“The youngster is so handsome.” An older beard smiled at me.

“Yes, it’s amazing to be able to kill so many Das Worms at once.” Another young native said.

“I am afraid that the War God Nars of our tribe is not his opponent, right.” Another youngster said.

“Nonsense, Nars War God invincible in the whole world, how could you be defeated!” Beard solemnly rebuked, “If you talk nonsense, I will take care of you.”

“It was…” the youngster curl one’s lip murmured.

“Say it!” Beard raised his hand to hit the youngster, and several other youngsters stopped.

“Uh…” they argued, I scratched my head and asked, “Sorry, where are you from? Do you live near here?”

I heard I spoke, and the few people immediately stopped arguing.

“Yes, hero, our tribe is named Roran, and it’s not far away within the valley.” Beard said respectfully.

“don’t, don’t, don’t, I can’t afford the title hero, and I have nothing to do.” I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Now, I just killed a few insects that’s all.

“The hero is humble.” Beard said with a smile, “You killed the hero of the Das Worm race, but you helped us a lot.”

“Da Siwomu?” I looked at him with some doubts, and then pointed to the death worms on the ground, “Are you talking about these death worms?”

“Death worms? Haha, good image. “Beard smiled heartily and nodded, “The hero should be from outside, and may be called something different from ours. We call this kind of insect called Das Worm. It is a serious disaster in our area. For hundreds of years, Our tribe has been fighting against the insect group, and many people have died. Today, the hero wiped out the entire Daswomu group, and we don’t have to worry about being attacked when we go out.”

“Yes Ah yeah, hero, you are really amazing. It’s Divine Immortal. This insect is difficult to deal with. Seven or eight of us can barely deal with one. Even the War God Nars, the once-in-a-century tribe of our tribe, can only Dealing with three Darth Worms at the same time, the hero, you killed more than 100 by yourself, too…” The youngster next to him became more excited as he spoke, his saliva spurted.

“Okay, why are you so excited, your saliva is almost drowning the hero.” Beard interrupted Youngster’s words with a wave, and laughed at me, “Let you laugh, you are free If I’m not as good as coming to my tribe, I think the queen would be happy if she knew that you got rid of Das Worm.”

“Uh…” I pondered, although The time to learn Senjutsu is relatively fast, but it’s not bad for one day or two days. I am quite curious about this Roran tribe. It’s okay to be a guest, maybe there is any unexpected harvest, “Okay, just because I have time, then deference is no substitute for obedience.”

“The strong man will follow us.”

Under the guidance of beard, after walking three kilometers, we came to a valley. The two sides of this valley are facing straight cliffs nearly 100 meters high. The cliffs are separated by dozens of meters. At the entrance of the valley is a gate made of large rocks with a height of more than ten meters. Sentry tower.

“Oh! It’s so spectacular.” Gazed the gate, I emotionally said, “The terrain of this place is really good, easy to defend and difficult to attack, nature is really supernaturally fine craft.”

“That’s natural. Our ancestors discovered this good place hundreds of years ago, so they moved here.” Beard moved towards the door shouted, “Kammen, Gate of Opening, I’m back.”

“Oh, Lie Shou, I came back so early, did you catch the prey?” The tower on the door suddenly stuck out a head, and asked with a smile, “This is? Looked. .”

“That’s right, we saw this hero kill Das Worm on the road, so we invited him to our tribe as a guest, and quickly open the door, just to catch up with the queen. Dinner.” Beard explained.

“A person killed Das Worm? That’s really a hero!” The man named Kanmen at the door stood in awe, “I’m the Gate of Opening.”


The gate opened and the beard led me into their tribe. The space inside was not small. There was a gap of fifty meters between the two cliffs, along the cliffs. On the side, there is a row of stone houses made of rocks. There are one storey and two or three storeys. Between the two rows of houses is an aisle nearly thirty meters wide.

I turned five-six hundred meters away, and a very tall palace appeared in front of me.

“This is the end of the valley, and there is a cliff in the back. This valley has only the exit just now.” Beard explained, “The palace in front of you is our queen.”

“Well, the layout of your tribe is quite interesting.” I glanced around curiously, “According to etiquette, should I visit your queen.”

“Well, a little hero Wait, I go first to report to the Queen Your Majesty, and then let the hero in.” Beard said and approached the palace, the two guards at the door asked about it, and then let it go.

“The hero, if there is nothing wrong, we will go home first. See you tonight.” The remaining youngsters greeted me and left separately.

I was idle and bored by myself, so I strolled around the gate of the palace, and suddenly found that a stone tablet was erected at the gate of the palace, so I walked over.

“Can I take a look at this stone tablet?” I asked the guard. After all, this is their place. Running around is definitely not good.

“Yes, as long as you don’t enter the palace, you can visit the outside of the palace at will.” The guard said blankly.

“Thank you.” I bent down and looked at this stone tablet carefully.

An eye is engraved on the stone tablet. Although it is very concise, this eye gives people a bottomless feeling.

“What a weird stone tablet, what do you mean?” I said to myself.

“Are you the outsider who killed the entire Dasholm race?” Suddenly, a woman’s voice came from behind me.

“En?” I stood up and looked back, suddenly shocked.

The person here is a young woman with a purple veil, a lavender silk tutu, wheat skin color, and sky blue pupils’ eyes are even more fascinating, quite a Foreign Land style.

Seeing that I was shocked, the woman pu chi laughed out loud, even more charming.

“Hero, this is our queen.” Beard reminded me.

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