Remember?”

“Remember, senior.” I looked at the imprint on my hand and chest, and said solemnly.

“By the way, senior, you are so strong, can you…” I suddenly thought, if Officer Lei Ling goes to Naruto World with me, it will be easy to clean up Kaguya.

“I know what you are going to say, this plane can only withstand the expert of God Level Peak, so I can’t go there to help you. What I am doing now is what I can do within the scope of Deva Path’s permission Do your best. As for other things, it’s up to you.” Officer Lei Ling said with some contempt, “Don’t always refer to others as being gazed. It’s true that you are strong.”

Lei Lingguan’s words made me very ashamed, and I immediately nodded: “Senior is right. I should not rely on others. I will work hard to enhance my strength.”

“Well, you are turbulent in time and space. I’ve been in it for long enough, it’s time to go.” Officer Lei Ling waved and removed something like the barrier, and I immediately felt the huge force around me pushing me, and the sound of hu hu wind in my ears. Just being close to Officer Lei Ling, I can barely stabilize my figure.

“Good voyage.” Officer Lei Ling walked over calmly as if walking on the beach, grabbed my clothes, and threw me out. “We will have a chance to I met.”

“Ahhhhhhh Ahhhh!” I was like being caught in a wave, drifting with the current, completely unable to control my body.

Is this a semi-God Level expert? I thought to myself, it was too powerful to be able to walk on the ground in the turbulent flow of time and space.

“sooner or later one day, I also want to be such an expert!” I fist clenched and vowed secretly.

Slowly, in the endless turbulence, I lost my intuition, and the endless darkness enveloped me.

Suddenly, a trace of rays of light shone on my face. I opened my eyes and saw a white hole in the distance, emitting rays of light. As we get closer and closer, the rays of light become more intense and dazzling.

I covered my eyes subconsciously, and suddenly, the deafening wind in my ears disappeared.

I took my hand away, only to realize that I was actually falling tens of meters in the sky.

“Ahhhhhhh Ahhhh! To death to death!” After falling more than ten meters quickly, I realized that I can control my body. I almost forgot that I was out of turbulence in time and space.

“Particle-Style · Flight!” I quickly hand seal, let myself float in the sky, and then slowly land on the ground.

“This is…Is it here?” I looked up and looked at the Lost Tower in front of me, “Isn’t it just playing the jumper, this is more than a hundred years ago?”

As soon as I turned around, I was shocked, because there was an endless desert in front of me, and all the previous houses were gone.

“It seems that I really came to a hundred and fifteen years ago.” I glanced around and confirmed that in this vast desert, there is only this lost person who does not know the age. The tower stands here, and the surroundings are deserted and there is no trace of civilization.

“It seems that transmigrated was successful.” I called yawn and confirmed that the things I carried were not lost, and then I was about to leave.

Suddenly, there was a very violent vibration on the ground, and my underfoot ground cracked.

“Welcome me as soon as you come.”

I slowly drew Azure Edge Sword……

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