
As the ground cracked, I was soaring high into the air, and the underfoot sprang out densely packed death worms.

“Fuck, I didn’t expect that there were so many death worms more than a hundred years ago.” Looked at the bottom, there are less than a hundred and eighty death worms. I was a little surprised, “I just ran directly. , I have to deal with all these insects. It’s easy to run, and it takes a lot of effort to deal with so many insects. But…If you don’t deal with it, I will be besieged again when I come back…”

“Count your bad luck, just give me a try on Ninjutsu.” I floated in the sky and quickly hand-seal with both hands, “Water-Style · The water dragon bites!”

shua! Two huge water dragons came out from under the ground and held a death worm in their mouths.

His… Within a few seconds, the water dragon exploded, and the water evaporated.

“I’m so stupid, how can I use Water-Style in the desert.” I shake one’s head, “I am not Second Hokage, and I use Water-Style Ninjutsu in such water-deficient places. , The formidable power is too small and unstable. This formidable power is already the limit.”

“Then try the crowd attack Ninjutsu.” I quickly hand seal again, “Crystal-Style ·Senbon lasing!”

whiz whiz whiz!

Countless crystals Senbon moved towards the ground, but the result was not as smooth as I expected. Before Senbon hit the death worm, they quickly sank to the ground.

After the Qianbon rain, the death worms sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain and pointed their mouths at me.

“roar!” A relatively large death worm roared, and other death worms responded. It seems that this should be the leader.

puff puff puff!

one after another acid shot at me.

“It will actually end up, it seems that I underestimated these insects.” I was frowned, my fingers flew up and down, “Fire-Style · Great Fire Annihilation!”


The hot flame sprayed out, directly evaporating the venom, and swept away to the insects.

“roar!” In the flames came the roar and struggling figures of insects.

After a long time, the flames dissipated and I fell to the ground. There are many insect corpses lying on the ground.

I glanced at it and frowned: “Why are there only a dozen corpses? No! Most of the insects have gone down again!”

roar! A bloody mouth wide open like A sacrificial bowl drilled out of my underfoot, trying to swallow me.

I instantly opened the third-gate of Eight-Inner Gates, and then quickly ejected. Every time I jump into a clearing, there is a death worm waiting for me.

“Lightning-Style. Lightning breakdown!” Before landing again, I inserted Qingfeng into the ground and injected a lot of lightning.

roar! There was a low roar from below the ground, and then there was no sound.

I landed on the ground smoothly, but all around were death worms glare like a tiger watching his prey, and I fell into a lot of encirclement.

“Let’s solve you all at once, save time and waste.” I put away Qingfeng, and immediately hand-seal, “Water-Style · Take the original water!”

pu ! I sprayed a large pool of viscous liquid, which firmly stuck all the dead worms to the ground.

This move Ninjutsu was invented by Konoha’s Chunin Shinyuki Izumo. Although it is C-Rank’s Ninjutsu, it is very practical. In the original work, even Kakuzu almost got the trick.

This Jutsu transforms Chakra into water gluten and spit it out from the mouth, which fills the ground like a puddle. As long as the foot steps on the water gluten, the enemy can stick to it. The water, which has become extremely viscous due to being mixed with Chakra, is sprayed out over a wide area. Enemies who accidentally enter this range will not be able to move. If Chakra is allowed to flow at the bottom of their feet, they can move freely, which can effectively reduce the enemy’s range of action. Moreover, this Ninjutsu is one of the few Water-Style Ninjutsu that is suitable for use in places where water is scarce.

This move was a long, long time ago. When I didn’t participate in Chunin Exams, Kakashi taught me this move. I didn’t expect to come in handy here.

“Hehe, I can’t drill into the sand.” I looked very proud of the death worms struggling on the ground.

After struggling for a while, the death worms suddenly stopped moving and pointed their heads at me. The scene was terrifying.

“This is?” I looked puzzled, and suddenly found that a lightning arc gradually appeared in front of the death worms’ mouths, “Not good! To discharge!”

“Then Bibi Who is faster!” I also not to be outdone, and immediately hand seal, “Lightning-Style ·all directions thunderstorm!”

When the lightning current of the death worm was about to shoot at me, I punched Knocked in the water.

Stab it! The powerful lightning current braved the blue light, crawling all over the body of every dead worm. In order to ensure that these annoying insects can be electrocuted, I injected a lot of Chakra.

Sure enough, all the insects are cooked directly by the powerful lightning current.

“It’s finally solved, my Chakra is almost exhausted.” I turned around and prepared to leave.

roar! Suddenly roar came from behind. As soon as I turned around, I found a death worm pounced at me.

“Fuck, why there is one more.” My Chakra is almost used, so I have to pull out the Azure Edge Sword and prepare for a hand-to-hand fight.

This death worm is one size bigger than the others. It should be the leader who gave orders. I didn’t expect it to be so resistant. After being hit by Lightning-Style, it didn’t die.

Just as the death worm was about to pounce on me, several sky-splitting sounds came.

whiz whiz whiz!

Several lances plunged into the body of the death worm. The death worm ate pain. The figure paused. I took advantage of the momentum and cut off its head.

Following the direction where Lance threw, a few people dressed as natives ran towards me.

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